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I've been listening to XM channel 127. (1 Viewer)


America First Populist
DP Veteran
May 5, 2019
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San Diego
Political Leaning
That's the Progressive talk channel. I learned:

These people are still obsessed with Trump. They believe if he is re-elected, the USA will absolutely fall into facsism.
They believe every word Biden utters. Like the whole economic problem is Putin and Trump's fault. Joe's policies are working to make it all better, haha.
They still try desperately to link Trump to Putin. He's still a Russian agent in their minds.
They actually believe Joe's approval numbers suck because the media is unfair to poor Joe......Wahahaha.
That's the Progressive talk channel. I learned:

These people are still obsessed with Trump. They believe if he is re-elected, the USA will absolutely fall into facsism.
They believe every word Biden utters. Like the whole economic problem is Putin and Trump's fault. Joe's policies are working to make it all better, haha.
They still try desperately to link Trump to Putin. He's still a Russian agent in their minds.
They actually believe Joe's approval numbers suck because the media is unfair to poor Joe......Wahahaha.
Don't believe it. Don't believe the right wing radio nuts either.
Exactly. That's the reason I don't depend on one news source but constantly flip through all the news channels.
That's the Progressive talk channel. I learned:

These people are still obsessed with Trump. They believe if he is re-elected, the USA will absolutely fall into facsism.
They believe every word Biden utters. Like the whole economic problem is Putin and Trump's fault. Joe's policies are working to make it all better, haha.
They still try desperately to link Trump to Putin. He's still a Russian agent in their minds.
They actually believe Joe's approval numbers suck because the media is unfair to poor Joe......Wahahaha.
I'm not supposed to tell you this, but that's just bait. RWNJs go for it every single time.
That's the Progressive talk channel. I learned:

These people are still obsessed with Trump. They believe if he is re-elected, the USA will absolutely fall into facsism.
They believe every word Biden utters. Like the whole economic problem is Putin and Trump's fault. Joe's policies are working to make it all better, haha.
They still try desperately to link Trump to Putin. He's still a Russian agent in their minds.
They actually believe Joe's approval numbers suck because the media is unfair to poor Joe......Wahahaha.
Sounds like Art Bell stuff.

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