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Is The Executive Branch Threatening American Democracy? (1 Viewer)

Is The Executive Branch Threatening American Democracy/Freedoms?

  • The Executive Branch has taken a legal approach towards fighting terrorism.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • The Executive Branch has stepped out of line with illegal activities

    Votes: 8 88.9%

  • Total voters


Sep 23, 2005
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Political Leaning
Here is poll I contructed concerning the actions of the Executive Branch with the spy program that is going on today. Is Bush's spy program legal? Or is it illegal? Why? or why not? Is the Executive Branch out of line and has the Legislative and Judicial Branches failed to check the power of the Executive Branch? What are your thoughts?
TimmyBoy said:
Here is poll I contructed concerning the actions of the Executive Branch with the spy program that is going on today. Is Bush's spy program legal? Or is it illegal? Why? or why not? Is the Executive Branch out of line and has the Legislative and Judicial Branches failed to check the power of the Executive Branch? What are your thoughts?

****We're at war, totally legal, and in fact should be encouraged. Other wartime presidents have used this executive order as well. If a private citizen feels their rights have been violated through this wiretapping--then they should bring their case to court. So far no one has complained so your topic question remains moot.
ptsdkid said:
****We're at war, totally legal, and in fact should be encouraged. Other wartime presidents have used this executive order as well. If a private citizen feels their rights have been violated through this wiretapping--then they should bring their case to court. So far no one has complained so your topic question remains moot.

No one has complained? LOL Think again, Mr. Omniscient.

Two Groups Planning to Sue Over Federal Eavesdropping

WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 - Two leading civil rights groups plan to file lawsuits Tuesday against the Bush administration over its domestic spying program to determine whether the operation was used to monitor 10 defense lawyers, journalists, scholars, political activists and other Americans with ties to the Middle East.


I would love to see this go to the Supreme Court.
aps said:
No one has complained? LOL Think again, Mr. Omniscient.

Two Groups Planning to Sue Over Federal Eavesdropping

WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 - Two leading civil rights groups plan to file lawsuits Tuesday against the Bush administration over its domestic spying program to determine whether the operation was used to monitor 10 defense lawyers, journalists, scholars, political activists and other Americans with ties to the Middle East.


I would love to see this go to the Supreme Court.

The executive branch of government is the part of government that Americans should fear the most. It is also the part of government that the American people should distrust the most. For the executive branch, it is very tempting for them to step outside their legal, legislative mandate to attempt to seize more power. It is perhaps one of the most dishonest part of government that the American people should keep constant watch over and should be very wary of.
aps said:
No one has complained? LOL Think again, Mr. Omniscient.

Two Groups Planning to Sue Over Federal Eavesdropping

WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 - Two leading civil rights groups plan to file lawsuits Tuesday against the Bush administration over its domestic spying program to determine whether the operation was used to monitor 10 defense lawyers, journalists, scholars, political activists and other Americans with ties to the Middle East.


I would love to see this go to the Supreme Court.

Now here is my question. Does the 4th amendment cover international phone calls? Or does it cover only the continental US and it's territories? About the only defense that I can see Bush using in this case, is that the 4th amendment does not cover international phone calls. And even then, the next question would be, did the NSA monitor phone calls that were purely domestic?
I must not be watching enough news lately. I don't see how we have enough information to determine who did what yet.

I also find it curious that while three people have responded to this thread seven voted for it's poll. All voting in the same direction.
Pacridge said:
I must not be watching enough news lately. I don't see how we have enough information to determine who did what yet.

I also find it curious that while three people have responded to this thread seven voted for it's poll. All voting in the same direction.

We don't have enough information yet. But I don't trust the government too much after learning of the lies told about Bosnia, not to mention after witnessing local government politics where I used to work as a cop. So for me, I think it's in order to be wary of the NSA spy program and the true intentions of the Executive Branch. It's in order to question authority and to challenge it. One can be technically legal within the law but the intentions can also be sinister. It is a chess game as you know. And one must be very guarded when dealing with government authority and treat it with mistrust.
Pacridge said:
I must not be watching enough news lately. I don't see how we have enough information to determine who did what yet.

I also find it curious that while three people have responded to this thread seven voted for it's poll. All voting in the same direction.

My short period of time as a cop (now I am a programmer making much more money) re-inforced what I learned in Bosnia: That you can't trust the government, you can't trust a politican. Be wary of the system.
ptsdkid said:
****We're at war, totally legal, and in fact should be encouraged. Other wartime presidents have used this executive order as well. If a private citizen feels their rights have been violated through this wiretapping--then they should bring their case to court. So far no one has complained so your topic question remains moot.
You can't really believe this, can you? EVERYONE has complained! Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives, Liberals etc.

I thought only horses wore blinders?:confused:

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