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Kalamari Harrisson (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 14, 2020
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left

Kalawasi Harris does have views. Is she conservative? Liberal? Patriotic? Progressive? Does it matter?

Yes, it matters. Leftist Marxists have a history of transforming vibrant economies into atheistic communist trash heaps.
Kalawasi Harris does have views. Is she conservative? Liberal? Patriotic? Progressive? Does it matter?

Yes, it matters. Leftist Marxists have a history of transforming vibrant economies into atheistic communist trash heaps.

^ Trump voter
Obviously conservatives are paranoid about losing so they become losers with their BS comments to which I say .....

Blah blah blah yada yada yada

What Rump is most afraid of is going broke because his hotels are going down the tubes....... this man is no billionaire but he is a liar everyday.
"She would ban assault rifles from hospitals!" :shock:
She does allow an exception for the billing department. A lot of people don't know that.

Well duh; I mean they need the tactical teams to collect...

Kamel Haroldsen would give us Socialist Medicine, which everyone knows is steeped in satanism and evil!
Kalawasi Harris does have views. Is she conservative? Liberal? Patriotic? Progressive? Does it matter?

Yes, it matters. Leftist Marxists have a history of transforming vibrant economies into atheistic communist trash heaps.

Leftist Marxist. *L* You're a hoot!
Obviously conservatives are paranoid about losing so they become losers with their BS comments to which I say .....

Blah blah blah yada yada yada

What Rump is most afraid of is going broke because his hotels are going down the tubes....... this man is no billionaire but he is a liar everyday.

And that is why he has become Putin's butt boy, because he intends to run to Russia and ask for loans from Putin's oligarch pals to build his hotel in Moscow just as soon as the leaves office. His first phone call will be to his buddy Putin, as always.

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