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Is Trump Really the Most Stable Candidate for Taxation or is this a Blatant Trick? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2015
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So I know nothing about Vox. But I tried their little taxation calculator found here and it wants to tell me that, economically at least, my best bet is Trump.
Now I'm about the farthest thing from a Trump supporter (and a Clinton supporter for that matter) but I have to say that I can vote with my checkbook especially when we are living in a time when a person can't support themselves on one average job. Is this one calculator enough to make me run to the ticket box, hold my nose, and vote Trump? Not likely. But I find it interesting that, IMO, the taxation has the same affect as I see the candidates over all. Trump has a major affect (though I wasn't expecting it to be positive honestly), Clinton is status quo (which I dislike greatly), and Sanders has a little affect on my taxes but a lot more on the wealthy.

So. Down to brass tacks. Is it realistic that Trump could actually save people money? Is this an advertising gimmick hidden in a political website? Or is Trump just a good enough liar and underhanded businessman that he can sell us a milk cow that is actually a male ram...?

And...debate. :)
Re: Is Trump Really the Most Stable Candidate for Taxation or is this a Blatant Trick

So I know nothing about Vox. But I tried their little taxation calculator found here and it wants to tell me that, economically at least, my best bet is Trump.
Now I'm about the farthest thing from a Trump supporter (and a Clinton supporter for that matter) but I have to say that I can vote with my checkbook especially when we are living in a time when a person can't support themselves on one average job. Is this one calculator enough to make me run to the ticket box, hold my nose, and vote Trump? Not likely. But I find it interesting that, IMO, the taxation has the same affect as I see the candidates over all. Trump has a major affect (though I wasn't expecting it to be positive honestly), Clinton is status quo (which I dislike greatly), and Sanders has a little affect on my taxes but a lot more on the wealthy.

So. Down to brass tacks. Is it realistic that Trump could actually save people money? Is this an advertising gimmick hidden in a political website? Or is Trump just a good enough liar and underhanded businessman that he can sell us a milk cow that is actually a male ram...?

And...debate. :)

1. Anyone who thinks that Trump has even read the specifics of his own tax plan, please PM me. I have a fantastic gig for making money by smuggling out Nigerian Prince's inheritances that I need to set you up with.

2. Trump has already indicated multiple times that he actually intends to raise taxes.

3. So scoring Trump's tax plan is even more useless an exercise than scoring any other POTUS candidates' tax plan (all of which would get modified by Congress). You are better off attempting to build a house on a foundation made of butter rather than concrete.
Re: Is Trump Really the Most Stable Candidate for Taxation or is this a Blatant Trick

So I know nothing about Vox. But I tried their little taxation calculator found here and it wants to tell me that, economically at least, my best bet is Trump.
Now I'm about the farthest thing from a Trump supporter (and a Clinton supporter for that matter) but I have to say that I can vote with my checkbook especially when we are living in a time when a person can't support themselves on one average job. Is this one calculator enough to make me run to the ticket box, hold my nose, and vote Trump? Not likely. But I find it interesting that, IMO, the taxation has the same affect as I see the candidates over all. Trump has a major affect (though I wasn't expecting it to be positive honestly), Clinton is status quo (which I dislike greatly), and Sanders has a little affect on my taxes but a lot more on the wealthy.

So. Down to brass tacks. Is it realistic that Trump could actually save people money? Is this an advertising gimmick hidden in a political website? Or is Trump just a good enough liar and underhanded businessman that he can sell us a milk cow that is actually a male ram...?

And...debate. :)

Well Im glad Sanders has no chance to win

Re: Is Trump Really the Most Stable Candidate for Taxation or is this a Blatant Trick

So I know nothing about Vox. But I tried their little taxation calculator found here and it wants to tell me that, economically at least, my best bet is Trump.
Now I'm about the farthest thing from a Trump supporter (and a Clinton supporter for that matter) but I have to say that I can vote with my checkbook especially when we are living in a time when a person can't support themselves on one average job. Is this one calculator enough to make me run to the ticket box, hold my nose, and vote Trump? Not likely. But I find it interesting that, IMO, the taxation has the same affect as I see the candidates over all. Trump has a major affect (though I wasn't expecting it to be positive honestly), Clinton is status quo (which I dislike greatly), and Sanders has a little affect on my taxes but a lot more on the wealthy.

So. Down to brass tacks. Is it realistic that Trump could actually save people money? Is this an advertising gimmick hidden in a political website? Or is Trump just a good enough liar and underhanded businessman that he can sell us a milk cow that is actually a male ram...?

And...debate. :)

Donald Trump is a liar who is exceedingly proud of being a really good liar. If you take what he says as meaning anything then you are a good candidate to go to his casinos to win money or to take the $35,000 course at Trump University to get rich. Donald Trump is a liar, a huckster, a deadbeat, and a liberal.

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