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Just remembering how awful the US response to the pandemic was (1 Viewer)

I thought suicide decreased ? (ya'lls precious cdc site)


I disagree - I know fefen was said to be said, roundup, asbestos, talc ..... they were all reported to be safe. So just because something is published doesn't mean its true, they're guessing

I disagree - I know fefen was said to be said, roundup, asbestos, talc ..... they were all reported to be safe. So just because something is published doesn't mean its true, they're guessing

I disagree - I know fefen was said to be said, roundup, asbestos, talc ..... they were all reported to be safe. So just because something is published doesn't mean its true, they're guessing

this is true, there is evidence today - and it can absolutely change tomorrow. my cousin is all shotted and all boosted and I think she's had covid 5 times? amazing how many shotted people have had covid more than once isn't it?

which is literally everyone who has the covid shot can get covid - its not "breakthrough' its literally reality

I disagree - I know fefen was said to be said, roundup, asbestos, talc ..... they were all reported to be safe. So just because something is published doesn't mean its true, they're guessing

I know you believe that. I don't.

Shotted people get and spread covid just like non-shotted people. I might believe different after 10 years of evidence but until then? no - I've seen everyone I know with covid shots getting it and spreading it. My cousin I mentioned? she's the worst. Or was. NOBODY could come over .... unless they were shotted then it was a party !! why? because she believed Biden. They got covid multiple times, spread it ..... alienated their family and friends, and the shots didn't help them one bit
Not according to teen suicide during the pandemic. See citation.
2. Not researched to be safe. There is a difference.
And the mechanism of asbestos etc is completely different.
What's your point?
You will never take a medication unless it's been on the market for 50 years or more?
Cuz. They say it's safe but it might not be?

3. No it's not amazing..just like it's not amazing that tons of people like myself and my office staff and children have been vaccinated. And have NEVER had covid.
The research is clear it reduces the chance of infection..reduces tge chance of severe disease and reduces the chance of transmission and of death.

4. Nope vaccinated people do not transmit like unvaccinated.
I provided citations of research showing this.
5. Nice. Your personal experience means nothing.
Heck..you aren't even in a position where personal experience would be valid at all.
I am a medical provider and watched as our hospital filled with unvaccinated people with covid. While vaccinated people who DID get covid didn't end up in the hospital or die.
"Nearly 80% of the COVID-positive patients sick enough to require hospitalization in recent days are unvaccinated. The other roughly 20% of people admitted to the hospital with COVID have breakthrough infections."
I lived it

If shots = not getting covid why did literally everyone I know and talk to who got shots also got covid ?

Good Lord. How many times must you be told? Covid shots do not eliminate the possibility of acquiring the virus.

The lower your chances of severe illness and death from the virus.

Can we put that to rest?

I do not know if you are intentionally passing on crappy information or you lack the ability to understand.
Too many halftruths and falsehoods in that rant to take you too seriously. Try again.
The only falsehood is yours.
Your quote!
"Trumpo did not play down the virus. Only an idiot would claim he did".

Trump ADMITTED to downplaying the virus .
"About a month after the February conversation, Trump admitted to Woodward that he had been playing down the virus's severity.

"I wanted to always play it down," Trump told Woodward on March 19. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic.".

Just another example of you getting crushed with facts.
Good Lord. How many times must you be told? Covid shots do not eliminate the possibility of acquiring the virus.

The lower your chances of severe illness and death from the virus.

that's what I've been saying ! shotted people get covid and spread covid just like non-shotted people do ! THANK YOU ! shotted people keep covid strains going, mutating etc JUST LIKE non-shotted people too

now all we have to do is bicker about whether shotted people are less susceptible to death AND if there are long term effects from the shots. Time will tell on those two
Not according to teen suicide during the pandemic. See citation.

CDC is lying then? see my link and others you can google

2. Not researched to be safe. There is a difference.
And the mechanism of asbestos etc is completely different.
What's your point?
You will never take a medication unless it's been on the market for 50 years or more?
Cuz. They say it's safe but it might not be?

my point is - science and Govt and such get things very wrong and often. Nobody can trust what the Govt says or what science says. Listen yes. Pay attention yes. Trust? absolutely not because anywhere there is billions of dollars to be made, there are going to be liars

Me personally I don't take any medications and never have. Medications rarely fix the core problem

3. No it's not amazing..just like it's not amazing that tons of people like myself and my office staff and children have been vaccinated. And have NEVER had covid.
The research is clear it reduces the chance of infection..reduces tge chance of severe disease and reduces the chance of transmission and of death.

to say that then you also must admit there are millions not shotted who didn't have covid either. That you had the shot isn't necessarily why you didn't contract covid. You might THINK that, but its not a fact

4. Nope vaccinated people do not transmit like unvaccinated.
I provided citations of research showing this.

and I call BS, sick is sick and it doesn't matter if you had the shot if you've got covid you can spread it, just like people without shots

