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"it" (1 Viewer)

Nov 23, 2005
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Political Leaning

it" The Pro Abotionist refer to another human being as "it" It brings to mind the character on the TV show "The Adams Family" You know the guy with the hat and hair down to his feet. Now all you Pro Choice People you are being creepy & spooky,Mysterious and Kooky. Now I'll have that song playing in my head all day. Thinking Cousin "It" is in someones womb. "it" what a ridiculas thought "It" another Human Being. "It" So sad someone can think that way. "it" To all Pro Abortion people were the 5 babies my wife and I lost were they to "it" They all could have been legally aborted? "it' another word for Baby, Human being, in the Pro abortion dictionary. It makes it easier to tear an "it" apart during the abortion process limbs, heart, head, torso ripped to threads "it" is then place in a red Biological waste bag."it" might find "it's' way into a sewer. Anyway "it" died and "it" was killed, Yes "it" was murdered. Suddenly the Adams Family song stop playing stoped playing in my head.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:

it" The Pro Abotionist refer to another human being as "it" It brings to mind the character on the TV show "The Adams Family" You know the guy with the hat and hair down to his feet. Now all you Pro Choice People you are being creepy & spooky,Mysterious and Kooky. Now I'll have that song playing in my head all day. Thinking Cousin "It" is in someones womb. "it" what a ridiculas thought "It" another Human Being. "It" So sad someone can think that way. "it" To all Pro Abortion people were the 5 babies my wife and I lost were they to "it" They all could have been legally aborted? "it' another word for Baby, Human being, in the Pro abortion dictionary. It makes it easier to tear an "it" apart during the abortion process limbs, heart, head, torso ripped to threads "it" is then place in a red Biological waste bag."it" might find "it's' way into a sewer. Anyway "it" died and "it" was killed, Yes "it" was murdered. Suddenly the Adams Family song stop playing stoped playing in my head.

One word for ya........"therapy"

Seriously, it helps
Agreed there.....and stop reading anti-choice falsehood propaganda....nothing gets ripped apart and tossed in sewers....if you believe that, I have some swampland in New Jersey just waiting to be sold.
ngdawg said:
Agreed there.....and stop reading anti-choice falsehood propaganda....nothing gets ripped apart and tossed in sewers....if you believe that, I have some swampland in New Jersey just waiting to be sold.

It's worth a mint if it's in NJ I have no idea why though.

You are talking to a Bio Medical Engineer The machine is called a suction machine. Most abortions are performed this way. Many Women suffer cervix damage, making them unable to carry a baby if they get pregnant.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
It's worth a mint if it's in NJ I have no idea why though.

You are talking to a Bio Medical Engineer The machine is called a suction machine. Most abortions are performed this way. Many Women suffer cervix damage, making them unable to carry a baby if they get pregnant.

i'm not turning against you jp, but... I think you do need some therapy. I'm sorry your cute babies died, perhaps you could adopt or get a pet?
And many would be how many? Of the four women I know personally that had abortions, some had two, not one had difficulty bearing subsequent children. I have NEVER had an abortion yet took 10 years to conceive.
What evidence do you have that is NONpartisan to back up any of your claims? There's no evidence that these fetuses are the way you say they are, in fact, there are measures that address the possibility of using fetal tissue for other areas of medicine-which would not be possible under the conditions you claim.
Your stance, while not factual based at all, has been duly noted more than once. Let's move on, shall we?
Why do people reply to this crap? You don't engage those lunatics with the megaphones on street corners do you?
Actually never saw any...I live in a sane area....but you make a good point.
Aurora151989 said:
i'm not turning against you jp, but... I think you do need some therapy. I'm sorry your cute babies died, perhaps you could adopt or get a pet?
We did adopt it took 5 yrs she has scored in the top 1% in the nation in her Scholastic Aptitude test, she is now 11. My wife and I did have a little girl now 5yr old. I wrote the piece some time ago because the board I was on someone kept refering to a baby in the womb as "it" steen in another string steen refered to a baby as "it" That brought it back I gues I am the only one who hears a song and find myself mindlessly humming it or just thinking about the medly. Do you really think thats not normal? Well I do Alley MacBeal had it happening to her all the time on fox yrs ago. Another song that has the same affect is the Beverly Hillbillies. Let me tell you a story about a man name jed....... oil that is black gold.....Sorry folks
ngdawg said:
Agreed there.....and stop reading anti-choice falsehood propaganda....nothing gets ripped apart and tossed in sewers....if you believe that, I have some swampland in New Jersey just waiting to be sold.

