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Is Trump mentally ill? (1 Viewer)

He's a narcissistic, egomaniac, delusional pile of **** who cannot stand being told "no". Of course he's mentally ill.

I agree with your first sebtence, but not with your second. Being an asshole-which Trump is- doesnt mean one is mentally ill.
i definitely dislike the idea of a waterhead moron attempting to run the first world unilaterally. i'm not sure how Russians feel about it.

...sounds like exceptionalism and Russia xenophobia.
That's not a mental illness. That's your dislike of loud, boisterous people. You'd really hate being in the stadium of a Giants or Yankees game wearing an opponents jersey.

Try Philly wearing a Redskins shirt.

Loud, boisterous people in a bar who have no idea what they are talking about with really bad ideas, armed with an entire bar willing to make him bar king.
...sounds like exceptionalism and Russia xenophobia.

Having an antagonistic relationship toward Russia has mostly been the standard U.S. policy for 100 years. So, yeah.
That's not a mental illness. That's your dislike of loud, boisterous people. You'd really hate being in the stadium of a Giants or Yankees game wearing an opponents jersey.

Try Philly wearing a Redskins shirt.
[emphasis added by bubba]

went to a 76ers game wearing my hornets uniform top, during a rare charlotte win in '93
almost had to fight my way out of the spectrum
In other words, you don't like him. See what I mean?

You have claimed in the past to have a PhD in psychology(which is very questionable) and this is the best that you can produce?
...sounds like exceptionalism and Russia xenophobia.

do you think that Russian election interference employees would like to visit the states? after all, everyone needs a vacation now and then.
Then you remember when he was a wallflower at the hot discos? And his friendship with Andy Warhol? And his role as the biggest party fundraiser for the democrats? And you remember when he rebuilt the Hester Street Home for Unwed Mothers, for free? The last two, particularly abhorent.

Did you forget when Mayor "How am I doing?" Ed Koch called Trump, "A blessing for the City of NY?" That was before the Central Park Skating Ring reconstruction.

Yes I do remember Trump, since he's an attention and publicity whore, frequented the infamous Studio 54. People went to Studio 54 for many reasons, sex, drugs, fame. If someone wanted to rub shoulders (and other things) with people like Bianca Jagger and Andy Warhol, there was no better place to be photographed doing that than Studio 54. Trump only poured his money into projects that would ingratiate himself to others and not for any humanitarian or unselfish reasons. He doesn't have a compassionate or altruistic bone in his body. He's manipulative and will always have an ulterior motive for doing anything.

Those of us that grew up anywhere in the Tri-State area knew about Trump's stiffing unions workers on pay, the numerous bankruptcies he filed to avoid paying the hundreds of lawsuits against him, refusing to rent to Black folks, relationship with Roy Cohn, his abusive relationship with Ivanka Trump (which she wrote a book about more than 20 years ago), his sleazy Studio 54 adventures, and his various shady deals around NYC, including the city giving him money to build low income housing, but instead he built $1,000,000+ penthouses, and still enjoys tax breaks on these properties, long before he had a game show on NBC or ran for President.

The city of NY is wiping any trace of Trump's name from public venues like the Wollman Rink in Central Park where his name had long been splashed all over the site, which he has run since taking it on as a rescue mission in the 1980s, in big red letters on the dasher boards’ inner walls, on signs listing rules for skaters posted outside and in big letters near the cashier and skate rental.

Trump’s unpopularity among many New Yorkers has led to his name being stripped from some private properties in New York, including the Trump SoHo hotel, now the Dominick, and some former Trump Place condominiums in Manhattan. Trump’s business interests, which are now being overseen Don Jr. and Eric have been hurt since he became president.

Trump's racism has been prevalent in NY since the days his father built low income housing, since the days when Trump used illegal workers to build his buildings and not pay the Polish workers, since the time he lobbied to have the 'Central Park Five' put to death for a crime they never committed. As I've said, Trump never did a single thing out of selflessness, there was always a selfish reason for anything he did and only served to give him the appearance of a philanthropist.

As far as Mayor Ed Koch goes, he wrote in an essay; “Donald Trump is one of the least likable people I have met during the 12 years that I served as mayor.”

Donald Trump treats Mitch McConnell as he treated Ed Koch | Newsday

Trump needed Koch's support to get zoning approval and tax abatements for the West Side Yards. Plans for the property included a rocket-shaped skyscraper that would have been the world's tallest building, as well as vast amounts of residential and commercial space.

But Trump antagonized local residents, planning boards and Koch, raising the ante every time he didn't get exactly what he wanted and publicly accusing Koch of "ludicrous and disgraceful behavior." Koch, noting that he thought Trump was being "piggy, piggy, piggy," warned the young developer not to try to "influence the process through intimidation."
I can answer that question for you very easily. First, let's agree that we are not talking about the kind of severe mental illness you would see in a mental hospital. A severely mentally ill, psychotic, person cannot do the simplest kind of job, and getting elected and functioning as US president is not a simple job.

