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Is this acceptable. (1 Viewer)

Youve Got To Be Kidding!

Active member
Jul 24, 2005
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http://www.votergate.tv/ watch this. please.

I would like to know why this is not news worthy and why americans should not give a **** about this.. Cnred, Navy Pride, skillsomething, vague lets here it. Why should I not question bush;s presidency?

Let me add a snipet of diebold owner saying he will deliver bush his votes.... cant find it well ive seen it with my own eyes sure others here have to if you have and knwo where it is please post.
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Originally posted by Youve Got To Be Kidding!
Let me add a snipet of diebold owner saying he will deliver bush his votes.... cant find it well ive seen it with my own eyes sure others here have to if you have and knwo where it is please post.
Ask, and you shall recieve.

Never Say Die-bold: So You Don’t Think the Bush Campaign Stole This Election? Think Again
By Jackson Thoreau


If you’re looking for one word to sum up the way the Bush-Cheney campaign stole another election Tuesday besides obvious ones like “cheated,” try this one: Diebold.

An election judge where I voted Tuesday in a heavily Democratic precinct in Maryland knows what that means and wasn’t adverse to sharing his opinion of the Republican-owned company. As I was about to vote with the electronic system, I asked this judge if they had a way to check people’s votes through a paper backup.

The official said no, and then in a low voice so no one else would hear, added, “And that really makes us nervous, with Diebold as the owner of that system.”

Goodbye, hanging chads. Hello, computer fraud that leaves no trace, no chads hanging.

Diebold Inc. of North Canton, Ohio, supplied scores of machines and counted millions of votes Tuesday, while reportedly discarding many votes for Democrat John Kerry, according to British investigative reporter Gregory Palast. Walden O’Dell, chief executive of Diebold and a top fundraiser for the Bush campaign, wrote in a fund-raising letter last year that he was “committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.”

That he did.

Question away. In the end, it will be for nothing as it will change nothing. Get over it already.
Did I ever say you couldnt question his presidency? Please search every post and find where I said those exact words in that exact order please? So please stop ASSuming what you think of me please.

However, I will just ask you this what did he do that was all so different than that of past presidences? Also please note exaples that are worthy of whatever you think is soo bad.

Thank you sir.
Originally posted by GySgt:
Question away. In the end, it will be for nothing as it will change nothing.
Sad, but true!
Originally posted by GySgt:
Get over it already
Oh no, not a chance! You haven't seen anything yet!

I'm just getting warmed up.
Originally posted by SKILMATIC:
Did I ever say you couldnt question his presidency? Please search every post and find where I said those exact words in that exact order please? So please stop ASSuming what you think of me please.

However, I will just ask you this what did he do that was all so different than that of past presidences? Also please note exaples that are worthy of whatever you think is soo bad.

Thank you sir.
He's not as good a liar.
He's not as good a liar.

I know thats why I havent heard anything from him yet. Hes preparing his whole argument. But anywho I will be ready with facs as I always am.
This thread only serves to show us more desperations from the Democrats. There is another thread that declares Bush a war criminal. It has become pathetic. The root of this whining and belly aching is mere frustration.

Beginning with the loss of control of the House of Representatives in the mid-term election in Clinton's first term, progressively, over the next six years the socialist-Lib-Dems lost control of the Senate and the Presidency. During the next four years, the Republicans increased their margin in both the House and Senate, and won a second term for the Presidency.

Having been drubbed at the polls in six elections over ten years, despite the fact that registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans, the socialist-Lib-Dems have nothing left to lose. So, they concentrate on a single, pointed, strategy. That is to do anything and everything in their power to make the Administration look bad. With the mainstream media on their side, they pound away at the President's every move, every word, every policy, regardless of the consequences. What they fail to understand is that their ultra-liberal policies and practices no longer resonate with the electorate as once they did.

This is nothing new. The same antics, in the late 60s, prolonged the Viet Nam business by several years and about twenty thousand US KIA. Our Democratic Liberal left will cry out for “peace” and declare their well intentions to every service man, but underneath it all, they only care about the presidency. They do not care that their constant undermining of the Republican President, in the name of Party unison, will further this war and make the effort all the more difficult. Their insistence for deadlines and complete publication of any and every scandal they can drum up only serves to place obstacles in the way of every American that carries a rifle against our enemy - of whose “rights” are of deep concern to our Liberal masses.

This is just another useless thread.
GySgt using You've_Got_To_Be_Kidding as an example of desperation by the democrats is stupid because if you look at any of his posts, hes just a flamer who trys to **** people off, particularily you conservatives since you guys are touchy feely.
FinnMacCool said:
GySgt using You've_Got_To_Be_Kidding as an example of desperation by the democrats is stupid because if you look at any of his posts, hes just a flamer who trys to **** people off, particularily you conservatives since you guys are touchy feely.

Most of the time, when the level of debate goes down, the emotional aspect and the frustration goes up....
I wasn't using him specifically. His kind of tactic reflects the Democratic Party. Things like trying to make a war criminal out of a U.S. President, recounting the votes, looking for voter fraud, etc.....this is what I was saying.

While I would claim to be a Conservative before I would ever claim to be a liberal, I only lean. I just happen to believe, whole heartedly, in killing Islam's "martyrs." :blastem: :gunner: :gunsmilie :ind:
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Originally posted by GySgt:
This thread only serves to show us more desperations from the Democrats. There is another thread that declares Bush a war criminal. It has become pathetic. The root of this whining and belly aching is mere frustration.
No, the root of this is the fact that he IS a war criminal and IS a liar! That's the god-damn root!

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