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Judge Orders School to Reinstate Boy Suspended Over Rosary Beads (1 Viewer)

Catz Part Deux

DP Veteran
May 19, 2009
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Redneck Riviera
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FOXNews.com - Judge Orders School to Reinstate Boy Suspended Over Rosary Beads

Raymond Hosier is wearing his purple rosary beads to school again.

A day after a federal judge ordered a New York middle school to reinstate the seventh-grader, who was suspended for wearing the Catholic prayer beads last month, the 13-year-old Schenectady boy is proudly displaying them again.

He wears them in memory of his younger brother, who died while clutching rosary beads following a car accident in 2005.

"Raymond believes in his heart of hearts that without the rosary, something's going to happen to him," his mother, Chantell Hosier, told FoxNews.com. "They make him feel safe -- that's the way he explains it. This child is still grieving."

Chantell Hosier confirmed that Raymond wore the beads to Oneida Middle School on Wednesday after Judge Lawrence Kahn ordered the boy to be reinstated pending a hearing on June 11 into whether the suspension violated his civil rights.

Interestingly enough, this is a gang-related symbol in New York. Purple & gold rosary beads are frequently worn by Almighty Latin Kings the Northeast. I suspect the school district lost the case because they didn't utilize experts in the field to bolster their reasons for having the dress code in the first place.

Here's a related article. http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2008-03-16-rosaries-gangs_N.htm

FWIW, the kid on the left claims not to be a gang member, but the plaid shirt, buttoned to the top, is standard cholo clothing.
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Thank goodness that this judge has some common sense.
Purple rosary beads are a gang ornament now? That's rather comical.

Now I'll just wait for the gang whose symbol is Hello Kitty and watch cops arrest 11 year old girls.
Purple rosary beads are a gang ornament now? That's rather comical.

Now I'll just wait for the gang whose symbol is Hello Kitty and watch cops arrest 11 year old girls.

Heh, thats nothing I graduated High School in 03 this is what was banned

1. Sweatshirts (gang related)

2. Long Jackets (Columnbine)

3. Corn Row haircut (gang related)

4. Spiked collars and wrist bands (gang related)

5. Girls couldnt wear high platform boots
So, you consider it common sense to allow students to wear gang attire in school?

If the sentiment is from a personal connection to a loved one, yes. However, I would personally stipulate that they should be made not obvious by having them in a pocket or under clothes. This would be for the kid's safety.

If it is for gang related activity, no.
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