Rather, we are talking about forms of mental illness where the person can function well in society. Maybe a mild version of a personality disorder like narcissism or sociopathy.

Does Trump have that? Well yes and no. We usually diagnose people with this type of mental illness if they are someone we don't like. The more we hate them, the more mentally ill they will seem to be.

So if you hate Trump, then yes he is mentally ill. If you like Trump, then no of course he is not mentally ill.

Case closed, question answered.

you clearly know little about mental illness and care

The answer to your question however is yes, Trump is mentally ill and it's not slight.
Yes I do remember Trump, since he's an attention and publicity whore, frequented the infamous Studio 54. People went to Studio 54 for many reasons, sex, drugs, fame. If someone wanted to rub shoulders (and other things) with people like Bianca Jagger and Andy Warhol, there was no better place to be photographed doing that than Studio 54. Trump only poured his money into projects that would ingratiate himself to others and not for any humanitarian or unselfish reasons. He doesn't have a compassionate or altruistic bone in his body. He's manipulative and will always have an ulterior motive for doing anything.

Those of us that grew up anywhere in the Tri-State area knew about Trump's stiffing unions workers on pay, the numerous bankruptcies he filed to avoid paying the hundreds of lawsuits against him, refusing to rent to Black folks, relationship with Roy Cohn, his abusive relationship with Ivanka Trump (which she wrote a book about more than 20 years ago), his sleazy Studio 54 adventures, and his various shady deals around NYC, including the city giving him money to build low income housing, but instead he built $1,000,000+ penthouses, and still enjoys tax breaks on these properties, long before he had a game show on NBC or ran for President.

The city of NY is wiping any trace of Trump's name from public venues like the Wollman Rink in Central Park where his name had long been splashed all over the site, which he has run since taking it on as a rescue mission in the 1980s, in big red letters on the dasher boards’ inner walls, on signs listing rules for skaters posted outside and in big letters near the cashier and skate rental.

Trump’s unpopularity among many New Yorkers has led to his name being stripped from some private properties in New York, including the Trump SoHo hotel, now the Dominick, and some former Trump Place condominiums in Manhattan. Trump’s business interests, which are now being overseen Don Jr. and Eric have been hurt since he became president.

Trump's racism has been prevalent in NY since the days his father built low income housing, since the days when Trump used illegal workers to build his buildings and not pay the Polish workers, since the time he lobbied to have the 'Central Park Five' put to death for a crime they never committed. As I've said, Trump never did a single thing out of selflessness, there was always a selfish reason for anything he did and only served to give him the appearance of a philanthropist.

As far as Mayor Ed Koch goes, he wrote in an essay; “Donald Trump is one of the least likable people I have met during the 12 years that I served as mayor.”

Donald Trump treats Mitch McConnell as he treated Ed Koch | Newsday

Trump needed Koch's support to get zoning approval and tax abatements for the West Side Yards. Plans for the property included a rocket-shaped skyscraper that would have been the world's tallest building, as well as vast amounts of residential and commercial space.

But Trump antagonized local residents, planning boards and Koch, raising the ante every time he didn't get exactly what he wanted and publicly accusing Koch of "ludicrous and disgraceful behavior." Koch, noting that he thought Trump was being "piggy, piggy, piggy," warned the young developer not to try to "influence the process through intimidation."

his herd has no clue who he really is

true human garbage
Why do ignore Biden who touches girls inappropriately and sniffs their hair pulling these innocent little children in close but are so concerned about Trumps NPD?

Because social ineptitude is different than thinking you should be king of the world?

I know lots of folks who insist on hugging you. I personally don't care for it, but I don't feel like its nefarious in some way.

Biden isn't my first or even second choice.

But I'd vote for a slime mold over trump.

It couldn't possibly do more harm.

You know, like our massive viral outbreak.
I can answer that question for you very easily. First, let's agree that we are not talking about the kind of severe mental illness you would see in a mental hospital. A severely mentally ill, psychotic, person cannot do the simplest kind of job, and getting elected and functioning as US president is not a simple job.

Rather, we are talking about forms of mental illness where the person can function well in society. Maybe a mild version of a personality disorder like narcissism or sociopathy.

Does Trump have that? Well yes and no. We usually diagnose people with this type of mental illness if they are someone we don't like. The more we hate them, the more mentally ill they will seem to be.

So if you hate Trump, then yes he is mentally ill. If you like Trump, then no of course he is not mentally ill.

Case closed, question answered.

Not sure what you mean by "mentally ill", but my mother has dementia. I recognize a bit of that in both Trump and Biden. Hope they take their medication.
Oh no, absolutely not. We got along beautifully. People with NPD are extremely charming, outgoing, vivacious, and bewitching -- until you find out who their true self is. I studied it for years. I know the signs. I know how they end too, and it's never good. People come and go in their lives, they either flee or they get pushed out. There are millions of narcissists walking around in every branch of life including government of course. But narcissism is not at all what NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is.

