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Jobless rate rises to 8.3 percent, hiring picks up but still falling short (1 Viewer)

Has the GDP increased yes or no?

It has already been pointed out to you that the cut-off for good or bad with GDP is an annual rate of about 2.0, just to break even with employment.

You are arguing as if to say that one job created in the country is somehow an "improvement", when the fact is that we need to create about 150,000 jobs per month just to keep up with population growth.

You were arguing "better or worse" before. You should understand what the measures are for such even if you quibble about where the exact line is drawn. Instead, when confronted with the finer understandings of "better or worse", you defer to nonsense.
Here is a very thorough study which documents that increasing debt reduces GDP growth. Not Romer's stupid multiplier nonsense. Romulus was correct.
Except for the fact...that neither he nor I mentioned debt load effect on GDP...at all.
It has already been pointed out to you that the cut-off for good or bad with GDP is an annual rate of about 2.0, just to break even with employment.

according to bea.gov

Real gross domestic product -- the output of goods and services produced by labor and property
located in the United States -- increased at an annual rate of 1.5 percent in the second quarter of 2012,
(that is, from the first quarter to the second quarter), according to the "advance" estimate released by the
Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the first quarter, real GDP increased 2.0 percent.

You are arguing as if to say that one job created in the country is somehow an "improvement",
I never actually said that. You are just making stuff up again. I'd ask you to support it but as you stated before you aren't gonig to support the things you make up so that is probably pointless.

when the fact is that we need to create about 150,000 jobs per month just to keep up with population growth.

A higher percentage of adults are working full time today than they were at this time last year and last year was improved over 2010.
You were arguing "better or worse" before. You should understand what the measures are for such even if you quibble about where the exact line is drawn. Instead, when confronted with the finer understandings of "better or worse", you defer to nonsense.

I have stated that our economy has been getting consistently better since 2010, i have provided data, and even shown on the data others have provided to refute it. The fact is our economy has been getting slowly better by almost every measure. But dont let silly things like facts get in the way when you can just make things up and post half truths and half facts.
Yes, of course it has at a lower rate this year than last year and last year vs the previous year. Not nearly enough to put taxpayers back to work as evidenced by the fact that unemployment is up. You want to see economic growth Reagan doubled GDP and Bush increased GDP by 4.5 trillion dollars over 8 years including the 2007-2008 recession. 2003-2007 the growth was exceptional

Barack Obama, 1.2% annual G.D.P. growth rate (previously 1.5%)
George W. Bush, 1.6% (previously 1.7%)
George H.W. Bush, 2.1%
Gerald Ford, 2.2%
Dwight Eisenhower, 2.5%
Richard Nixon, 3.0%
Jimmy Carter, 3.2%
Ronald Reagan, 3.5%
Bill Clinton, 3.8%
Lyndon B. Johnson, 5.0%
John F. Kennedy, 5.4%

To me, it is amazing that the growth rate after the crash of 08 is as good as it is considering the spending % increases of Reagan and Bush.
LOL...a link to the BEA chart page...is supposed to show what?

Don't you know, to save a chart you create....you need to save the image and post it?

Yes...you are ignorant of this basic fact.

Try again.

My mistake, thought you were smart enough to get the proper chart. Will not give you that much credit in the future
Barack Obama, 1.2% annual G.D.P. growth rate (previously 1.5%)
George W. Bush, 1.6% (previously 1.7%)
George H.W. Bush, 2.1%
Gerald Ford, 2.2%
Dwight Eisenhower, 2.5%
Richard Nixon, 3.0%
Jimmy Carter, 3.2%
Ronald Reagan, 3.5%
Bill Clinton, 3.8%
Lyndon B. Johnson, 5.0%
John F. Kennedy, 5.4%

To me, it is amazing that the growth rate after the crash of 08 is as good as it is considering the spending % increases of Reagan and Bush.

And it only cost over a trillion dollars in govt. spending to generate those numbers which are still worse than GW Bush's term which includes two recessions. You need to try harder to act smarter
My mistake, thought you were smart enough to get the proper chart. Will not give you that much credit in the future
Which chart....am I supposed to read your mind?

Here is a chart:

And it only cost over a trillion dollars in govt. spending to generate those numbers which are still worse than GW Bush's term which includes two recessions. You need to try harder to act smarter
As opposed to two recessions, massive unemployment, a destroyed economy, 2 unfunded wars, hundreds of thousands dead....and $5 Trillion in added debt.

Good job.
Which chart....am I supposed to read your mind?

Here is a chart:

View attachment 67132047

Does that chart make any sense to you? Think about it, you think we have a 13.6 trillion GDP? Better stay away from numbers, further growth rate is 1.5% annualized, it was 1.8% last year and 2.5% the year before. That isn't an improving economy. Do you know the difference between real and nominal dollars? You might want to learn that difference
must be upside down. shows it going up and these guys wong accept it. You can only show info that reflects poorly on Obama. Wouldnt want to be honest about things.
but...but....it should be faster....like the bubble economies we luv!!!!
As opposed to two recessions, massive unemployment, a destroyed economy, 2 unfunded wars, hundreds of thousands dead....and $5 Trillion in added debt.

Good job.

Please tell me how the wars affected the 5.4 trillion Obama has added the debt and the 23 million unemployed/under employed Americans? Do you know that deficits are yearly and debt cumulative? Bet you believe 5.4 trillion in debt is better than 5 trillion in 8 years?
I am about to go home. I think it is pretty clear the economy has improved steadily, albeit slightly, from 2010 thru today. If you can't accept and acknowledge that you are just blinded by your own partisanship.
The St. Louis Federal Reserve is just a Soros front organization.....everyone knows that.

Diversion is what you do, do you believe we have a 13.6 trillion dollar GDP? That is wrong and you should know that. The chart doesn't show what you want it to show
I am about to go home. I think it is pretty clear the economy has improved steadily, albeit slightly, from 2010 thru today. If you can't accept and acknowledge that you are just blinded by your own partisanship.

Right, the unemployed/under employed as well as the taxpayers paying debt service appreciate your claims.
Please tell me how the wars affected the 5.4 trillion Obama has added the debt and the 23 million unemployed/under employed Americans? Do you know that deficits are yearly and debt cumulative? Bet you believe 5.4 trillion in debt is better than 5 trillion in 8 years?
Do you know you constantly ask questions that have been answered so many times in the past? Do you know how utterly silly it is to ask the same questions over and over again? Do you know that it is referred to as spam to keep posting the same things over and over again? Do you know.......?
Diversion is what you do, do you believe we have a 13.6 trillion dollar GDP? That is wrong and you should know that. The chart doesn't show what you want it to show

He is right, it is not 13.6 it is 15,094,000,000,000. It was 13.6 over 6 years ago. Imagine that. It went up. LMAO

GDP (current US$) | Data | Table
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