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It's not about Biden, it's about removing Trump! (1 Viewer)

What was the ‘blue plate special’ today?
The American public is pretty sick of being stuck in their own basements due to Trump's botched pandemic response.
A sack of potatoes would certainly be far more effective a leader and less of a national embarrassment that Trump.

Russets, only!
BIt's long past time for Joe Biden to start taking questions from the press - CNNPolitics

Just curious how long they think that will fly with the American public.
So you think electing a sack of potatoes will work?
Even CNN wants Joe to come out of the basement!


I think your thread title is correct. This election is all about Trump and getting rid of him. It isn't so much about Biden or anyone else. Who ended up opposing Trump probably meant very little. For a lot of folks, policy, what Trump has or hasn't done as president is taking a backseat to his obnoxious, uncouth, schoolyard bullying persona.

Many folks, especially in the independent ranks, those less to non-partisan's, they expect a president to act presidential. Not like some spoiled four year old brat who throws temper tantrums and calls others names. Perhaps they're looking for an adult to occupy the White House.

I do think if Trump had the congenial personality of a Reagan that he could dispatch Biden fairly easily. But he doesn't. Trump is a very easy man to dislike and that will show up in November. His very distasteful and very unpresidential behavior has had 4 years to grate on independents. They're not about to vote for him again. Independents gave Trump the White House in 2016 and independents will take it away in 2020. Remember, the Republican Party is still the smaller of the two major parties, so for Trump and company winning independents is a must or they lose the election. The democrats and Biden just have to keep the independent fairly close, they don't have to win it.]

As for coming out of the basement, letting Trump be Trump and hogging the spotlight and being the number one story on the news is working. Don't mess with what is working until it doesn't work anymore. In short, don't fix something that ain't broke.
Do you guys purposely post this kind of stuff so can make fun of you?

Yesterday, cnn bad. Today, cnn good.
It's long past time for Joe Biden to start taking questions from the press - CNNPolitics

Just curious how long they think that will fly with the American public.
So you think electing a sack of potatoes will work?
Even CNN wants Joe to come out of the basement!


Biden speaks to the press plenty, and he makes plenty of statements on Twitter. What you're confused about is the 24/7 in-your-face presence of Trump, who sucks up the oxygen at such a rate that no rain forest on the planet can keep pace with. As a result, you've become conditioned to think of this as "normal."

It's not normal.

You're just going to have to get used to Trump's failure and his corruption being in the spotlight. Trump demands that he have that attention. Well, he's got it.
The American public is pretty sick of being stuck in their own basements due to Trump's botched pandemic response.

If you're still stuck in your basement, that's your fault.

Social distance, wear your mask, wash your hands, and stop childishly blaming Trump.
If you're still stuck in your basement, that's your fault.

Social distance, wear your mask, wash your hands, and stop childishly blaming Trump.

Who is in charge of the US Federal government's response to a global pandemic?
If you're still stuck in your basement, that's your fault.

Social distance, wear your mask, wash your hands, and stop childishly blaming Trump.

Trump's catastrophic handling of the pandemic is relevant to hundreds of millions of Americans' daily lives right now.
Who is in charge of the US Federal government's response to a global pandemic?

The states are responsible for mandates on social distancing, etc.
I don't know what state that poster lives in nor do I care but if he is still stuck in his basement perhaps he should protest to his governor.
The states are responsible for mandates on social distancing, etc.
I don't know what state that poster lives in nor do I care but if he is still stuck in his basement perhaps he should protest to his governor.

So you're in the 'During WWII, each state should have been responsible for developing their response to the Axis' camp? Public health is a state issue, but can you tell me how Nevada has any control over Californians going to their state? You can't because they don't have any control. When there is a global issue, the Federal government must stand up. This administration made a POLITICAL decision to put states on their own, and we can see the results.
So you're in the 'During WWII, each state should have been responsible for developing their response to the Axis' camp? Public health is a state issue, but can you tell me how Nevada has any control over Californians going to their state? You can't because they don't have any control. When there is a global issue, the Federal government must stand up. This administration made a POLITICAL decision to put states on their own, and we can see the results.

Red herring. ^
Again, look to your governor if you are still stuck in your basement due to Covid.
Trump's catastrophic handling of the pandemic is relevant to hundreds of millions of Americans' daily lives right now.

No, it's not. Try thinking for yourself for a change, and stop looking to Donald Trump for all the answers.

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