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Justice Samuel Alito blames upside-down American flag on his wife and a flap with neighbors (1 Viewer)

They're protected, and they know it. They can and do anything they desire like little Kings and Queens of Washington. Trips, under the table deals, their wives all seem to be in the Q. It's ridiculous to even call them a court.
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I wonder if he agrees with the sentiment. MAGA seemed to think so:

"Attorney Sidney Powell said the January 6 riot at the Capitol could have caused a delay which would have allowed Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito time to stop the certification of Joe Biden's election victory—but that chance was lost when Nancy Pelosi reconvened Congress to complete the process."

They're protected, and they know it. They can and do anything they desire like little Kings and Queens of Washington. Trips, under the table deals, their wives all seem to be in the Q. It's ridiculous to even call them a court.
It's a Tribunal to punish the just.

To sweep aside The Rule of Law.

To pave the way for fascism.
For all the benies, I would have thought the house would be more impressive……

Our so-called conservatives completely lost touch with reality.

...But jurists and legal scholars said the display was a violation of judicial ethics, including the Supreme Court’s own guidelines, which emphasize the need to remain politically independent.

“I have long said that Supreme Court justices, their spouses and their families should conduct themselves in all ways and at all times such that they are beyond reproach,” J. Michael Luttig, a prominent conservative and former U.S. Court of Appeals judge appointed by President George Bush who opposed efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, said in an interview. He added that maintaining respect was “indispensable to the public’s acceptance of the court’s judgments.”

The news of the inverted flag ignited responses from political leaders across the left. Several called on the justice to step aside from cases involving the attack on the Capitol.

“Flying an upside-down American flag — a symbol of the so-called Stop the Steal movement — clearly creates the appearance of bias,” Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois and chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said in a statement on Friday. “Justice Alito should recuse himself immediately from cases related to the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 insurrection.”

The senator also renewed a push for legislation that would require Supreme Court justices to adopt a binding code of conduct, create a procedure to investigate allegations of ethical violations and increase disclosure requirements for potential conflicts of interest....

...But jurists and legal scholars said the display was a violation of judicial ethics, including the Supreme Court’s own guidelines, which emphasize the need to remain politically independent.

“I have long said that Supreme Court justices, their spouses and their families should conduct themselves in all ways and at all times such that they are beyond reproach,” J. Michael Luttig, a prominent conservative and former U.S. Court of Appeals judge appointed by President George Bush who opposed efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, said in an interview. He added that maintaining respect was “indispensable to the public’s acceptance of the court’s judgments.”

The news of the inverted flag ignited responses from political leaders across the left. Several called on the justice to step aside from cases involving the attack on the Capitol.

“Flying an upside-down American flag — a symbol of the so-called Stop the Steal movement — clearly creates the appearance of bias,” Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois and chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said in a statement on Friday. “Justice Alito should recuse himself immediately from cases related to the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 insurrection.”

The senator also renewed a push for legislation that would require Supreme Court justices to adopt a binding code of conduct, create a procedure to investigate allegations of ethical violations and increase disclosure requirements for potential conflicts of interest....
Thomas and Alito are compromised and should not sit on any court case involving Trump. They're clearly in bed with him, and their wives are conspiracy theorists.

It's hard for me to believe our hands are tied as a nation on this issue. It's gotten to the point of blatant bias. Ridiculous!

Blames it on his wife. Yes, that's what a REAL man does! Same for Bob Menendez.
Once Alito saw the flag, which couldn't have been there long after she hung it outside, why didn't he tell her that, due to his being a SC justice, she needed to take it down immediately so that his impartiality would not be at issue. That assumes, of course, that she wasn't intelligent enough to already know that.

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