Suction Curettage: The mouth (cervix) of the womb is dilated. Sometimes it is damaged because during the pregnancy the cervix is closed tightly to protect the baby. A suction Curette (hollow tube with a knife-like edged tip) is inserted into the womb. A strong suction tears the baby into pieces, drawing them into a container. Great care must be used to prevent the womb from being torn and checking body parts to ensure a complete abortion.

Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
I wrote the piece some time ago because the board I was on someone kept refering to a baby in the womb as "it"
Well, the developmental stage "baby" doesn't begin till after birth, so the way you use it here is merely prolife rethoric and sophistry, revisionist linguistic hyperbole.
steen in another string steen refered to a baby as "it"
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
Suction Curettage: The mouth (cervix) of the womb is dilated. Sometimes it is damaged because during the pregnancy the cervix is closed tightly to protect the baby.
Nope, that would be embryo in thsi case.
A suction Curette (hollow tube with a knife-like edged tip) is inserted into the womb.
That would be "uterus."
A strong suction tears the baby
Still no baby, your emotional revisionist linguistic hyperbole none withstanding.
into pieces, drawing them into a container. Great care must be used to prevent the womb from being torn and checking body parts to ensure a complete abortion.
No more "great" care than any other surgical procedure. And note that abortions are one of the safest surgical procedures there is.

BTW, I noticed that to describe medical procedures, you used non-medical prolife sites. Could that be because factual, medical, scientific sites don't use language that is emotionally evocative enough for you?
steen said:
Well, the developmental stage "baby" doesn't begin till after birth, so the way you use it here is merely prolife rethoric and sophistry, revisionist linguistic hyperbole.

From your Reply of Aesome Little Girl.

"It "is not a baby.

Is it not a Human being just beging his or her life?

"It "does not have individuality enough to qualify as a "being."

hey, "it" is not MY fault that youspew false, revisionist linguistic hyperbole instead of truth.
steen said:
Nope, that would be embryo in thsi case.
That would be "uterus."
Still no baby, your emotional revisionist linguistic hyperbole none withstanding.
No more "great" care than any other surgical procedure. And note that abortions are one of the safest surgical procedures there is.

BTW, I noticed that to describe medical procedures, you used non-medical prolife sites. Could that be because factual, medical, scientific sites don't use language that is emotionally evocative enough for you?

No I just did a search Type in abortion Damaged cervix then see what you get. Plenty of sites. Most Pro life. Hmmm Wonder why
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
From your Reply of Aesome Little Girl.

"It "is not a baby.

Is it not a Human being just beging his or her life?

"It "does not have individuality enough to qualify as a "being."
Ah, so my "it" did NOT refer to a baby like you claimed. So you lied. OK, thanks for clarifying that.
hey, "it" is not MY fault that youspew false, revisionist linguistic hyperbole instead of truth.
Talking to the mirror again?
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
No I just did a search Type in abortion Damaged cervix then see what you get. Plenty of sites. Most Pro life. Hmmm Wonder why
Because they are willing to lie to promote their political agenda of misogynistic, theocratic oppression of women.:doh
steen said:
Ah, so my "it" did NOT refer to a baby like you claimed. So you lied. OK, thanks for clarifying that.
Talking to the mirror again?

steen you did refer to the baby as it Again you said the following.

It "is not a baby. (you said this) you said It meaning baby to me is not a Baby

Is it not a Human being just beging his or her life? (I said this)

"It "does not have individuality enough to qualify as a "being (You said this)

Again you refer to the baby in the womb as "it"

If you do not think there is a baby in womb why not refer to what you think the proper term is instead of "it"
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
steen you did refer to the baby as it Again you said the following.