I had joined a forum for people who were associated in one way or another with someone with NPD. I gained a lot of insight into the mind of an NPD through that forum.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) — Out of the FOG

If you really want to know more about NPD, this is s decent source to start with. They are complex people.

If you always got along beautifully with that person, then they didn't have a personality disorder. You diagnosed them because the relationship changed and stopped being beautiful.

Remember that EVERYONE turns vicious when they feel threatened. That viciousness can be interpreted as mental illness or personality disorder.
I agree, he has no actual diagnosable mental illness. That has not stopped Trump-hating psychiatrists from diagnosing him though.

As for not having a moral compass, I don't know. That's subjective also. Our enemies never seem to have a conscience. Of course not, since they are rotten to us obviously they have no feelings. But ask their friends if they have a conscious and you get a different answer.

The real premise behind the OPs Trump deception, is to carry on Hannity rhetoric.

Bottom line:

The "Hate" Trump is horse ******

The witness of Trump's psychological and character flaws are real. And on display daily, through tweets and when in front of camera.

In fact, I know Trump voters that admit Trump is I'll mentally. But just vote GOP.

Trump is diagnosable, but unless he is sectioned 12, he will hide from a psychiatric evaluation.
I've loathed him since the mid 1980s. But I still support many (not all) of the policies he advances. And I don't believe every half assed rumor about him either.

Same here. It is possible to dislike someone's personality yet agree with some of what they say or do.

The Trump-haters are like the barnyard chickens who decide they don't like one chicken and try to pick them to death. Except it isn't working, the more they pick on him the more his supporters admire him.
Trump is very common in NYC; he's like every "Hey, yo Adrian!" that stands on every street corner.

But he's also a smarmy salesman, real estate mogul, reality TV personality. He's loud, obnoxious, boisterous, a braggart, exaggerates his persona, and creates drama.

Trump is the 'heel' of entertainment, the bad guy you love to hate. And he won the WH while career gov't fleecing wonk Hillary lost.

And after that debacle, democrats learned NOTHING and washed, rinsed, repeat with Skanky Joe Biden. Democrats gave us Trump. Fact.

Yep. He's the sleazy salesman that most of us don't like or trust. But he won fairly and I always hope he does a good job, somehow.
Every politician is to some extent. Nobody ever rose to power who didn't want it.

What you're saying is that you prefer your politicians who can keep a lid on it.

They prefer politicians who are hypocrites.
Yes Trump is mentally ill, and after reading the OP, I see he's not alone.

Thank you for the free diagnosis. I just saved a lot of money on a shrink.
But Trump antagonized local residents, planning boards and Koch, raising the ante every time he didn't get exactly what he wanted and publicly accusing Koch of "ludicrous and disgraceful behavior." Koch, noting that he thought Trump was being "piggy, piggy, piggy," warned the young developer not to try to "influence the process through intimidation."

Selective memory is always charming.

Of course neglecting Jerry Nadler's attempted extortion of Trump's west side project doesn't enter your scenario, nor Nadler's threats to out Koch from the closet if he didn't throw some muscle his way. That was the start of that infamous feud, when Nadler, a freshman, didn't understand there was no money for his pockets from a proposal that was meant to be sold, not built.

Stud 54 was for tourists and photo ops. Raghounds called it Studio. Score your drugs and head downtown or uptown. Watching Trump at El Cheetah, drooling over the dancing Latinas is what I am speaking about.

I remember stiffing those same corrupt extorting construction union leaders that made the Spitzer trust fund. Not the workers, who were getting stiffed by the same boys with twisted noses.

Donald Trump never built affordable housing. He won J51 tax abatements for his luxury construction, enraging Koch because that cut him out the kickback loop tax abatements otherwise put in his pockets. His father's Trump Village on Kings Highway, made Kings Highway, and is still one of the best private affordable middle class housing enclaves in the city because of, and let's be honest, rejecting Section 8 tenants.

Current NYC politics is not what I was speaking about. That is plain old muddying the waters. You don't get over with that BS, except for the yokels in the choir.

Of course, your tirading rant entirely missed the point "That was before the Central Park Skating Ring reconstruction." Timing is everything.
People with moral compasses don’t appeal to people’s bigotry and fear as Trump has since he announced his candidacy.

That's how you choose to frame it. He also appealed to their patriotism.
I agree with your first sebtence, but not with your second. Being an asshole-which Trump is- doesnt mean one is mentally ill.

Exactly. Plenty of mentally ill people are not assholes., and plenty of mentally healthy people are giant assholes.
You have claimed in the past to have a PhD in psychology(which is very questionable) and this is the best that you can produce?

Some people study a subject and get totally brainwashed into it. I went to graduate school when I was older and skeptical. I saw that psychiatry is mostly guessing and BSing.

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