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Is this logical to you (voters)? (1 Viewer)


Apr 29, 2020
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Political Leaning
The d party calls anyone who disagrees with them either Racist or Nazi

Yet the D party has not done anything significant for Blacks..unless u think k it's a benefit to Blacks to help them be dependent on the government, have children out of wedlock and all the bad stuff that goes w that territory

And then there's the Nazi Accusation that gets thrown at ..again, anyone who disagrees with them


Those who would kill all the unborn (if that's what the woman chooses)

Are calling others who don't want to kill anyone Nazis

Can't make it up
Is it logical to believe that ditching all moral structure in society..meaning that sexually, anything goes

Will have no bad consequences?

Not logical, Captain

Actually, our country is going to hell, morally..

Which means it's going to hell Period
Is it logical to vote for someone who

When making a supposedly political speech waxes instead about children..omg..playing with his wet leg hairs?

Is it logical to vote for someone who literally does not know where he is half the time?

Who says (allegedly) to his wife

Someone crapped in my bed again

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