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Kroger starts use of unmanned vehicles for delivery in Arizona (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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(Reuters) - U.S. supermarket chain Kroger Co (KR.N) said on Tuesday it has started using unmanned autonomous vehicles to deliver groceries Scottsdale, Arizona in partnership with Silicon Valley startup Nuro.

The delivery service follows a pilot program started by the companies in Scottsdale in August and involved Nuro’s R1, a custom unmanned vehicle.
I knew the future had arrived when my chip credit card terminals issued orders telling me what to do to pay for my liquid refreshments this afternoon.

(Reuters) - U.S. supermarket chain Kroger Co (KR.N) said on Tuesday it has started using unmanned autonomous vehicles to deliver groceries Scottsdale, Arizona in partnership with Silicon Valley startup Nuro.

The delivery service follows a pilot program started by the companies in Scottsdale in August and involved Nuro’s R1, a custom unmanned vehicle.
I knew the future had arrived when my chip credit card terminals issued orders telling me what to do to pay for my liquid refreshments this afternoon.

The problem here is that they are counting on customers to actually deal with the food when it pulls up, and if they dont all the refrigerated and frozen stuff likely becomes food waste, which somebody has to pay for.

We'll See.

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