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Is there such thing as reincarnation? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
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South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I don't mean reincarnation like the Hindus preach it. Where you can tell what you were in your previous life etc. But do you think if you died, you are born as something else and simply don't remember your previous life? Like if I died, I could turn into a bacteria or something. I think its a lot more plausible then a heaven, where when you die you just hang out there for the rest of eternity.
When I die and either reincarnate, go to heaven, or stay on Earth as ghost, I'll let you know.
FinnMacCool said:
I don't mean reincarnation like the Hindus preach it. Where you can tell what you were in your previous life etc. But do you think if you died, you are born as something else and simply don't remember your previous life? Like if I died, I could turn into a bacteria or something. I think its a lot more plausible then a heaven, where when you die you just hang out there for the rest of eternity.
Yes. It's one of the many reasons Christianity is automatically invalid in the eyes of Judaism.
I don't mean reincarnation like the Hindus preach it. Where you can tell what you were in your previous life etc. But do you think if you died, you are born as something else and simply don't remember your previous life? Like if I died, I could turn into a bacteria or something. I think its a lot more plausible then a heaven, where when you die you just hang out there for the rest of eternity.

hindus don't say that you can tell whjat you were in ur previous life.....
Old and wise said:
Read my lips: There is no such thing as reincarnation.:violin

probably not. we'd never know. Its just another metaphysical theory.
I have existed since before the begining of time.
I was asking a friend about reincarnation one time.

He asked me to close my eyes and then asked me, "what did the world look like a million years ago?"

I answered him, "It looks like Star Wars."
Lucidthots said:
I have existed since before the begining of time.

Good for you. That is quite an accomplishment on a planet that was likely created as a cosmic joke.;)
Old and wise said:
Good for you. That is quite an accomplishment on a planet that was likely created as a cosmic joke.;)

It was nothing really......it just is.
Lucidthots said:
I hereby declare myself a to be a Jew!
Yes, well you have a lot to do before you'd be considered a Jew by halacha..
Binyamin said:
Yes, well you have a lot to do before you'd be considered a Jew by halacha..

Who is Halacha?

Why do I need his permission?
Lucidthots said:
Who is Halacha?

Why do I need his permission?
Halacha = Jewish law.

You would need a valid Orthodox Conversition which would probably take anywhere from 1 and 1/2 to 4 years of intense study at a Yeshiva...
Binyamin said:
Halacha = Jewish law.

You would need a valid Orthodox Conversition which would probably take anywhere from 1 and 1/2 to 4 years of intense study at a Yeshiva...

Well I respect your traditions and I am not going to change communities,

Lets just say I am a Jew like I am a Buddhist a Hindu or a Christian or a Muslim.

Despite our different traditions one fact is clear....we have the same origin, which is pure, eternal GOD!
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Gospel of St. John 16: 28

I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world.
I leave the world and go to the Father.

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