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John Lewis leads sit-in on House floor over guns (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2007
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East Coast - USA
Political Leaning
I thought Republicans just offered up two proposals and the Democrats shot them down?
They are literally sitting on the floor like a bunch of 1st graders.
I say let him sit there till the cows come home - big baby!

we already have gun control in this country.
what they want to do is unconstitutional.

so there is no reason to support it or debate it.

sorry he doesn't like semi-automatic rifles that is his problem he doesn't have to buy one.
any other legal owner should be able to.

hand guns are used more often than semi-automatic rifles, but the appeal to emotion sounds better.
we already have gun control in this country.
what they want to do is unconstitutional.

so there is no reason to support it or debate it.

sorry he doesn't like semi-automatic rifles that is his problem he doesn't have to buy one.
any other legal owner should be able to.

hand guns are used more often than semi-automatic rifles, but the appeal to emotion sounds better.

we need nationally what NY and CT did for their citizens
the elimination of military grade high rate of fire weapons from the public sector
I hope they continue the live feed when these senators try to get back up. Some of them hard hard enough time getting down.
we need nationally what NY and CT did for their citizens
the elimination of military grade high rate of fire weapons from the public sector

From the law-abiding public sector you mean? Or do you think laws restricting my 2nd Amendment will be followed by the criminal types? You think this asshole in Orlando gave a crap about your laws? Or Timothy McVeigh? Or Major Nidal?
we need nationally what NY and CT did for their citizens
the elimination of military grade high rate of fire weapons from the public sector
So put it to the PEOPLE and see how that works out for you at the National Level. In places such as as CT, NY and Cal, the People there agree with your Opinion, in other Parts of the Nation most do not agree. So if you want a National Law or Ban then put it to the People and see how that works out for ya.
There is nothing to discuss. Guns, aren't the problem and all this bull**** happy ass grandstanding as if they actually CARED ABOUT THE REAL PROBLEM does little more than make feelers all teary eyed.

Nailed it!
we need nationally what NY and CT did for their citizens
the elimination of military grade high rate of fire weapons from the public sector

Because making everyone helpless victims ensures criminals a safer work environment! More Gun Free Zones so people intent on mass killings have a wider range of targets! Who needs the Constitution, or Property? You've got the GOVERNMENT! Trust us!
There is nothing to discuss. Guns, aren't the problem and all this bull**** happy ass grandstanding as if they actually CARED ABOUT THE REAL PROBLEM does little more than make feelers all teary eyed.

TERRORISTS that the republicans want to allow to legally buy guns are the problem
no fly - no buy
From the law-abiding public sector you mean? Or do you think laws restricting my 2nd Amendment will be followed by the criminal types? You think this asshole in Orlando gave a crap about your laws? Or Timothy McVeigh? Or Major Nidal?

The Orlando shooter acquired his weapons legally.
From the law-abiding public sector you mean? Or do you think laws restricting my 2nd Amendment will be followed by the criminal types? You think this asshole in Orlando gave a crap about your laws? Or Timothy McVeigh? Or Major Nidal?

don;t believe the fellow who murdered those 49 and maimed another 49 was an "law abiding"
however, when he bought his military grade semi auto high rate of fire rifle, he was law abiding. that is THE problem
TERRORISTS that the republicans want to allow to legally buy guns are the problem
no fly - no buy

How do you end up on the No Fly list? What, there is no trial? No actual crime? Just a suspicion? That's reason to deny an American Citizen their rights?

Also, the Orlando Shooter wasn't on the no Fly List, in fact how many terrorist that went on these shootings were? Wasn't the San Bernadino killers, or that Idiot that shot up Fort Hood... Can you name even one?

Neither can I.

But hey, "NO FLY NO BUY" is great for high feel low thought audiences.

Actually I did.

The guy that shot up the recruitment office in LR.
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Why won't you let me violate the peoples rights?! You meanies! I will just sit here until you do! Look at me acting like a toddler, look at it!

Saying that, republicans have no problem violating other amendments, but then liberals pretty much always support them in their causes there.
we need nationally what NY and CT did for their citizens
the elimination of military grade high rate of fire weapons from the public sector

you mean unconstitutionally not allow legal owners to own legal guns?
only if you don't believe in the constitution.

what is the difference between this
Browning BAR Safari Centerfire Rifle 416368

and this
CARBON 15 FLAT TOP CARBINE bushmaster .223 REM 30R

can you actually tell me or just dodge again?

PS how is that going to stop mass shootings? can you actually logically explain it or just appeal to emotion?
hand guns kill more people that rifles do. so what is your excuse now?
we need nationally what NY and CT did for their citizens
the elimination of military grade high rate of fire weapons from the public sector

NY and CT needs to get their **** together and repeal that garbage.
Sorry, but John Lewis is a complete imbecile
don;t believe the fellow who murdered those 49 and maimed another 49 was an "law abiding"
however, when he bought his military grade semi auto high rate of fire rifle, he was law abiding. that is THE problem

it was as semi-auto rifle nothing more. your distortion of what it was is nothing more than a fallacy.

he would have bought another semi-auto rifle and done the same thing with it.
yep and he became a criminal after he started shooting people.

why punish 99% of the population for what <1% of the population does.

nothing you would pass would have stopped him from doing it. he would have found another gun and done the same thing.
or built a bomb. I guess we should ban pressure cookers since they can be used as bombs.

since more people die in car wrecks then we should ban cars. people have even committed mass murder with a car as well.
Sorry, but John Lewis is a complete imbecile

I for one support republicans handing out diapers and pacifiers to anyone sitting in.
don;t believe the fellow who murdered those 49 and maimed another 49 was an "law abiding"
however, when he bought his military grade semi auto high rate of fire rifle, he was law abiding. that is THE problem

How is it a problem? That same weapon is owned by thousands of gun owners who've not shot up night clubs must be banned due to the nuts? How many people in America have died by these types of weapons in the past 5 years as opposed to say...alcohol? Or heroin? Or knives? or bare hands?

Are we to outlaw all of them as well?
TERRORISTS that the republicans want to allow to legally buy guns are the problem
no fly - no buy

Shockingly, I think the GOP compromise is the best version: couple no fly no buy with additional due process. The no fly list has always been a bit problematic, allowing anyone on the list a path to challenge being on the list is a good thing. No one in the government should be able to remove a right or even a privilege from singled out individuals without some sort process where someone represents their interests.

And then obviously close the loopholes. Its not in the GOP compromise, but duh. It makes zero sense to have any loopholes. People aren't stupid. If someone is unable to purchase a weapon at a gun store, they're going to use the other legal means that don't require a background check. So if it's a bad idea for a terrorist to buy a gun from a dealer, it's also a bad idea for a terrorist to buy a gun at a gun show.

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