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Kerry To Run!!! (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2005
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in the middle of America
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Senator John Kerry's brother wants to run for a state seat in Massachusettes. I found this excerpt from today's NewsMax interesting:

NewsMax excerpt - Sunday, July 31st:

(Quote): Cameron (Kerry) first got involved in a political campaign in 1972, when his brother ran for a congressional seat - and became embroiled in an embarrassing Watergate-like incident.

Cameron Kerry and another campaign worker were arrested for "breaking into the headquarters of a Kerry opponent," the New York Times reported at the time.

The two men were charged with breaking into the basement of the building housing the campaign headquarters of both Kerry and his opponent.

John Kerry characterized the break-in as a preemptive strike and told the Times the two men had received an anonymous telephone threat that the telephones lines at his headquarters, which were located in the basement, were to be sabotaged.

Funny, didn't some of the Nixon plumbers operation offer the same sort of excuse about their burglary of the DNC headquarters at the Watergate?

Kerry's plumbers pleaded not guilty to charges of "breaking and entering with the intent to commit grand larceny." A year later the charges were dropped.

John Kerry won the primary but lost the general election.

Said the would-be secretary of state about the "Watergate" incident: "When I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible."

Too bad the press didn't buy that one from Nixon and friends.(End Quote)
:duel :cool:
He's going to need a new game plan for the next election, but good luck to him! He's going to need it after the last election!
stsburns said:
He's going to need a new game plan for the next election, but good luck to him! He's going to need it after the last election!

Sorry but if you are talking about John Kerry I'm afraid he is who he is. He has taken stands since the elections opposing the man that beat him. He finally released his military records 18 months after first saying he would and 7 months after the elections were over.

John Kerry is John Kerry and those support him do it because they know who he is and those who don't support him do it because they know who he is.
:duel :cool:

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