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Isn't tonight when Joe will speak? Is it a pre-recorded deal, or what? (1 Viewer)


America First Populist
DP Veteran
May 5, 2019
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San Diego
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Will we ever hear this guy speak without a teleprompter? How about live, so we can see the 'Real" Joe?
Will we ever hear this guy speak without a teleprompter? How about live, so we can see the 'Real" Joe?

If you call frothing at the mouth speaking, I suppose so.
Will we ever hear this guy speak without a teleprompter? How about live, so we can see the 'Real" Joe?

Which was the last president who spoke without a teleprompter? Truman?
Will we ever hear this guy speak without a teleprompter? How about live, so we can see the 'Real" Joe?

At least he can read unlike the current guy.
Will we ever hear this guy speak without a teleprompter? How about live, so we can see the 'Real" Joe?

Are we concerned with teleprompters again? Cause Trump uses them, haven't heard much bitching. Just seeing where our faux-rage is at. Are we mad at teleprompters again then?
Will we ever hear this guy speak without a teleprompter? How about live, so we can see the 'Real" Joe?

During his inauguration speech. :)
Are we concerned with teleprompters again? Cause Trump uses them, haven't heard much bitching. Just seeing where our faux-rage is at. Are we mad at teleprompters again then?

Teleprompters are okay if the GOP uses them.
That only happens when he uses disinfectant to control Covid 19

He manages those seizures by having little children play with his leg hair below the view of the camera. He finds it comforting.
Will we ever hear this guy speak without a teleprompter? How about live, so we can see the 'Real" Joe?

DAWSEY: You said yesterday when you were leaving that you were skeptical of a climate change report that the government had done. Can you just explain why you’re skeptical of that report?

TRUMP: One of the problems that a lot of people like myself — we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers. You look at our air and our water, and it’s right now at a record clean. But when you look at China and you look at parts of Asia and when you look at South America, and when you look at many other places in this world, including Russia, including — just many other places — the air is incredibly dirty. And when you’re talking about an atmosphere, oceans are very small. And it blows over and it sails over. I mean, we take thousands of tons of garbage off our beaches all the time that comes over from Asia. It just flows right down the Pacific, it flows, and we say where does this come from. And it takes many people to start off with.


If paragraphs are intimidating, then here's your tl;dr versions

Trumb babble 2.jpg

Trump babble.jpg

And don't forget...."Yo . . . Semite"
It will be fun to watch him look like a fool
Are we concerned with teleprompters again? Cause Trump uses them, haven't heard much bitching. Just seeing where our faux-rage is at. Are we mad at teleprompters again then?

Not we. They are. Those danged things keep popping up everywhere.
Will we ever hear this guy speak without a teleprompter? How about live, so we can see the 'Real" Joe?

This really should be the main issue of this election, teleprompters. It's outrageous and not a peep from the mainstream media.
No way Biden gives a live speech. Why would he? If he has a mental meltdown on live TV it's game over.
Will we ever hear this guy speak without a teleprompter? How about live, so we can see the 'Real" Joe?

For what reason does a guy like you, who is so in love with Trump that nothing will ever sway your loyalty to the man you worship, care about what Biden has to say or how he says it?
For what reason does a guy like you, who is so in love with Trump that nothing will ever sway your loyalty to the man you worship, care about what Biden has to say or how he says it?

Just curious if you think that the ability to think on your feet would be a desirable characteristic for the "Leader of the Free World" to have? I mean, seriously? This isn't rocket science, and the majority of Americans aren't delusion leftist wackos that believe every BS story the DNC and CNN put out. They may think Trump is a narcissistic asshole, be he does have some talents.

What talents does Joe have? Who effing knows?
Will we ever hear this guy speak without a teleprompter? How about live, so we can see the 'Real" Joe?

We already saw Joe speak in the primary debates. Something Trump skipped.

We do however, know what Trump’s plans are if he gets re-elected:

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Watching the lifeless pre-recored speeches was like watching a hostage video.
Just curious if you think that the ability to think on your feet would be a desirable characteristic for the "Leader of the Free World" to have? I mean, seriously? This isn't rocket science, and the majority of Americans aren't delusion leftist wackos that believe every BS story the DNC and CNN put out. They may think Trump is a narcissistic asshole, be he does have some talents.

What talents does Joe have? Who effing knows?

Is the reply to Hannity above what you call Trump thinking on his feet?

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Just curious if you think that the ability to think on your feet would be a desirable characteristic for the "Leader of the Free World" to have? I mean, seriously? This isn't rocket science, and the majority of Americans aren't delusion leftist wackos that believe every BS story the DNC and CNN put out. They may think Trump is a narcissistic asshole, be he does have some talents.

What talents does Joe have? Who effing knows?

You didn't even attempt to answer what I asked you. My point isn't what Joe can or will do, or if he can or can't lead. You are pretending to be super concerned with how Biden will present information knowing it doesn't matter to you. Given that you are completely devoted to Trump and his racist leadership what does it matter to you what Biden says or how he says it?
No way Biden gives a live speech. Why would he? If he has a mental meltdown on live TV it's game over.

Watch close tonight.Wouldn't suprise me if they put a double in like Hollywood does.Maybe Jethro Bodine is available.
don't worry. there is still a decent change that Trump wins and helps keep your hope alive for a 2020 Confederacy.

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