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Ivanka Trump's scarves, made in China, had to be recalled. (1 Viewer)

Seems they were a burn risk.

Ivanka Trump scarves recalled over 'burn risk' - Apr. 7, 2016

Wait, they were made where? China? The same place that Donald Trump's 'Signature Collection' suits are made?

Oh, say it isn't so Donald.

Nothing makes my heart sing more than seeing how dedicated the entire Trump clan is to bringing jobs back to America from China. I mean, look how they're....oh wait....never mind.

But hey, it's okay! Trump is awesome. He talks about neat stuff. He tells it like it is!
she is a nice smart lady unlike Donald..
...and another TDS sufferer chimes in...

With all of the legitimate things to critique Trump for, why stoop to this kind of sophomoric, sub-70 IQ, guilt by association GARBAGE???

Trump talks about getting our clock cleaned by China...but has stuff with his (and his daughter's) name on it MADE THERE. You don't see a bit of hypocrisy there?
Shirt in the USA and the pants (Levi's) say Puerto Rico? Is that possible?

Good enough. I'm pretty passionate about buying USA made, first dibs always go to my country. But my question gets asked when I hear people complain about overseas outsourcing. Bringing jobs home starts at home with your pocket book.
Good enough. I'm pretty passionate about buying USA made, first dibs always go to my country. But my question gets asked when I hear people complain about overseas outsourcing. Bringing jobs home starts at home with your pocket book.

In all honesty, I had no idea that Levi's were made outside of the US.

Wonder where Wranglers are made?
Trump talks about getting our clock cleaned by China...but has stuff with his (and his daughter's) name on it MADE THERE. You don't see a bit of hypocrisy there?

This is such a small issue, that it defies belief that it's all people can come with to critique Trump over. The next thing you'll bring up is that Trump once said that we need to decrease our dependence on foreign oil but drives a car that gets 32 MPG when there are cars out there that get 33 MPG. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
In all honesty, I had no idea that Levi's were made outside of the US.

Wonder where Wranglers are made?

Not sure but texas jeans are 100% USA made.
This is such a small issue, that it defies belief that it's all people can come with to critique Trump over. The next thing you'll bring up is that Trump once said that we need to decrease our dependence on foreign oil but drives a car that gets 32 MPG when there are cars out there that get 33 MPG. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Tump really believes in that ?
Not sure but texas jeans are 100% USA made.

Yeah, but they're zipper fly, which is fine if you're of the short horned variety or lacking external equipment. :mrgreen:

No thanks, I'll take levis, button fly 501.
...and another TDS sufferer chimes in...

With all of the legitimate things to critique Trump for, why stoop to this kind of sophomoric, sub-70 IQ, guilt by association GARBAGE???

See, that's what wrong here. This isn't sophomoric. Trump is running strictly on his words and promises. His promises to virtually cut China off at its knees, and his promises to return jobs to the USA from China. It is actually perfectly acceptable to challenge him on that. He has no legislative record. He has no public sector record. He has no political experience. He has nothing but his mouth and his real estate empire (self-owned), so challenging him on his own words is what needs to be done. While his daughter finds it acceptable to ship jobs to China, just as he does, he will stand there with her next to him, droning on about how wrong it is. If you don't see the hypocrisy, I don't even know what to say.

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