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Kamala Harris clears up who is in charge. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2018
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Kamala Harris accidentally touts plans under a '''Harris administration''' during virtual roundtable | Fox News

Kamala Harris just laid out her plans for her Presidency. Ooops!. She meant a Biden/Harris presidency. Joe is feeble in the head and Kamala is doing what she does best, what ever she needs to do foster her career. She figured out not even her party would vote for her and so she worked her way onto the Biden ticket. "Please Joe, say it ain't so." What are the odds on Biden making it to inauguration, 6 months, 1 year, finishing 4 years?
That's only for the first month, until he resigns so that he doesn't stand in that way of the HISTORIC ascension of the first colored woman (POC) to the presidency...


It doesn't matter, if the democrats steal the election, Xi will rule America, regardless of which clown is the figurehead.
Kamala Harris accidentally touts plans under a '''Harris administration''' during virtual roundtable | Fox News

Kamala Harris just laid out her plans for her Presidency. Ooops!. She meant a Biden/Harris presidency. Joe is feeble in the head and Kamala is doing what she does best, what ever she needs to do foster her career. She figured out not even her party would vote for her and so she worked her way onto the Biden ticket. "Please Joe, say it ain't so." What are the odds on Biden making it to inauguration, 6 months, 1 year, finishing 4 years?

And today, Joe cleared it all up:


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