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Jerry Falwell Jr: In pictures... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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There are Jerry's people...





...the republican cheerleaders :elephantf are waiting for their talking points from rush, sean and glenn... :stooges

Revisiting the legacy of Jerry Falwell Sr. in Trump's America

"...President Donald Trump appointed evangelical Christian leader Jerry Falwell Jr. to head the White House education reform task force. Not much is known about the task force or what its work will be. And, tapping Falwell Jr. as its leader may seem odd to some observers given that he is president of Liberty University, a Christian university founded by his father, Jerry Falwell Sr., and not a top research university.

Falwell Jr. has recently been active in the political realm, particularly in his outspoken support of Donald Trump.

From my perspective as someone who has been studying Protestant fundamentalists and evangelicals for more than 20 years, Falwell Jr., to date, remains a relatively minor political and religious figure. His appointment could be better explained by his family legacy, particularly that of his late father, Jerry Falwell Sr. – an enormously influential figure in American politics still today..."
Jerry Falwell Jr... doing what they all eventually do.

Pretending to be on high as an evangelical commanding moral authority and ends up just like many others and seemingly just like ole Trump.

Instead of going with the 'grab em by the ***** approach,' he ran off to a corner and literally watched the pool boy screw his wife. Multiple times per year across many years.

Not really all that original for an evangelical leader who is now trying to deny it... well, sort of.

Pathetic and sad.

I guess the next step is crying on air begging for forgiveness... just before asking for money.
He's just a huckster like all the other evangelical bull**** artists. Everything he does has a dollar sign attached, high level influence involved, or Peg Bundy and a few open zippers. God thinks he's as much of a dick as Trump.
Jerry Falwell Jr... doing what they all eventually do.

Pretending to be on high as an evangelical commanding moral authority and ends up just like many others and seemingly just like ole Trump.

Instead of going with the 'grab em by the ***** approach,' he ran off to a corner and literally watched the pool boy screw his wife. Multiple times per year across many years.

Not really all that original for an evangelical leader who is now trying to deny it... well, sort of.

Pathetic and sad.

as i've said repeatedly, a bunch of the evangelical extremists just lie, cheat and steal all the friggin time.

it's not surprising, but, how do i know personally? i'm friggin surrounded by those people. some are even in my family/extended family/wife's family/wife's extended family. and their wives just look the other way. then go to church on Sundays.
And yet again another close trump associate falls from Grace. Has there ever been an administration this corrupt, I don't think so.
Fire trump and his minions in November.
70 Days to go.
And yet again another close trump associate falls from Grace. Has there ever been an administration this corrupt, I don't think so.
Fire trump and his minions in November.
70 Days to go.

i'm not one to say "greatest basketball player ever" or "worst hitter ever". but, damn, there is just so much corruption (out in the open) that i find myself just going ahead and calling Trump what he is.

and all this **** was known since the 19 friggin 80s. how stupid do people have to be?

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