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Jill Carroll Release (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Southern California
Political Leaning
The image of that DWB still dressing like a dessert princess after release is puzzling to me, as is her release - I think there must be more here than meets the eye. Did you hear her gushing how well she was treated?? She was kidnapped, and her Iraqi interpreter was murdered in cold blood. Also puzzling was the stupid comment by Bush, hopefully inadvertent, that he was grateful she was released. Why should decent people be grateful for anything from islamofascists?
Uh, so what are you implying? She's in on some pointless terrorist kidnapping conspiracy? That she traded sex for a safe release? :neutral:

Bush wasn't saying he's grateful to her captors, just that she's safe now. You're not grateful she was released unharmed? What, you'd rather they'd chopped her head off on a webcam or something? Anal. :roll:
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vergiss said:
Uh, so what are you implying? She's in on some pointless terrorist kidnapping conspiracy? That she traded sex for a safe release?

What was done by whom to get her release is the point.

You're not grateful she was released unharmed?

"Grateful"?? Whom should I be grateful to???

A Thank You Note

Dear Mr. Islamofascist -

Just a note to express my gratitude for releasing
the DWB reporterette - you guys are real mensches!​

What, you'd rather they'd chopped her head off on a webcam or something?

Er, you don't get it.

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:roll: Who says you have to be grateful to a person? Just be grateful, to God or luck or whatever.

Anal retentive. Look it up.
alphamale said:
The image of that DWB still dressing like a dessert princess after release is puzzling to me, as is her release - I think there must be more here than meets the eye. Did you hear her gushing how well she was treated?? She was kidnapped, and her Iraqi interpreter was murdered in cold blood. Also puzzling was the stupid comment by Bush, hopefully inadvertent, that he was grateful she was released. Why should decent people be grateful for anything from islamofascists?

I heard on the news today (Sunday) that she was coerced into making those odd statements in support of her captors as a condition of her release.
I thought the media didn't report good news coming out of Iraq.
hipsterdufus said:
I heard on the news today (Sunday) that she was coerced into making those odd statements in support of her captors as a condition of her release.

No, she was coerced while still captive on their videos of her, not after she was released and blathering how well she was treated.
alphamale said:
No, she was coerced while still captive on their videos of her, not after she was released and blathering how well she was treated.
she was still in iraq and was scared. Wouldnt you be? She is saying now what she really feels. Hard to beleive how uncommom common sence is.
Fast Facts: Jill Carroll's Statement

"I also gave a TV interview to the Iraqi Islamic Party shortly after my release. The party had promised me the interview would never be broadcast or aired on television, and they broke their word. At any rate, fearing retribution from my captors, I did not speak freely. Out of fear I said I wasn't threatened. In fact, I was threatened many times."

floridaguy said:
she was still in iraq and was scared. Wouldnt you be? She is saying now what she really feels. Hard to beleive how uncommom common sence is.

Yeah she changed her tune quickly once she hit the ground in Germany. They blew away her interpreter so I dont believe she was exactly happy with her captors.

Im sure she would have say anything to secure her release and to get away.
She cant be blamed for that. She looks like fessed up to what really happened as soon as she was out of striking distance.

She got a job out of it too.

The Monitor is extremely grateful for her release. They get the scoop.
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Thank God she's safe... that's the most important thing.

Disappointed, alphamale? Now you won't be able to accuse her of being a Jesus-hating feminazi terrorist-sympathiser. :lol:
vergiss said:
Thank God she's safe... that's the most important thing.

Disappointed, alphamale? Now you won't be able to accuse her of being a Jesus-hating feminazi terrorist-sympathiser. :lol:

I think she was teetering into Stockholm Syndrome. Chicks are susceptible to that.
alphamale said:
I think she was teetering into Stockholm Syndrome. Chicks are susceptible to that.

Oh, really? My Psychology text book and everything else I've ever read about the matter says anyone - men, women and children - are equally prone depending on the variable conditions regarding threat, fear, etc.

Got a source?

I won't hold my breath.
alphamale said:
I think she was teetering into Stockholm Syndrome. Chicks are susceptible to that.

Liberals and . . . The Stockholm Syndrome?

"this behavior is an indicator of having met successfully an intolerable situation, intolerable to him/her, that is – made tolerable by a slight distortion of reality. All defense mechanisms are a distortion of reality, and when it comes to that, liberals really know how to cope with what they perceive as painful, intolerable.

For them, somehow, the environment in which they live - not the politics, but the entire environment in which we all live - is somehow intolerable as it is. (The part that bugs liberals in the great debates is that conservatives – and many, many libertarians – live life in that very same environment by working without a net, thereby proving how comfortable life can really be after all. Who’s wrong here?)

Unfortunately, this means that liberals deal with our politics in that crafted, distorted view of reality on everything. "

Could happen to anybody.
akyron said:
Liberals and . . . The Stockholm Syndrome?

"this behavior is an indicator of having met successfully an intolerable situation, intolerable to him/her, that is – made tolerable by a slight distortion of reality. All defense mechanisms are a distortion of reality, and when it comes to that, liberals really know how to cope with what they perceive as painful, intolerable.

For them, somehow, the environment in which they live - not the politics, but the entire environment in which we all live - is somehow intolerable as it is. (The part that bugs liberals in the great debates is that conservatives – and many, many libertarians – live life in that very same environment by working without a net, thereby proving how comfortable life can really be after all. Who’s wrong here?)

Unfortunately, this means that liberals deal with our politics in that crafted, distorted view of reality on everything. "

Could happen to anybody.

This is imnsho an excellent observation!
scottyz said:
I thought the media didn't report good news coming out of Iraq.
:mrgreen: good one
alphamale said:
This is imnsho an excellent observation!

True or not its a funny observation.

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