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Khashoggi Theories (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Since there is no definitive reporting yet, I decided to enter the lair......Is Jamal Khashoggi’s sin only speaking/reporting negatively of the Saudi Arabian regime? What level of hate must there be to precipitate such an alleged grisly killing? Is it sending a message or was there a lapse of judgement due to the level of hate? The Saudis must have known that there was a camera covering the entrances to the consulate. Is it hubris or incompetence? What does Turkey have to gain? Why send the SoS to an obvious photo op?
Since there is no definitive reporting yet, I decided to enter the lair......Is Jamal Khashoggi’s sin only speaking/reporting negatively of the Saudi Arabian regime? What level of hate must there be to precipitate such an alleged grisly killing? Is it sending a message or was there a lapse of judgement due to the level of hate? The Saudis must have known that there was a camera covering the entrances to the consulate. Is it hubris or incompetence? What does Turkey have to gain? Why send the SoS to an obvious photo op?

This is a mystery however based upon this and a lot of other things that have happened over the last couple of years it appears that this Crown Prince is rather dim, and should have never been selected.

The Saudi Kingdom appears to be deep into rot, and so this guy is right that the Kingdom is in great danger of collapse.

Sadly he does not appear to have the skills to do anything about it.
Since there is no definitive reporting yet, I decided to enter the lair......Is Jamal Khashoggi’s sin only speaking/reporting negatively of the Saudi Arabian regime? What level of hate must there be to precipitate such an alleged grisly killing? Is it sending a message or was there a lapse of judgement due to the level of hate? The Saudis must have known that there was a camera covering the entrances to the consulate. Is it hubris or incompetence? What does Turkey have to gain? Why send the SoS to an obvious photo op?

My father-in-law worked in SA for several years back in the 80's. He said the culture is very strange.

I guess murder and assassination are just part of their culture. I think the only reason we're there is to make money in the oil and weapons business. Khashoggi must have really stepped on some important toes. In a time of universal deception, speaking the truth is a radical act and might have fatal consequences.
The guy is dumb as a fence post and told all manner of lies that no one believed... well maybe Trump. Turks had the place bugged and they got caught and still try to lie.
I wonder if Khashoggi's girlfriend was really a Saudi agent who was hired to lure him to a Saudi facility. It wouldn't be the first time a man lost his life because he was thinking with his penis instead of his brain.
Are there any theories? We know the Saudi prince ordered him killed and in perhaps the crappiest 'successful' operation ever, they did it in broad daylight on their own premises and hardly bothered to clean up the evidence or make a half-decent excuse.

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