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Just wondering if all of you right wingers are still proud of your me first, dictitorial leader (1 Viewer)

The pandemic has made people realize that we should be nationalist. Global economies spread the pandemic everywhere. We need to be self sufficient and we need to close down our borders.
Right. because isolationism has worked so well in the past for all who tried it. No, what we need is competent leadership and this piece of crap that is in the WH is not it.
Right. because isolationism has worked so well in the past for all who tried it. No, what we need is competent leadership and this piece of crap that is in the WH is not it.

Globalism has spread the virus and caused us to not be self sufficient in many things, importantly medical items and drugs.
You have totally sold out my country for power and hate. That's who you are.

It's my country too, jbander.

And spare me your melodramatic accusations.
They *think* they can tell us who we are, because they wage war by controlling and exploiting language.

My "side"--the side of normal, sensible people who may/may not have political opinions or leanings--are pretty good at recognizing the outlandish. ;)
It's my country too, jbander.

And spare me your melodramatic accusations.
Yup a country you are willing to destroy to keep your voice above the voice of everyone else/ You have sold out my country, all you haters have. The suggestion from the right that this is simply a two sided issue is bull crap, you people are evil and hate driven and a menace to the values of this country. Is that melodramatic enough for you.
a leader who says if you don't do as I say I will destroy you , or harm you or take away everything he can from the person, his familyor his people is a dictator and one ugly ****.
Yup a country you are willing to destroy to keep your voice above the voice of everyone else/ You have sold out my country, all you haters have. The suggestion from the right that this is simply a two sided issue is bull crap, you people are evil and hate driven and a menace to the values of this country. Is that melodramatic enough for you.

No. Do go on. I just love reading about "you people" and how there is only one side...yours. Sometimes I need a break from selling out my country, honing my hate-driven evil, and menacing the very foundations of our republic.

No. Do go on. I just love reading about "you people" and how there is only one side...yours. Sometimes I need a break from selling out my country, honing my hate-driven evil, and menacing the very foundations of our republic.

That's good because you people are this countries biggest threat, you people are ugly, cruel and hate driven. How dangerous are you people well lets look at that, in 2018 50 people were killed in hate crimes in this country , every single one was killed by people in your hate group , all 50 , just right wing haters, since scum bag came into office the hate groups in this country have grown by massive numbers over 1000 and literally all of them are you haters.. There's some facts for you people. The 50 for 50 says it all. You people are ugly cruel dangerous and evil. What other proof is needed. Every main hate group in this country came out in the 2016 elections for you people , your party and your God and leader. You should be proud. You support all the things I've listed above. You don't get to say it was them other people. You are supporting those other people.
No. Do go on. I just love reading about "you people" and how there is only one side...yours. Sometimes I need a break from selling out my country, honing my hate-driven evil, and menacing the very foundations of our republic.

"Climate of Hate: Similar Correlates of Far Right Electoral Support and Right-Wing Hate Crimes in Germany" Frontiers | Climate of Hate: Similar Correlates of Far Right Electoral Support and Right-Wing Hate Crimes in Germany | Psychology THIS IS A ARTICLE THAT WILL SUPPORT MY POSITION> You people are the laughing stock of the world.
No. Do go on. I just love reading about "you people" and how there is only one side...yours. Sometimes I need a break from selling out my country, honing my hate-driven evil, and menacing the very foundations of our republic.

hatecrimes.jpg There you go all issues that the left care nothing about but the right attacks daily , even the religion I thought would give you some reprieve but even that is you haters , The two religions are Jews and Muslims that are mostly effected. There is so much information showing where the ugliness and hate is that I could go on for ever, but you haters wouldn't let facts get in the way of you hatred.
This is so easy it's like shooting ducks in a barrel. Next they will go after my spelling. Yuk yuk.
Yup a country you are willing to destroy to keep your voice above the voice of everyone else/ You have sold out my country, all you haters have. The suggestion from the right that this is simply a two sided issue is bull crap, you people are evil and hate driven and a menace to the values of this country. Is that melodramatic enough for you.

More than a tad hypocritical that you can spew the above and accuse anyone else of being a "hater" and being evil. You probably didn't notice, though.
Some people should not be left alone with a computer.
That's good because you people are this countries biggest threat, you people are ugly, cruel and hate driven. How dangerous are you people well lets look at that, in 2018 50 people were killed in hate crimes in this country , every single one was killed by people in your hate group , all 50 , just right wing haters, since scum bag came into office the hate groups in this country have grown by massive numbers over 1000 and literally all of them are you haters.. There's some facts for you people. The 50 for 50 says it all. You people are ugly cruel dangerous and evil. What other proof is needed. Every main hate group in this country came out in the 2016 elections for you people , your party and your God and leader. You should be proud. You support all the things I've listed above. You don't get to say it was them other people. You are supporting those other people.

You felt the need to post three posts to respond to my one? :roll:

I won't comment on your spelling or punctuation, only on your ability to count. I'm only one person. I am not a Republican and never have been. And I don't belong to a hate group. Trivial details for someone with such expansive ideas as yours. :laughat:
That's good because you people are this countries biggest threat, you people are ugly, cruel and hate driven. How dangerous are you people well lets look at that, in 2018 50 people were killed in hate crimes in this country , every single one was killed by people in your hate group , all 50 , just right wing haters, since scum bag came into office the hate groups in this country have grown by massive numbers over 1000 and literally all of them are you haters.. There's some facts for you people. The 50 for 50 says it all. You people are ugly cruel dangerous and evil. What other proof is needed. Every main hate group in this country came out in the 2016 elections for you people , your party and your God and leader. You should be proud. You support all the things I've listed above. You don't get to say it was them other people. You are supporting those other people.

Once again the true hater stands in from of a mirror and yells at himself. :cool:
You felt the need to post three posts to respond to my one? :roll:

I won't comment on your spelling or punctuation, only on your ability to count. I'm only one person. I am not a Republican and never have been. And I don't belong to a hate group. Trivial details for someone with such expansive ideas as yours. :laughat:
OK I will rethink .
Basically that has to be the most nonsensical garbage remark of the day. When your a bigot, a white supremacist and a hater of all non whites. Then you are just pond scum. I'm to be looked at askance because I except all colors. So what your saying is if I except black people then I hate white people. That's right up there at the top of the stupid list.

If they drain the "Pig Pen", only Democrats will be standing in it.
The pandemic has made people realize that we should be nationalist. Global economies spread the pandemic everywhere. We need to be self sufficient and we need to close down our borders.

That is real crazy ****. Without globalization, this country will die. You want to be like North Korea
That is real crazy ****. Without globalization, this country will die. You want to be like North Korea
being the second biggest exporter in the world makes it rather ridiculous to duck our heads to underneath our covers.
That is real crazy ****. Without globalization, this country will die. You want to be like North Korea

Funny how you guys want open borders and globalization and then turn right around and blame Trump because open borders and globalization spread the virus faster.
Funny how you guys want open borders and globalization and then turn right around and blame Trump because open borders and globalization spread the virus faster.

Oh yeah they moaned like pigs on a spit when Trump banned China, perhaps they should go live in China!
Funny how you guys want open borders and globalization and then turn right around and blame Trump because open borders and globalization spread the virus faster.

Don’t you know that this world is not black and white and there are mostly grey areas when it comes to decision making. You think like a first grader

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