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Job #1 for America's Attorney General: porn, not terrorism (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
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Saint Paul, MN
Political Leaning
U.S. Attorney's Porn Fight Gets Bad Reviews

When FBI supervisors in Miami met with new interim U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta last month, they wondered what the top enforcement priority for Acosta and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales would be.
Would it be terrorism? Organized crime? Narcotics trafficking? Immigration? Or maybe public corruption?

The agents were stunned to learn that a top prosecutorial priority of Acosta and the Department of Justice was none of the above. Instead, Acosta told them, it's obscenity. Not pornography involving children, but pornographic material featuring consenting adults.

Acosta's stated goal of prosecuting distributors of adult porn has angered federal and local law enforcement officials, as well as prosecutors in his own office. They say there are far more important issues in a high-crime area like South Florida, which is an international hub at risk for terrorism, money laundering and other dangerous activities.

"While there are crimes like drugs and public corruption in Miami, this is also a form of corruption and should be a priority," said Anthony Verdugo, director of the Christian Family Coalition in Miami. "Pornography is a poison and it's addictive. It's not a victimless crime. Women are the victims."

Is this more pandering to the Religious Right? A waste of taxpayer money? A way to weaken defenses against terrorism? A retarded way of nannying the country? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
I think pretty much all the men on this forum would be under arrest if they made this a federal law "Hand over that Penthouse and nobody gets hurt!"
I find it ironic that a lot of the same people who would be outraged by this government intrusion limiting something for consenting adults on private property with proven harm (to marriage, women, children, etc...) are on the opposite side of the fence with regards to smoking on private property, a legal activity with proven harm both for the consumer and others.

For the record, I oppose limiting either.
But movie and graphic new depictions of real violence will of course be perfectly acceptable to our treasonous government, but God forbid two humans have a sexually pleasurable and fulfilling time!!!!!

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