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Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censorship (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2009
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Well. Well done, sir.

Jake Tapper did a radio interview with WMAL’s Mornings on the Mall show on Thursday, where he said that journalists have to take the State Department to task for editing out a press briefing segment in order to protect their position.

State Department spokesman John Kirby made a major admission on Wednesday when his investigation concluded an omission in a 2013 Iran negotiation press briefing was not, in fact, a “glitch.” Jen Psaki implied that State Department policy allowed officials to lie to reporters in order to keep diplomatic negotiations secret, but Kirby says that briefing clip’s mysteriously disappeared afterwards occurred on purpose.....

“That looks like a completely cut-and-dried case of censorship. They took something they didn’t like and pretended it didn’t happen. People in the media whose personal leanings might be sympathetic to President Obama and to President Obama’s State Department should not let their personal bias get in the way of the fact that this is a true outrage.”​

Tapper also said that reporters have to be able to “complain consistently,” otherwise they won’t have any ground to stand on if “hypothetically, President Trump and Secretary of State Omarosa do the same thing.”

Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

But that ain't the way journalism is taught in the northeastern schools anymore.

Tapper must be from Mars.
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

But that ain't the way journalism is taught in the northeastern schools anymore.

Tapper must be from Mars.

The way journalism is practiced by the mainstream media is the greater issue, IMO. The teachers are still rather in an Ivory Tower, disconnected from the way things operate.

Tapper offers constructive criticism. Hopefully some will listen to him.
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

But that ain't the way journalism is taught in the northeastern schools anymore.

Tapper must be from Mars.

Go figure... an honest reporter in the main stream news media that doesn't let political bias get in the way of the facts.

Mars indeed.
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

But that ain't the way journalism is taught in the northeastern schools anymore.

Tapper must be from Mars.

Actually, he must be from the Bush administration. But "Bush did it" is no excuse for Obama to do it. Of course, many Republicans who defended Bush for it are criticizing Obama, and conversely, a lot of Democrats who complained about Bush doing it are defending Obama.

Just politics as usual.... And it stinks to high heaven.
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

Actually, he must be from the Bush administration. But "Bush did it" is no excuse for Obama to do it. Of course, many Republicans who defended Bush for it are criticizing Obama, and conversely, a lot of Democrats who complained about Bush doing it are defending Obama.

Just politics as usual.... And it stinks to high heaven.

You went from 1 to manhole cover. Just to drag the previous administration into the thread, politics as usual...
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

Go figure... an honest reporter in the main stream news media that doesn't let political bias get in the way of the facts.

Mars indeed.

Jake Tapper is not a honest journalist. He went along with the status quo for a long time until he got a good case of "butt hurt".
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

Jake Tapper is not a honest journalist. He went along with the status quo for a long time until he got a good case of "butt hurt".
I'm not knowledgeable enough about Jake Tapper to address his specific issue, however media manipulation in the US has been standard operating procedure since the Vietnam War and before. The Church Committee found at least 400 CIA assets operating in the major media and nothing was done to stop it. CIA budgets have increased astronomically, ergo CIA assets in major media have increased astronoically. The major media "news" becomes the Intelligence Communitiy's narrative and the fewer persons owning the media make for better control. Simple news for simple minds. Vietnam bad, US good. Russia bad, US good. China bad, US good. Big Banks with bad money good, Banks with good money bad. Price discovery in markets controlled to "stabilize" markets. Markets controlled to break economies, OPEC is good, Venezuela is bad (example). Debt is good, real money is bad. Just addressing the major myths.
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

I'm not knowledgeable enough about Jake Tapper to address his specific issue, however media manipulation in the US has been standard operating procedure since the Vietnam War and before. The Church Committee found at least 400 CIA assets operating in the major media and nothing was done to stop it. CIA budgets have increased astronomically, ergo CIA assets in major media have increased astronoically. The major media "news" becomes the Intelligence Communitiy's narrative and the fewer persons owning the media make for better control. Simple news for simple minds. Vietnam bad, US good. Russia bad, US good. China bad, US good. Big Banks with bad money good, Banks with good money bad. Price discovery in markets controlled to "stabilize" markets. Markets controlled to break economies, OPEC is good, Venezuela is bad (example). Debt is good, real money is bad. Just addressing the major myths.

Do you think we're making an example out of Venezuela?
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

Do you think we're making an example out of Venezuela?

I think the World OIL squeeze is intentional to coerce Russia and Venezuela. It is working against Venezuela, not working against Russia. The logic is that all Saudi Arabia has to due to double its' OIL revenue is cut production about 3 million barrels per day. Instead, they have increased production to keep prices below production costs in several Nations, especially Venezuela and US fracked OIL. Since business is business and SA is foregoing easy profits, then economic politics must be the motive. Modus operandi. The US initiated an economic war against Russia with sanctions and banking skullduggery and one reaps what one sows.
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

I think the World OIL squeeze is intentional to coerce Russia and Venezuela. It is working against Venezuela, not working against Russia. The logic is that all Saudi Arabia has to due to double its' OIL revenue is cut production about 3 million barrels per day. Instead, they have increased production to keep prices below production costs in several Nations, especially Venezuela and US fracked OIL. Since business is business and SA is foregoing easy profits, then economic politics must be the motive. Modus operandi. The US initiated an economic war against Russia with sanctions and banking skullduggery and one reaps what one sows.

Except the Saudis did it with the stated purpose of regaining control over oil demand and supply. By glutting the market they hoped to put US oil production out of business and make sure US extraction was too costly for the market. It has nothing to do with Venezuela, they don't have enough supply for it to begin to matter. They are a byproduct of the strategy, not the intended target.

Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

You went from 1 to manhole cover. Just to drag the previous administration into the thread, politics as usual...

I strongly disagree with you. I posted the truth. Whichever party is in power at any particular time is going to get a pass from their own people when they do wrong. That was my whole point, and is one of the reasons I can't stand either major party. They produce nothing but douche bags.
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

I strongly disagree with you. I posted the truth. Whichever party is in power at any particular time is going to get a pass from their own people when they do wrong. That was my whole point, and is one of the reasons I can't stand either major party. They produce nothing but douche bags.

Yeah, no. There were a lot of things I didn't like about the Bush administration and the abuse of civil liberties well after 9/11 was one of them.
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

Well. Well done, sir.

Yup. [/B]

He has a point but it is even more wide ranging. If Trump were to win and approach the presidency the way that Obama has the left would be burning cars.

One of the many reasons I don't want Trump as president is that he would take the same approach as Obama with one executive over reach after another.
Re: Jake Tapper: Journalists Need to Drop Personal Bias, Call Out State Dept. Censors

He has a point but it is even more wide ranging. If Trump were to win and approach the presidency the way that Obama has the left would be burning cars.

Solid concur. They are already starting to justify it, simply because he's running.

One of the many reasons I don't want Trump as president is that he would take the same approach as Obama with one executive over reach after another.

Yup. What do you think his natural response would be to the first time a team of Federales goes into the Barrio on an illegal-immigrant raid and none of them come out? My Bet: some kind of (at least local) Martial Law.

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