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Is the eclipse on April 8 a warning or an omen from God that there will be negative consequences either in the present or the future? (1 Viewer)

Ok. So 'Anti-Nicene & Arminian' Christians "got problems now". - Too bad, so sad for you, Rev. ;)

aint it?

we roll with the punches, that why we still around.

how about you? how long you be around?

so now you are a Snarky Poet kind of Guy, nice touch.

tonight i am cleaning the Bunker about 100 feet or more down. exact figure are a secret, internet thing.

we have been Studying Revelation, but may change up a little tonight and work on Noah's flood.

Logic, i built this Tunnel underground last summer, it links the rest of our Church to my bunker so we can still be neighbors despite what Unbelievers and Atheists doing up there top side. my wife wants me to paint it a pastel color, but i have no time. my ministry demands putting some time on this forum to discuss the april situation....

No impending Apocalypse. Bridge collapse has nothing to do with the eclipse.

doesn't appear that way to me. in the last few days seems that part of the world became un- hinged

Please join us in the real and rational world.

i like my world better.

very quiet down here and no noisy neighbors.

i do not prescribe drugs and am not a doctor.

my training again is in pharmaceuticals and natural cures. i work as an assistant with my patients.
I'm hearing 'voodoo' and 'witch doctor' here.

Nothing wrong with those, but it's what I'm hearing.
I'm taking my kids to a museum event on the 20th. It (the end of the world/apocalypse) will definitely need to be postponed. I also want to get in a trip to see my mom, which isn't going to happen until at least the fall, so that too will push it out further.
Sounds good. Indeed, I will be visiting Australia in the summer, and this coming winter I may visit Japan. It’s fairly clear that the End Times are going to be postponed to 2025. It’s rather annoying having to constantly make them reschedule the Rapture.
I'm hearing 'voodoo' and 'witch doctor' here.

Nothing wrong with those, but it's what I'm hearing.

we have Alternative Medical Care in the bunker, with full facilities.

what else you 'hearing'.

another view of the tunnel i built for Y2k, big enough to roll trucks thru for miles. we have a full warehouse of food and bibles for those i trust...

Is it your contention @Daisy that victims of child sexual abuse wouldn't/shouldn't have any "axes to grind" with the perpetrators, and those who help cover-up the child abuse inflicted by the sexual deviants.?
Daisy said 👇

Save your drama...the minor is not dead...
i don't have to.

you can read right?

As I said, you are a failed prophet with no credibility who has zero prophecies to his name that have come true. God is so angry at failed prophets. The other day he told me that he is looking forward to having Satan have his way with them on April 9 for their inane predictions that will fail to come true.
Sounds good. Indeed, I will be visiting Australia in the summer, and this coming winter I may visit Japan. It’s fairly clear that the End Times are going to be postponed to 2025. It’s rather annoying having to constantly make them reschedule the Rapture.


you guys fooled us last time, april 8 is it.

there will be no 2025 in america according to de@gle's report.............(not kidding, there is such a thing. they took it down, but a few copies were saved)

the more you read it the more you realize where i get my good ideas from.
we have Alternative Medical Care in the bunker, with full facilities.

what else you 'hearing'.

another view of the tunnel i built for Y2k, big enough to roll trucks thru for miles. we have a full warehouse of food and bibles for those i trust...

View attachment 67501146
Why do you want to survive the apocalypse?

Have you thought that through?

you guys fooled us last time, april 8 is it.

there will be no 2025 in america according to de@gle's report.............(not kidding, there is such a thing. they took it down, but a few copies were saved)

the more you read it the more you realize where i get my good ideas from.
Sorry, God and I have decided that we’ve had enough of your frequent failed predictions. We have agreed that I am going to control scheduling of the End Times going forward, and to that end I am postponing the End Times to no sooner than 10,000 years from now. Meanwhile, God and Satan agreed to get together and sort out the consequences of your frequent failed prophecies that accomplish little other than to waste everybody’s time.

