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Labor Party in the UK (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I've heard of this party called the Labor party in the UK and I recently found out that its actually a democratic socialist party. I was curious to know how democratic socialism works out for the Brits? Is it any better or worse or is it much different then capitalism etc.?
FinnMacCool said:
I've heard of this party called the Labor party in the UK and I recently found out that its actually a democratic socialist party. I was curious to know how democratic socialism works out for the Brits? Is it any better or worse or is it much different then capitalism etc.?

I'm not from britatian, but general in europe we have big democratic socialist partys. But because there are reformist and not revolutionist, there practises today is alot of socialliberalism meaning "nicer capitalist". Also UK is one of the most rightwing countries in western europe with one of the most right wing socialist partys. Instead it is the nordic countries like my country that is most socialist, but only meaning that we have strong unions, relativly low income gaps a big public sector, even if also have a big private sector. But all countries including USA and North Corea is a mix of capitalism and socialism, private and public the diffrence only lies in the proportions.
FinnMacCool said:
I've heard of this party called the Labor party in the UK and I recently found out that its actually a democratic socialist party. I was curious to know how democratic socialism works out for the Brits? Is it any better or worse or is it much different then capitalism etc.?

Well its true that the Labour Party is meant to be a socialist party, that is what it was founded as. But Tony Blair has changed it when he took over leadership, its called NEW Labour. This NEW Labour is pretty much conservative. So in the UK we have a conservative party in charge and a conservative party in opposition... good balance.
Oh wow Garza I feel bad for you. Thats even worse then our situation here in the good ol' US. Thanks for the replies.

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