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Keeping One’s Family Safe From Attackers? (1 Viewer)


Feb 6, 2016
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Despite the typical denial by the Second Amendment fanatics, it's a sad fact that gun ownership regularly results in the “responsible gun owner” shooting and killing a family member the firearm was supposed to protect.

This happens all too often, either with the intentional murder of family members, as done recently by Texas woman and Second Amendment advocate Christy Sheats, or by a careless accident as shown in the article at the link below.

However, instead of focusing on the seemingly tragic consequences, perhaps we should look on the bright side of these incidents. If the genetic makeup in these family units does increase their violent tendencies making them a potential danger to others, it’s better they kill each other rather than innocent bystanders.

Taking this stance can be a “glass half full” method to deal with such killings by folks who view human life as precious. For others, these incidents can be seen as preemptive homicides to protect society from the mentally unstable and careless gun handlers, and validate those who unquestioningly support the rights of gun ownership.

These acts of gun violence can be thought of by some as slowly weeding out irresponsible gun owners, which will eventually leave us with only truly responsible gun owners.



If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.

Despite the typical denial by the Second Amendment fanatics, it's a sad fact that gun ownership regularly results in the “responsible gun owner” shooting and killing a family member the firearm was supposed to protect.

This happens all too often, either with the intentional murder of family members, as done recently by Texas woman and Second Amendment advocate Christy Sheats, or by a careless accident as shown in the article at the link below.

However, instead of focusing on the seemingly tragic consequences, perhaps we should look on the bright side of these incidents. If the genetic makeup in these family units does increase their violent tendencies making them a potential danger to others, it’s better they kill each other rather than innocent bystanders.

Taking this stance can be a “glass half full” method to deal with such killings by folks who view human life as precious. For others, these incidents can be seen as preemptive homicides to protect society from the mentally unstable and careless gun handlers, and validate those who unquestioningly support the rights of gun ownership.

These acts of gun violence can be thought of by some as slowly weeding out irresponsible gun owners, which will eventually leave us with only truly responsible gun owners.



If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.


Oh. My. God.

Nice dialogue, btw. Come back real soon.
Come break into my house and see whether or not my household is "more" or "less" safe.

If you don't like guns, don't buy one. Don't use one. But don't force others to do as YOU think, because not everyone thinks like you.

Thank God for that.
Despite the typical denial by the Second Amendment fanatics, it's a sad fact that gun ownership regularly results in the “responsible gun owner” shooting and killing a family member the firearm was supposed to protect.

This happens all too often, either with the intentional murder of family members, as done recently by Texas woman and Second Amendment advocate Christy Sheats, or by a careless accident as shown in the article at the link below.

However, instead of focusing on the seemingly tragic consequences, perhaps we should look on the bright side of these incidents. If the genetic makeup in these family units does increase their violent tendencies making them a potential danger to others, it’s better they kill each other rather than innocent bystanders.

Taking this stance can be a “glass half full” method to deal with such killings by folks who view human life as precious. For others, these incidents can be seen as preemptive homicides to protect society from the mentally unstable and careless gun handlers, and validate those who unquestioningly support the rights of gun ownership.

These acts of gun violence can be thought of by some as slowly weeding out irresponsible gun owners, which will eventually leave us with only truly responsible gun owners.



If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.


there already is another thread in which anti gun fanatics are drooling over this tragedy where the father-burned by a hot shell, NEGLIGENTLY did not keep his handgun pointed down range. that Gun banners are so gleeful over this is pretty sick. Yeah, the father screwed up. but guess what-this was an unforeseeable accident that is a real aberration

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