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Joe Biden the Draft Dodger (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2009
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Joe Biden dodged the draft two ways:

1. The white man way - a college deference - so black people would fight in his place
2. When that ran out, he claimed he has asthma to get medically disqualified.

Joe Biden: Draft Dodger.
So we have a tale of two draft dodgers... this should be fun... :roll:
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Joe Biden dodged the draft two ways:

1. The white man way - a college deference - so black people would fight in his place
2. When that ran out, he claimed he has asthma to get medically disqualified.

Joe Biden: Draft Dodger.

Wow! I guess that means you won’t vote for him
So we have a tale of two draft dodgers... this should be fun... :roll:

Indeed. What a truly enfeebled lot our country has among the highest echelons of our political ruling class. A bunch of dementia-ridden, bone-spurred, asthmatic, stuttering dotards.
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Trump obviously got syphilis during the Vietnam War.
Joe Biden dodged the draft two ways:

1. The white man way - a college deference - so black people would fight in his place
2. When that ran out, he claimed he has asthma to get medically disqualified.

Joe Biden: Draft Dodger.

Vietnam was 50-ish years ago .. Is draft dodging relevant to persuade the electorate in 2020? Will millennials even know what draft dodging and Vietnam are?
Joe Biden dodged the draft two ways:

1. The white man way - a college deference - so black people would fight in his place
2. When that ran out, he claimed he has asthma to get medically disqualified.

Joe Biden: Draft Dodger.

We've been in the era of Democrat draft-dodgers since 1992 when Slick Willy was elected. Let's not forget that Trump was also a registered Democrat when he dodged the draft. It is what Democrats do because they are all natural born cowards.
Vietnam was 50-ish years ago .. Is draft dodging relevant to persuade the electorate in 2020? Will millennials even know what draft dodging and Vietnam are?

I got my draft notice while I was in Marine Corps boot camp in 1972. After Carter completely destroyed military morale by pardoning all draft-dodgers in 1977, those who dodged the draft will certainly be remembered as low-life scum by those who actually served honorably. Even when Democrat filth give them a complete pass on their cowardice.
We've been in the era of Democrat draft-dodgers since 1992 when Slick Willy was elected. Let's not forget that Trump was also a registered Democrat when he dodged the draft. It is what Democrats do because they are all natural born cowards.

“Nixon, Reagan, and W Bush: Warriors Of The GOP” is a great book.
Joe Biden dodged the draft two ways:

1. The white man way - a college deference - so black people would fight in his place
2. When that ran out, he claimed he has asthma to get medically disqualified.

Joe Biden: Draft Dodger.

God Bless you.
I got my draft notice while I was in Marine Corps boot camp in 1972. After Carter completely destroyed military morale by pardoning all draft-dodgers in 1977, those who dodged the draft will certainly be remembered as low-life scum by those who actually served honorably. Even when Democrat filth give them a complete pass on their cowardice.

So you mean the losers who blew Vietnam will never forgive the smart people who didn’t want to sacrifice themselves for a failed project?

Oh no.
So you mean the losers who blew Vietnam will never forgive the smart people who didn’t want to sacrifice themselves for a failed project?

Oh no.

You mean Democrat LBJ?
Probably true but keep in mind that Joe Biden didn't inherit 412,000,000 dollars....made bad investments...went bankrupt several times..borrowed money...and won't show his tax returns.
Yeah..I'll take Joe.
You mean Democrat LBJ?

You mean Traitor Nixon during the 1968 election. LBJ should have had him arrested instead of sitting on definitive Intel. Chennault affair.
Joe Biden dodged the draft two ways:

1. The white man way - a college deference - so black people would fight in his place
2. When that ran out, he claimed he has asthma to get medically disqualified.

Joe Biden: Draft Dodger.

I thought people stopped caring about draft dodgers when Clinton got elected.
We've been in the era of Democrat draft-dodgers since 1992 when Slick Willy was elected. Let's not forget that Trump was also a registered Democrat when he dodged the draft. It is what Democrats do because they are all natural born cowards.

So trump is a natural born coward, at least you admit it...
Well, I'm sure this can be parsed into tiers of draft dodgingness so we can determine who the biggest draft dodger is.


I see no other point to this conversation, it is as if the OP wants to argue about who had arguably a worse excuse for dodging the draft.

In absence of that argument which is a **** show in the making, all we have here is a **** show thread anyway.
Joe Biden dodged the draft two ways:

1. The white man way - a college deference - so black people would fight in his place
2. When that ran out, he claimed he has asthma to get medically disqualified.

Joe Biden: Draft Dodger.

I played the draft game of student deferment along with thousands of others.

Your post is racists. Other people besides "whites" used student deferments.
hang on.

is the OP saying there were no black college students during that era?
Joe Biden dodged the draft two ways:

1. The white man way - a college deference - so black people would fight in his place
2. When that ran out, he claimed he has asthma to get medically disqualified.

Joe Biden: Draft Dodger.

What war was that? Korea?
Joe Biden dodged the draft two ways:

1. The white man way - a college deference - so black people would fight in his place
2. When that ran out, he claimed he has asthma to get medically disqualified.

Joe Biden: Draft Dodger.

Trump dodged the draft too. Do we care about draft dodging again? Just trying to see where the faux-rage should be aimed at this point.

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