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It is accelerating (1 Viewer)

161,000 confirmed
3000 dead
5600 recovered

By the weekend at this rate we.will be over 200,000 with over 6000 dead

And if it keeps doubling we will be over 1,000,000 confirmed and well over 10,000 dead by the next weekend


Mashmont tells us that this means the curve is flattening.
The global public health elite have failed and failed completely....


Trump has failed completely. He wasted at least a month jabbering about how this wasn't a big deal.
Trump has failed completely. He wasted at least a month jabbering about how this wasn't a big deal.

America has failed completely, because our experts have failed over decades to get us ready for the next pandemic, and our politicians have failed to get us ready....over decades...


America has failed completely, because our experts have failed over decades to get us ready for the next pandemic, and our politicians have failed to get us ready....over decades...



Sorry you hired a con man who fired the pandemic geeks, sucker.
But did you dig a moat around your compound and put rattle snakes in there? You might want to check into that.

Actually a guy I knew did that, and this was before the pandemic. He dug a moat around his house and put snakes in there to keep people out. Not a very sociable kind of guy.

Now that is worth getting out and going to see...but you know how it is, the walking dead looking for toilet paper are already at the compound entrance...and you can imagine what they smell like.

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