5. Nice. Your personal experience means nothing.
Heck..you aren't even in a position where personal experience would be valid at all.
I am a medical provider and watched as our hospital filled with unvaccinated people with covid. While vaccinated people who DID get covid didn't end up in the hospital or die.

then I say the same to you, your personal experience means nothing. I can dismiss you just as easily

"Nearly 80% of the COVID-positive patients sick enough to require hospitalization in recent days are unvaccinated. The other roughly 20% of people admitted to the hospital with COVID have breakthrough infections."

and again, what other factors were in play? age? health compromised? we need more information
that's what I've been saying ! shotted people get covid and spread covid just like non-shotted people do ! THANK YOU ! shotted people keep covid strains going, mutating etc JUST LIKE non-shotted people too

now all we have to do is bicker about whether shotted people are less susceptible to death AND if there are long term effects from the shots. Time will tell on those two

"Just like" is a bit of a lie...

But please, carry on

HINT: It is like saying a micro bus is "just like" a huge bloated SUV.
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CDC is lying then? see my link and others you can google

my point is - science and Govt and such get things very wrong and often. Nobody can trust what the Govt says or what science says. Listen yes. Pay attention yes. Trust? absolutely not because anywhere there is billions of dollars to be made, there are going to be liars

Me personally I don't take any medications and never have. Medications rarely fix the core problem

to say that then you also must admit there are millions not shotted who didn't have covid either. That you had the shot isn't necessarily why you didn't contract covid. You might THINK that, but its not a fact

and I call BS, sick is sick and it doesn't matter if you had the shot if you've got covid you can spread it, just like people without shots

then I say the same to you, your personal experience means nothing. I can dismiss you just as easily

and again, what other factors were in play? age? health compromised? we need more information
1. I provided tge link on teen suicide.
2. And your point is wrong. Yes..science does get things wrong.
But a heck of a lot less than your right wing blogs.
Think about that. That's the problem with you. You think that your uneducated ideas..are equal to years of scientific research because " they could be wrong".
3. Right. Because when you have an acute cva and you need a clot busting medication..to reverse the cva...
Your answer is " no..I'll go on a low cholesterol diet".

4. In the us..I'd find that surprising.
I know of two unvaccinated people that didn't have covid ( to the best of our knowledge). But they and their family take great pains to protect that individual.
Most unvaccinated are unvaccinated because of political reasons.or ate true antivaxxers. In either case these people are also more likely to not take basic precautions either.
As far as it not being the vaccination?
Unlikely as I am a medical provider and in a high risk position exposed to ill people daily. Plus I am highly involved in martial arts. Charity events and other community functions.
Not to mention my wife is also a provider and she is in an even riskier position.

5. And again you would be wrong per reams now of scientific evidence.
But even a lay person should understand " sick is NOT SICK".
I.e. one person can have few symptoms and a low viral load..while another can have more viral load and be coughing..hacking and sneezing spreading copious amounts of virus.

6. Sure...but what you can't dismiss us that I supported my personal experience with a research citation.

7. Not really you don't. Buts let's see your critical thinking.
In a community..who now us most likely to be unvaccinated? Old ..unhealthy obese people ? Or young healthy..." covid can't get me" people?
And if tge hospital is filling up with unvaccinated people..what does that tell you.?
that's what I've been saying ! shotted people get covid and spread covid just like non-shotted people do ! THANK YOU ! shotted people keep covid strains going, mutating etc JUST LIKE non-shotted people too

now all we have to do is bicker about whether shotted people are less susceptible to death AND if there are long term effects from the shots. Time will tell on those two
Theoretically, if the person is less ill, they should be coughing and hacking, sneezing (etc) less. So if covid shots lessen the severity of the disease - the person may be coughing, hacking , and sneezing less. This could clearly cause less transmission.

Also, if someone is very ill, but not hospital worthy - they may need more help at home - more chance of spread.

By the way, nice try at wiggling out of your crappy post.
You indicated that others believed.....

If shots = not getting covid why did literally everyone I know and talk to who got shots also got covid ?
Theoretically, if the person is less ill, they should be coughing and hacking, sneezing (etc) less. So if covid shots lessen the severity of the disease - the person may be coughing, hacking , and sneezing less. This could clearly cause less transmission.

Also, if someone is very ill, but not hospital worthy - they may need more help at home - more chance of spread.

By the way, nice try at wiggling out of your crappy post.
You indicated that others believed.....
There’s no ‘theoretical’ needed.

Vaccines reduce transmission of COVID.

The only falsehood is yours.
Your quote!
"Trumpo did not play down the virus. Only an idiot would claim he did".

Trump ADMITTED to downplaying the virus .
"About a month after the February conversation, Trump admitted to Woodward that he had been playing down the virus's severity.

"I wanted to always play it down," Trump told Woodward on March 19. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic.".

