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Jurassic Park / The Lost World (1 Viewer)

it's just me

Non Bidenary
DP Veteran
Jul 2, 2014
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I read Jurassic Park before the movie came out and I remember feeling a bit ripped off because of how different it was from the book.

I re-read it over the weekend and I had forgotten just how different it was. Ian Malcolm was quite the philosopher in the book and he was a jerk in the movie (unless it's just that Jeff Goldblum is a jerk). The kids switched ages from the book to the movie (in the book the girl was the younger one) and the boy was the computer nerd in the book. The book reinforced Malcolm's contention that the parks creators actually had no control over the park because nobody really knew anything about how these creatures would behave.

I started to re-read "The Lost World" just to check my impression and it, too, is very different.

My conclusion is that you could have probably not have told those stories the way Crichton wrote them in the time alloted.

Whatever, if you are a Jurassic Park/Jurassic World fan check these books out.
I read Jurassic Park before the movie came out and I remember feeling a bit ripped off because of how different it was from the book.

I re-read it over the weekend and I had forgotten just how different it was. Ian Malcolm was quite the philosopher in the book and he was a jerk in the movie (unless it's just that Jeff Goldblum is a jerk). The kids switched ages from the book to the movie (in the book the girl was the younger one) and the boy was the computer nerd in the book. The book reinforced Malcolm's contention that the parks creators actually had no control over the park because nobody really knew anything about how these creatures would behave.

I started to re-read "The Lost World" just to check my impression and it, too, is very different.

My conclusion is that you could have probably not have told those stories the way Crichton wrote them in the time alloted.

Whatever, if you are a Jurassic Park/Jurassic World fan check these books out.

I love those books. I almost feel like I have to re-read them now because I remember there were a couple things that stood out from the book that I had wished they included in the movie but I can't seem to fully remember them now.

I am thinking it might be how the dinosaurs were showing up on maybe another island and bit some kids? Then at the end how they went into the raptor pit and it was they were trying to migrate or something? I would have loved to see the visual for that.

I had to get up and make sure the books were still in my collection. Yes, they are and I now have two books to look forward to reading after I finish the two I'm on now.
I love those books. I almost feel like I have to re-read them now because I remember there were a couple things that stood out from the book that I had wished they included in the movie but I can't seem to fully remember them now.

I am thinking it might be how the dinosaurs were showing up on maybe another island and bit some kids? Then at the end how they went into the raptor pit and it was they were trying to migrate or something? I would have loved to see the visual for that.

I had to get up and make sure the books were still in my collection. Yes, they are and I now have two books to look forward to reading after I finish the two I'm on now.

Actually, I think the Campys showing up on the beach and biting the kid was in the third movie (can't remember the name). It added nothing to the story as out of context as it was.

The Raptors trying to migrate made them just another species doing what they do as opposed to being "theme park monsters" as Grant would come to describe them. That, along with the idea that they were breeding fell in nicely with what Ian Malcolm had been saying all along.
I read Jurassic Park before the movie came out and I remember feeling a bit ripped off because of how different it was from the book.

I re-read it over the weekend and I had forgotten just how different it was. Ian Malcolm was quite the philosopher in the book and he was a jerk in the movie (unless it's just that Jeff Goldblum is a jerk). The kids switched ages from the book to the movie (in the book the girl was the younger one) and the boy was the computer nerd in the book. The book reinforced Malcolm's contention that the parks creators actually had no control over the park because nobody really knew anything about how these creatures would behave.

I started to re-read "The Lost World" just to check my impression and it, too, is very different.

My conclusion is that you could have probably not have told those stories the way Crichton wrote them in the time alloted.

Whatever, if you are a Jurassic Park/Jurassic World fan check these books out.

Malcom has a pretty good speech after he got bitten but he was a jerk and a moron in the book too
By the way, if you liked those books you might want to read "Timeline", the only other book that measured up to the Jurassic Park books. The movie was caca.
Malcom has a pretty good speech after he got bitten but he was a jerk and a moron in the book too

He was stoned after he got bitten. The drugs did it.
I still haven't read the JP novels, but did read many of his others, a good number of them in a single sitting (can't get away with that anymore!!). Real page-turners, but his endings often seemed underwhelming (Congo comes to mind).

The Andromeda Strain was probably my first and favorite. I also loved Eaters of Dead, which tends to get more of a mixed review.

Wish he were still with us!
By the way, if you liked those books you might want to read "Timeline", the only other book that measured up to the Jurassic Park books. The movie was caca.

Yeah, timeline would make a great miniseries. It’s way to in-depth for a movie
I still haven't read the JP novels, but did read many of his others, a good number of them in a single sitting (can't get away with that anymore!!). Real page-turners, but his endings often seemed underwhelming (Congo comes to mind).

The Andromeda Strain was probably my first and favorite. I also loved Eaters of Dead, which tends to get more of a mixed review.

Wish he were still with us!

Personally, I think the Andromeda Strain was his magnum opus on bioweaponry. I have not gotten into Eaters Of The Dead although I did think Pirate Latitudes was entertaining, if not great literature.
Personally, I think the Andromeda Strain was his magnum opus on bioweaponry. I have not gotten into Eaters Of The Dead although I did think Pirate Latitudes was entertaining, if not great literature.
I hadn't heard of that one and didn't know he had works published posthumously.

Just reserved it at my library.

(I guess pirates interest me more than dinosaurs!)
I hadn't heard of that one and didn't know he had works published posthumously.

Just reserved it at my library.

(I guess pirates interest me more than dinosaurs!)

It reads like an old Errol Flynn movie.
Yeah, timeline would make a great miniseries. It’s way to in-depth for a movie

Yes, something like the way "Lonesome Dove" was done...
Actually, I think the Campys showing up on the beach and biting the kid was in the third movie (can't remember the name). It added nothing to the story as out of context as it was.

The Raptors trying to migrate made them just another species doing what they do as opposed to being "theme park monsters" as Grant would come to describe them. That, along with the idea that they were breeding fell in nicely with what Ian Malcolm had been saying all along.

Another thing that was taken from the first book was the float through the aviary in the rubber raft, which also turned up in the third movie.

Maybe someone will reboot the first book and make the movie the way the book was actually written. Why not, Hollywood hasn't had an original idea in 30 years anyway.

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