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It was 'Antifa dressed as Trump supporters' (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2022
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She is a special kinda stupid, there is no doubt.
She is a special kinda stupid, there is no doubt.
Well, that stupid blonde seriously embarassed the lawyer trying to keep her from running in office.
I was wanting to post a reverse of the allegation, about taking some action by Democrats that was criticized and saying what if they claim it was Republicans dressing up as Democrats, to make fun of them.

The only example I came up with was BLM rioters, but many of them actually WERE right-wingers impersonating BLM. You can't even make fun of these people easily, because it's true.
Well, that stupid blonde seriously embarassed the lawyer trying to keep her from running in office.
Huh? You didn't watch it, I guess. Just got the Faux Noise highlight reel.
Well, that stupid blonde seriously embarassed the lawyer trying to keep her from running in office.
I noticed that too. He couldn't keep up with her not being able to remember anything or her inability to answer a question. I guess she got him real good.

Now help me think this through - if it was really trumpbutts that caused all the trouble, then that is what we call legitimate political discourse, but antifa was actually there so it's still legitimate political discourse , did I get that right ?

I noticed that too. He couldn't keep up with her not being able to remember anything or her inability to answer a question. I guess she got him real good.
She had an open forum to express her beliefs and she clammed up like a spineless bitch.

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