Just another example of you getting crushed with facts.
Your highly irrational hatred of Trump blurs any objectivity and prevents you from considering the context of Trump's statements. He was taking the virus quite seriously however at the same time he was seeking to avoid a mass panic. He held nearly daily press conferences which at least at the beginning included what was considered to be the top experts, including your little buddy, Dr Fauci. He also kept close contact with all state governors, and moved heaven and earth to crank up production of PPE, ventilators and the development of vaccines. My suggestion to you is t stop thinking like a partisan political hack and start thinking more like an objective medical professional.
Your highly irrational hatred of Trump blurs any objectivity and prevents you from considering the context of Trump's statements. He was taking the virus quite seriously however at the same time he was seeking to avoid a mass panic. He held nearly daily press conferences which at least at the beginning included what was considered to be the top experts, including your little buddy, Dr Fauci. He also kept close contact with all state governors, and moved heaven and earth to crank up production of PPE, ventilators and the development of vaccines. My suggestion to you is t stop thinking like a partisan political hack and start thinking more like an objective medical professional.

Objective medical professionals agree that vaccines, masks, distancing all help stem the damage COVID does.
Your highly irrational hatred of Trump blurs any objectivity and prevents you from considering the context of Trump's statements. He was taking the virus quite seriously however at the same time he was seeking to avoid a mass panic. He held nearly daily press conferences which at least at the beginning included what was considered to be the top experts, including your little buddy, Dr Fauci. He also kept close contact with all state governors, and moved heaven and earth to crank up production of PPE, ventilators and the development of vaccines. My suggestion to you is t stop thinking like a partisan political hack and start thinking more like an objective medical professional.
Let's see..You said
" Trump didn't down play the virus and anyone who says he did is stupid.".

I then cited"

About a month after the February conversation, Trump admitted to Woodward that he had been playing down the virus's severity.

"I wanted to always play it down," Trump told Woodward on March 19. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic."

I think anyone being objective would realize you sir are full of excrement.
9+ minute video.... And?
I forget the prevalent 15 second sound bite attention span. I found a liberal puke's, Maher, take on covid largely spot on while a direct answer to the op (remembering the covid response) Watch or not.
Let's see..You said
" Trump didn't down play the virus and anyone who says he did is stupid.".

I then cited"

About a month after the February conversation, Trump admitted to Woodward that he had been playing down the virus's severity.

"I wanted to always play it down," Trump told Woodward on March 19. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic."

I think anyone being objective would realize you sir are full of excrement.
Once again, context matters. If you really are a medical professional, I suspect that you are intelligent enough top work that out. Woodward as usual was only about seeking "Gotcha moments" in order to hawk books.
Once again, context matters. If you really are a medical professional, I suspect that you are intelligent enough top work that out. Woodward as usual was only about seeking "Gotcha moments" in order to hawk books.

In other words....

Trump did indeed downplay the seriousness of the situation...

Among other **** ups.
In other words....

Trump did indeed downplay the seriousness of the situation...
Not if you understand the context in which he said what he said to Woodward.
Once again, context matters. If you really are a medical professional, I suspect that you are intelligent enough top work that out. Woodward as usual was only about seeking "Gotcha moments" in order to hawk books.
Yes. Context matters. Woodward followed up on trumps earlier interview where Trump admits.
"This is deadly stuff," the president told Woodward in a Feb. 7 conversation, according to the book, which is called Rage. "You just breathe the air and that's how it's passed. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flu."

On Feb. 10, he told supporters in New Hampshire: "Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away." Later that month, Trump tweeted that the virus was "very much under control in the USA."
And in March, he compared the novel coronavirus to the seasonal flu, saying in a Fox News interview, "We've never closed down the country for the flu."

So AFTER Trump admitted to Woodward that covid was deadly..
Trump went on to down play the virus in public.

Woodward THEN gave Trump the opportunity to explain his actions..

And that's when Trump said.

""I wanted to always play it down," Trump told Woodward on March 19. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic."

So no sir. No. " gotcha moment".

Like I said..anyone being objective sees that you are full of excrement.
Yes. Context matters. Woodward followed up on trumps earlier interview where Trump admits.
"This is deadly stuff," the president told Woodward in a Feb. 7 conversation, according to the book, which is called Rage. "You just breathe the air and that's how it's passed. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flu."

On Feb. 10, he told supporters in New Hampshire: "Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away." Later that month, Trump tweeted that the virus was "very much under control in the USA."
And in March, he compared the novel coronavirus to the seasonal flu, saying in a Fox News interview, "We've never closed down the country for the flu."

So AFTER Trump admitted to Woodward that covid was deadly..
Trump went on to down play the virus in public.

Woodward THEN gave Trump the opportunity to explain his actions..

And that's when Trump said.

""I wanted to always play it down," Trump told Woodward on March 19. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic."

So no sir. No. " gotcha moment".

Like I said..anyone being objective sees that you are full of excrement.
You libruls really do miss the pandemic, don't you?

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