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Judge dismisses charges against 2 in 1990s child abuse case (1 Viewer)

TU Curmudgeon

B.A. (Sarc), LLb. (Lex Sarcasus), PhD (Sarc.)
DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2018
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Lower Mainland of BC
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From ABC News

CLEVELAND -- A judge on Friday dismissed charges against two people who had been imprisoned for years over a woman's accusations they molested her daughter and other Ohio Head Start pupils, saying new evidence would not support convictions if new trials were granted.

Among the evidence cited by Lorain County Judge Chris Cook were affidavits signed by the woman's son and her ex-husband that said she coached her daughter to accuse Nancy Smith, 64, and Joseph Allen, 68, of abuse in the early 1990s.

Lorain County Prosecutor J.D. Tomlinson's office previously reviewed the cases of Smith and Allen and concluded they were innocent. He had said previously he would ask Cook to dismiss the charges.

Smith spent 15 years in prison and Allen a total of 23 years behind bars.


If Ms. Grondin (now Perazzola) is charged and convicted, I think that the MINIMUM sentence should be 38 years in jail BEFORE any release of any nature.

Your thoughts?​
From ABC News

CLEVELAND -- A judge on Friday dismissed charges against two people who had been imprisoned for years over a woman's accusations they molested her daughter and other Ohio Head Start pupils, saying new evidence would not support convictions if new trials were granted.

Among the evidence cited by Lorain County Judge Chris Cook were affidavits signed by the woman's son and her ex-husband that said she coached her daughter to accuse Nancy Smith, 64, and Joseph Allen, 68, of abuse in the early 1990s.

Lorain County Prosecutor J.D. Tomlinson's office previously reviewed the cases of Smith and Allen and concluded they were innocent. He had said previously he would ask Cook to dismiss the charges.

Smith spent 15 years in prison and Allen a total of 23 years behind bars.

If Ms. Grondin (now Perazzola) is charged and convicted, I think that the MINIMUM sentence should be 38 years in jail BEFORE any release of any nature.​
Your thoughts?​

Sounds more than fair.
I remember this story. This was a witch hunt from the beginning.
In the 1990s, there were many false accusations of this type.

The most notorious one here in the Los Angeles area was the prosecution closing down and indicting the teachers of a school for very young children.

The kids were coached to make outrageous statements.

The teachers were eventually found not guilty, but their lives were destroyed.

They sued for false arrest, but if I remember correctly, they were awarded one dollar.

The only "good" thing about the whole disgusting case is that one of the adult liars did have the decency to check out of this world.
Damn. Two ruined lives.

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