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Is this an image problem? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 8, 2017
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new zealand.
Political Leaning
Perhaps i am over thinking this but when a country such as new zealand which already has a joking reputation as sheep ****ers also manages to breed what are being called the worlds cutest sheep, .


'The cutest sheep in the world' turns heads in Christchurch
Just me or are we heading down the dark side on this one.
Perhaps i am over thinking this but when a country such as new zealand which already has a joking reputation as sheep ****ers also manages to breed what are being called the worlds cutest sheep, .


'The cutest sheep in the world' turns heads in Christchurch

Just me or are we heading down the dark side on this one.

  • "Over thinking" isn't the term I'd use to describe the behavior giving rise to the thoughts expressed in the OP.
  • Whoever "we" be, it doesn't include me.
  • That reputation hasn't, prior to the OP, come to my attention.

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