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Joe Wilson a Liar? (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
In 2002 Joe Wilson was waiting in the Green Room at FOX with a retired Army General by the name of Paul Valahay to be interviewed on air (The speilling of the name is wrong.I am trying to find the right spelling and a link)) and the General said Wilson told him 2 times two times that his wife was a CIA agent.......Wilson has denied it but the General says its true.........

This was just revealed on Special Report with Britt Hume.....

Now I know all you libs are going to say its FOX but If this is true then it shoots to hell the theory that Rove outed Plame........

If anyone knows how to spell that General's last name let me know........
Here's an article:

Joe Wilson fumes over Vallely charges in WND
Demands retraction of statements alleging he 'outed' wife in Fox studio

Ambassador Joseph Wilson's attorney is demanding Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely retract a statement he made to WND that the man at the center of the CIA leak case "outed" his own wife as a CIA employee in conversations more than a year before her identity was revealed in a syndicated column.

A demand letter was sent by Christopher Wolf, partner at Proskauer Rose LLP and counsel for Wilson, to both Vallely and WND tonight.
Can anyone be shocked by this? The whole idea of her being a covert agent has been long proven to be a joke, as well as Wilson being someone whom is willing to talk about himself all day if neccessary.
Just looks like more political maneuvering by the Bush admin.
scottyz said:
Just looks like more political maneuvering by the Bush admin.

If it isn't your boy Wilson be in deep kimchee if he is called to testify under oath............I knew you liberals would back a scumbag like Wilson over a military man, a highly decorated General, but what else is new when it comes to the lefts disdain for our military..........
Navy Pride said:
In 2002 Joe Wilson was waiting in the Green Room at FOX with a retired Army General by the name of Paul Valahay to be interviewed on air (The speilling of the name is wrong.I am trying to find the right spelling and a link)) and the General said Wilson told him 2 times two times that his wife was a CIA agent.......Wilson has denied it but the General says its true.........

This was just revealed on Special Report with Britt Hume.....

Now I know all you libs are going to say its FOX but If this is true then it shoots to hell the theory that Rove outed Plame........

If anyone knows how to spell that General's last name let me know........

Always attack the messanger, typical.
General Walley has been a commentator on Fox at least since March of 2004. Why would he make this claim only now?

It's time to play "GRASPING FOR STRAWS THEATRE" :spin:

Paul Vallely
Tuesday, March 23, 2004

General Paul E. Vallely is a military analyst for FOX News Channel and is a guest on many nationally syndicated radio talk shows.
Navy Pride said:
If it isn't your boy Wilson be in deep kimchee if he is called to testify under oath............I knew you liberals would back a scumbag like Wilson over a military man, a highly decorated General, but what else is new when it comes to the lefts disdain for our military..........
What is the point of this thread other than Navy Pride writing hate-filled posts about Democrats?

It's like Mr. Pride is stuck in the movie GROUNDHOG DAY, repeating himself over and over and over again. Do you think that if you write it enough someone will be dumb enough to believe you?
hiker said:
Can anyone be shocked by this? The whole idea of her being a covert agent has been long proven to be a joke, as well as Wilson being someone whom is willing to talk about himself all day if neccessary.

Exactly, ..& the fireworks will only begin again when Libby's excellent trial lawyers get Wilson on the stand, .."THEY" are going to rip Wilson to shreds, & expose all of his lies & disingenuine behavior!
Stu Ghatze said:
Exactly, ..& the fireworks will only begin again when Libby's excellent trial lawyers get Wilson on the stand, .."THEY" are going to rip Wilson to shreds, & expose all of his lies & disingenuine behavior!
Will that be AFTER VP Cheney testifies?

hipsterdufus said:
Always attack the messanger, typical.
General Walley has been a commentator on Fox at least since March of 2004. Why would he make this claim only now?

It's time to play "GRASPING FOR STRAWS THEATRE" :spin:


Why do Liberals hate our military.....Here is a decorated war veteran and he is being labeled a liar by the left...No wonder our military always vote heavily for Republicans.......
Stu Ghatze said:
Exactly, ..& the fireworks will only begin again when Libby's excellent trial lawyers get Wilson on the stand, .."THEY" are going to rip Wilson to shreds, & expose all of his lies & disingenuine behavior!

the women who, as a former member of the DOJ, helped write the law in question suggested that the fitzpatrick investigation should have been terminated early on when it was obvious that Plame was not covered by her law. She also noted it was interesting how a hack like wilson got a job that he was not qualified for and essentially contradicted his wife's own findings
Navy Pride said:
Why do Liberals hate our military.....Here is a decorated war veteran and he is being labeled a liar by the left...No wonder our military always vote heavily for Republicans.......
nice :spin: Come on NP, you can sling dirt better than this.
scottyz said:
nice :spin: Come on NP, you can sling dirt better than this.

How is it spin? Is the guy is a decorated war veteran? Why is he a liar? Why do you take a scumbag word like Wilson over his?

I think we know the answer to that......

Kennedy: Our military in Iraq is the problem there not the solution

Durbin: The military in GITMO is running a gulag

Kerry: The military that fought in Nam were Rapists, murderers and child killers

Moore: The terrorists in Iraq are really there minutemen

I paraphrase there comments..........

I guess you call that respect for our military i don't............
General Paul Vallely will be interviewed on Hannity and Colmes tonight at 6PM
Pacific time.........

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