It "is not a baby. (you said this) you said It meaning baby to me is not a Baby
I couldn't care less about your delusions and deceptions. Whan I said "it," I referred to an embryo or fetus, not a baby.

So you can go on spewing your revisionist linguistic lies and make up lies about everybody as you like to do. I couldn't care less. When you lie about me, I will point it out.
Is it not a Human being just beging his or her life? (I said this)

"It "does not have individuality enough to qualify as a "being (You said this)

Again you refer to the baby in the womb as "it"
there is no baby in the womb. I referred to an embryo or fetus, not a baby, so stop your lies about me.
If you do not think there is a baby in womb why not refer to what you think the proper term is instead of "it"
Oh, NOW you back-pedal, pathetically trying to avoid having to admit that you lied while trying to divert.

YOU claimed I called a baby "it." I didn't. YOU lied. Case closed.
OK steen whatever you say. It is quite clear who is being misleading. Obviuosly you do not give readers more credit on their intelligence. Oh you did refer to the Baby as "it "Because Fetus is the latin word for Baby.
You're fighting over the word "it." Gimme a break!

What are you supposed to call something you don't know the sex of?
Wouldn't it be more insulting to some to call a fetus "that well organized group of tissue?"

Some people are sooo closed minded that even a hint of something that is counter to their precious beliefs must be wrong or ignorant or part of some hidden agenda. People like this lose credibility for their argument.
happykat said:
You're fighting over the word "it." Gimme a break!

What are you supposed to call something you don't know the sex of?
Wouldn't it be more insulting to some to call a fetus "that well organized group of tissue?"

Some people are sooo closed minded that even a hint of something that is counter to their precious beliefs must be wrong or ignorant or part of some hidden agenda. People like this lose credibility for their argument.

Remember the famous Quote that stated it all. "It Depends what the meaning of "is " is". Bill Clinton

It is very easy for the Pro Abortion people to say "abort it" giving no meanining to the life they are going to kill. I take offense to using the word it to describe someone so prescious. Abort is the same kind of word. Again Pro abortionist change the meaning of this word use to mean cancel. Now it means to kill another human being in the womb, and it is going further to mean outside the womb also hence partial birth abortion.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
OK steen whatever you say.
Well, that was about #@$%$#@%$ time. Now, next time don't lie about me again, OK?
It is quite clear who is being misleading.
Yes, you made a claim about me and it was false. I am glad you admit this.
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
It is very easy for the Pro Abortion people to say "abort it" giving no meanining to the life they are going to kill. I take offense to using the word it to describe someone so prescious.
And I take offense to you lying about me. And I take offense at your flagrant misogyny and desire to enslave women. And so on, and so on.

Abort is the same kind of word.
It is a factual, scientific/medical term. It is not our fault that you didn't learn enough English to know this.
Again Pro abortionist change the meaning of this word use to mean cancel.
huh? No we don't.


Now it means to kill another human being in the womb
Utter nonsense. You are REALLY showing how illiterate you are. here is the actual definition, curtesy of Stedman's Medical Dictionary:

1. Giving birth to an embryo or fetus prior to the stage of viability at about 22 weeks of gestation (fetus weighs less than 500 g). A distinction is made between abortion and premature birth: premature infants are those born after the stage of viability has been occuring (but before full term). Abortion may either be spontaneous (occuring from natural causes) or induced.
2. The product of such viable birth.
3. The arrest of any action or process before its normal completion

So obviously, you are again making false claims.
steen said:
It is not our fault that you didn't learn enough English to know this.


Utter nonsense. You are REALLY showing how illiterate you are.

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After repeated attempts from multiple Moderators through public warning and personal messages, you still let your emotions get the best of you and continue to personally abuse fellow forum members and disrupt legitimate debate...

The subject matter is irrelevant...It's HOW you present your rebuttals and attack the other members...

I have given you a five day suspension...In that time, understand that this forum will not tolerate this manner of debate any longer...If and when you choose to return, cease & desist from this style immediately or forum privileges will be provoked permanently...

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