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Jimmy Carter: Wilson comments 'based on racism' (1 Viewer)

That is not evidence. It is your opinion.

Thanks for admitting you have been wrong the whole time.

You're right.

Since I cant see inside the head of the guy with the Aryan nations tattoos, Nazi flags and Confederate belt buckle, how dare I make the conclusion that he is a racist.

You're right.

Since I cant see inside the head of the guy with the Aryan nations tattoos, Nazi flags and Confederate belt buckle, how dare I make the conclusion that he is a racist.


That's a bit stronger evidence. Does Wilson have Aryan nation tattoos, Nazi flags and Confederate belt buckle?
That is merely your opinion.

Why don't we try an experment.

I'll fly you to Detroit, Michigan. I'll pay you $20 dollars an hour for five days in a row to proudly wave the confederate flag.

We'll see how long you last.
You're right.

Since I cant see inside the head of the guy with the Aryan nations tattoos, Nazi flags and Confederate belt buckle, how dare I make the conclusion that he is a racist.


Wrong answer. You were trying to claim there was something racist, about that outburst.

Now you have admitted you have no evidence for that claim but your own opinion.

I, personally, am angry at you for defeating yourself, as I had planned on garnering the accolades for defeating you myself.

(mutter . . mutter . . Steal my victory will ya . mutter . . grumble . .)
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Why don't we try an experment.

I'll fly you to Detroit, Michigan. I'll pay you $20 dollars an hour for five days in a row to proudly wave the confederate flag.

We'll see how long you last.

Are you trying to prove the bigotry and intolerance of Detroit?
Voted to keep flying a flag that represents slavery, violence and oppression.

I dont mind people deluding themselves into hiding from history but I do object when people try to hide history from me.

What that flag "means" is subjective to the individual.

People that forget history are doomed to repeat it.
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The_Limt continues to deliver.

Please, don't stop humiliating yourself. I'm truly enjoying your display of "debate" skills...:lol:
Wrong answer. You were trying to claim there was something racist, about that outburst. Now you have admitted you have no evidence for that but your own opinion.

I, personally, am angry at you for defeating yourself, as I had planned on garnering the accolades for defeating you myself.

(mutter . . mutter . . Steal my victory will ya . mutter . . grumble . .)

Here on planet Earth when the KKK use the Confederate flag as symbol of their movement that should tell you all you need to know

I dont mind people deluding themselves into hiding from history but I do object when people try to hide history from me.

What that flag "means" is subjective to the individual.

People that forget history are doomed to repeat it.

No it isn't "subjective."

It is in the same trash pile as the Nazi flag.
Here on planet Earth when the KKK use the Confederate flag as symbol of their movement that should tell you all you need to know


That's called coincidence. Your claim is that Wilson believes in everything the Confederate flag used to represent. That's what you have to prove, not that some racist groups can use similar symbols. I mean, the swastika wasn't actually a symbol of hatred till the Nazis, that doesn't mean everyone who had it previous was a racist.
Wrong answer. You were trying to claim there was something racist, about that outburst.

Now you have admitted you have no evidence for that claim but your own opinion.

I, personally, am angry at you for defeating yourself, as I had planned on garnering the accolades for defeating you myself.

(mutter . . mutter . . Steal my victory will ya . mutter . . grumble . .)

Does making absolutely no sense make you feel better?
Here on planet Earth when the KKK use the Confederate flag as symbol of their movement that should tell you all you need to know

Public jerks dont concern me. It is the hidden ones we have to concern ourselves with.
That's called coincidence.


Yea, its a huge "coincidence" that a flag that represented a culture that had slavery as an institution just happens to be used by the KKK at almost all of their events.


I, personally, am angry at you for defeating yourself, as I had planned on garnering the accolades for defeating you myself.

Having followed your debate ability...I suggest you may well be "Garnering" things....but it won't be any accolades.:lol:
(I would say that The_Limt has made you look silly at every turn)
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Nice arm band...must just be a coincidence, right guys?

Here on planet Earth when the KKK use the Confederate flag as symbol of their movement that should tell you all you need to know



Look! The American flag is racist, too!

You don't disappoint, Limt. Your ignorance reaches new pinnacles every time you post...:lol:

Look! The American flag is racist, too!

You don't disappoint, Limt. Your ignorance reaches new pinnacles every time you post...:lol:

Don't try to muddy the debate with your "look the American flag" is at these rallies too garbage.

We all know what that flag means, what it represents - slavery, oppression, and racism.

How dare you even equate the American flag with that piece of trash confederates toilet paper.
Don't try to muddy the debate with your "look the American flag" is at these rallies too garbage.

We all know what that flag means, what it represents.

I'm just using your own flawed logic. Apparently, if the KKK associates itself with something that means it's racist. I guess having white bed sheets is racist, too...:lol:
I'm just using your own flawed logic. Apparently, if the KKK associates itself with something it must be racist. I guess having white bed sheets is racist, too...:lol:

You're not using any logic.

Again, the confederate flag is a staple of the KKK.

Don't insult a flag that liberated an entire people from their slave masters by equating it with the Confederate trash.
I'm just using your own flawed logic. Apparently, if the KKK associates itself with something that means it's racist. I guess having white bed sheets is racist, too...:lol:

Fire and crosses is racist too. As well as clean linen.

Are they wearing shoes as well? Darn. I hope they arent carrying any money either.
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Why don't we try an experment.

I'll fly you to Detroit, Michigan. I'll pay you $20 dollars an hour for five days in a row to proudly wave the confederate flag.

We'll see how long you last.

Those of us in the REAL world understand that, except for the deep South, the Confederate flag has come to symbolize racism, bigotry, hate & violence & to attempt to claim otherwise is a desperate dodge to try to defend Wilson.

Yea, its a huge "coincidence" that a flag that represented a culture that had slavery as an institution just happens to be used by the KKK at almost all of their events.



Maybe you don't understand what coincidence means. So I'll go slower.

You're claim is that Wilson voted for the flag because he believes fully in what it used to stand for. The fact that there are groups which use it as such demonstration does not mean that Wilson himself believes that. You are using coincidence, equating two unrelated things through a coincidence of use. Thus my question remains the same. Do you have actual proof. No more coincidence and supposition, actual proof. Do you have it?
Those of us in the REAL world understand that, except for the deep South, the Confederate flag has come to symbolize racism, bigotry, hate & violence. To attempt to claim otherwise is a desperate dodge to try to defend Wilson.

Are you sure, it might just be a "coincidence."

Are you sure, it might just be a "coincidence."


*sigh* Maybe America really is becoming stupid.

The KKK using the confederate flag does not mean that everyone who may like the flag believes in the same thing. That is coincidence, not actual proof. Would you like to provide actual proof or are you just going to subsist off of supposition?
You're claim is that Wilson voted for the flag because he believes fully in what it used to stand for. The fact that there are groups which use it as such demonstration does not mean that Wilson himself believes that. You are using coincidence, equating two unrelated things through a coincidence of use. Thus my question remains the same. Do you have actual proof. No more coincidence and supposition, actual proof. Do you have it?

That flag represents slavery, violence and oppression.

Thats why the KKK uses it. Thats why it was voted to be taken down from many capitol hall buildings...

...because it was an insult to the African-American population.

Stop playing stupid.

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