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Kerry's voting record on defense was ''shameful" (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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John Kerry Votes

Senator Kerry Voted Against B-1 Bomber. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against B-2 Stealth Bomber. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against F-14. (H. R. 5803, CQ Vote #319: Adopted 80-17: R 37-6; D 43-11, 10/26/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against F-15. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against F-16. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against AV-8B Harrier Vertical Takeoff And Landing Jet Fighters. (H.R. 2126, CQ Vote #579: Adopted 59-39: R 48-5; D 11-34, 11/16/95, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against AH-64 Apache Helicopters. (H.R. 2126, CQ Vote #579: Adopted 59-39: R 48-5; D 11-34, 11/16/95, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against Patriot Missiles. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against Aegis Air Defense Cruiser. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against Trident Missile System For U.S. Submarines. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against M-1 Abrams Tanks. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against Bradley Fighting Vehicle. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

Senator Kerry Voted Against Tomahawk Cruise Missile. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)


In 1991 Kerry voted to cut defense spending by 2 percent. Only 21 other senators voted with Kerry, and the defense cut was defeated.

In 1991, Kerry voted to cut over $3 billion from defense and shift the funds to social programs. Only 27 senators joined Kerry in voting for the defense cut.

In 1992, Kerry voted to cut $6 billion from defense. Republicans and Democrats alike successfully blocked this attempt to cut defense spending.

In 1993, Kerry voted against increased defense spending for a military pay raise.

In 1993, Kerry introduced a plan to cut the number Of Navy submarines and their crews; reduce tactical fighter wings in the Air Force; terminate the Navy’s coastal mine-hunting ship program; force the retirement of 60,000 members of the armed forces in one year; and reduce the number of light infantry units in the Army down to one. The plan was DOA.

In 1995, Kerry voted to freeze defense spending for seven years, cutting over $34 billion from defense. Only 27 other senators voted with Kerry.

In 1996, Kerry introduced a bill to cut Defense Department funding by $6.5 billion. Kerry’s bill had no co-sponsors and never came to a floor vote.

In 1996, Kerry voted yes on a fiscal 1996 budget resolution – a defense freeze that would have frozen defense spending for the next seven years and transferred the $34.8 billion in savings to education and job training. The resolution was rejected 28-71.

Kerry on the Record: Defense
Dave Eberhart, NewsMax.com Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2004

Senator Kerry also voted against the first Gulf War in 1991

And Americans are supposed to believe that Kerry is strong on defense, & supports the war on terror??

I thank God John Kerry lost the 04' election.;)
[Moderator Mode]

Moved to the Basement...

Nothing debatable...old news...


[Moderator Mode]
What exactly is your point here? There's a million different reasons as to why Sen. Kerry voted no on certain bills, just like there's a million different reasons why ANY Senator would vote yes or no on a certain bill. There could be one particular part that they are against, not the entire bill.
Stace said:
What exactly is your point here? There's a million different reasons as to why Sen. Kerry voted no on certain bills, just like there's a million different reasons why ANY Senator would vote yes or no on a certain bill. There could be one particular part that they are against, not the entire bill.

Can't tell for sure what the point was, but I will say that the impression that I got was one of consistent votes against military spending. Whether for specific weapons systems or general cuts in spending, Kerry at least did this one thing without nuance: he consistently opposed military spending.
oldreliable67 said:
Whether for specific weapons systems or general cuts in spending, Kerry at least did this one thing without nuance: he consistently opposed military spending.

And yet, he had wanted to be the President... the General of the US's Military...
@_girL........ said:
And yet, he had wanted to be the President... the General of the US's Military...

The General? Hardly. Commander in Chief, yes. General, no. The military already has plenty of those. :mrgreen:
Stace said:
The General? Hardly. Commander in Chief, yes. General, no. The military already has plenty of those. :mrgreen:

oops, lol!!! Thanks for the correction!!! :rofl
I think Im a little bit too tired...
@_girL........ said:
oops, lol!!! Thanks for the correction!!! :rofl
I think Im a little bit too tired...

Oh, I feel your pain....didn't get to bed till after 4 this morning, and I tried to take a nap a little bit ago, but it just wasn't happening...:(
Stace said:
Oh, I feel your pain....didn't get to bed till after 4 this morning, and I tried to take a nap a little bit ago, but it just wasn't happening...:(

Wow, same here!!! Thats almost too cliche'!!! Me going to sleep late would be my fault anyways, well, I can always say its insomnia, I just have trouble sleeping. :(
oldreliable67 said:
Can't tell for sure what the point was, but I will say that the impression that I got was one of consistent votes against military spending. Whether for specific weapons systems or general cuts in spending, Kerry at least did this one thing without nuance: he consistently opposed military spending.

Pardon me. But didn't Ronald Reagan have a hard on for Dick Cheney for the same reasons during his military buildup in the 80's? And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Cheney as Sec Def under Bush 1 who CUT the military budget? Didn't Donald Rumsfeld kill several weapons systems and close down military bases? I'm sure he had reasons too, and I'm certain I could post a nice hit piece on the neocons as well. But would it be objective or just as we see in the case of this posting on Kerry an attempt to justify your preconcieved notions about Kerry's lack of commitment to defense? Sorry to interrupt the blind partisan party with a dose of reality.

TwoPops4Sure said:
Pardon me. But didn't Ronald Reagan have a hard on for Dick Cheney for the same reasons during his military buildup in the 80's? And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Cheney as Sec Def under Bush 1 who CUT the military budget? Didn't Donald Rumsfeld kill several weapons systems and close down military bases? I'm sure he had reasons too, and I'm certain I could post a nice hit piece on the neocons as well. But would it be objective or just as we see in the case of this posting on Kerry an attempt to justify your preconcieved notions about Kerry's lack of commitment to defense? Sorry to interrupt the blind partisan party with a dose of reality.


Don't know about all of that, except to say two things:

1. The military routinely goes through BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) proceedings. They just went through a round last year.

2. Bush just proposed for his 2007 budget that will go to Congress on February 6 to cut the maximum allowable troop size for the Army Reserves, and to cut up to $4 billion from two fighter jet programs.


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