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Kamala Harris Contradicts Biden's Putin Remarks: "We Are Not Into Regime Change" (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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What is it with the constant communication problem at Team Biden’s?

From Covid, inflation and Ukraine they constantly fumble the message. Here is yet another example. Seems Kams pulled a brave junior blunder and whether knowingly or unknowingly threw her boss under the bus.

Vice President Kamala Harris was asked during a Friday appearance on MSNBC by show host Joy Reid her view on President Biden's regime change comments directed at Russia's Vladimir Putin the prior Saturday in Warsaw. In line with White House efforts in the days following Biden's speech, she too sought to walk back any suggestion that Washington is actively seeking Putin's overthrow, saying "we are not into regime change."

"Let me be very clear. We are not into regime change. And that is not our policy. Period," Harris told Reid.

Biden said nothing about the US being behind a regime change in Russia.
Biden said Putin should no longer be leader of Russia, as in voted out or forced out by the Russian government.
Harris did not contradict anything Biden said.
Biden said nothing about the US being behind a regime change in Russia.
Biden said Putin should no longer be leader of Russia, as in voted out or forced out by the Russian government.
Harris did not contradict anything Biden said.
That’s not what old Joey meant.

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