I’d wish you thoughts and prayers, but neither God nor I particularly care at this point.
Sorry, God and I have decided that we’ve had enough of your frequent failed predictions. We have agreed that I am going to control scheduling of the End Times going forward, and to that end I am postponing the End Times to no sooner than 10,000 years from now. Meanwhile, God and Satan agreed to get together and sort out the consequences of your frequent failed prophecies that accomplish little other than to waste everybody’s time.

I’d wish you thoughts and prayers, but neither God nor I particularly care at this point.

fake prayer.

off to the Bench you go....

th-1220673542ff.jpg...this time make it real. you have less than 2 weeks.

fake prayer.

off to the Bench you go....

View attachment 67501148...this time make it real. you have less than 2 weeks.

Off to the bench you’ve been sent. God and I are tired of rando failed prophets and with God’s authorization I will now take action to no longer be burdened by the sight of your words until after April 8, since the only value you can bring going forward are your predictions of some other date on April 9—since those hold comedic value.

I’d advise that you pray but God has no tolerance for failed, false prophets.

Off to the bench you’ve been sent.


sent by who, you? well i go if you go. ( i am going anyway)

God and I are tired of rando failed prophets and with God’s authorization I will now take action to no longer be burdened by the sight of your words until after April 8, since the only value you can bring going forward are your predictions of some other date on April 9—since those hold comedic value.

I’d advise that you pray but God has no tolerance for failed, false prophets.


bye, go back to the other forums.
why do you want to die in the apocalypse?
Because dying is what people do in an apocalypse. It's just the nature of the thing.

When you crawl out of your bunker and there's no fresh broccoli or basketball playoff... what's the point?
you haven't thought it through, but you will.
I always forget that you're a prophet. Does God speak to you in actual English words... or is it just a feeling?

If in actual words, can you quote them for me?

If just a feeling, well, I've got feelings, too, and my feelings tell me that you're mistaken and confused.
oesn't appear that way to me. in the last few days seems that part of the world became un- hinged

RIght word, wrong subject.


you guys fooled us last time, april 8 is it.

there will be no 2025 in america according to de@gle's report.............(not kidding, there is such a thing. they took it down, but a few copies were saved)

the more you read it the more you realize where i get my good ideas from.

Ok,. I think that I finally get it. You are running a "false flag". Nobody could possible believe the nonsense that you promote, so you are just pulling a huge joke on us, simulating what you believe is the absolute worst example of a Christian that you can think of, and come April 1, you will come out from behind your disguise and go APRIL FOOL!
Well, I admit that you really had us going into thinking that you were really the total Christian goofball that you appear to be, when you are no doubt just running a huge gag on us. Very good! We shall await your "APRIL FOOL!" shout!
RIght word, wrong subject.

Ok,. I think that I finally get it. You are running a "false flag". Nobody could possible believe the nonsense that you promote, so you are just pulling a huge joke on us, simulating what you believe is the absolute worst example of a Christian that you can think of, and come April 1, you will come out from behind your disguise and go APRIL FOOL!

well ok. now that you know: april fool.

do you feel better?

Well, I admit that you really had us going into thinking that you were really the total Christian goofball that you appear to be,

huh, i am really not that total christian goof ball?

thanks Watsup. nice psych analysis, i will be back in a couple weeks.

when you are no doubt just running a huge gag on us. Very good! We shall await your "APRIL FOOL!" shout!

don't wait, i am getting tired of this anyway.

what do we do when a few more things happen like last nite with the Bridge and in Moscow over the weekend.

nope, April Fool aint gonna cut it Watsup.

actually things are a bit more Serious than i let on and usually are.

best to keep a Lid on this as we don't wanna attract tooo much attention huh?

AND whose bright idea was it to run this stuff on 3 different threads?

not mine.

blessings, 2 weeks
And the ones who reported it to the elders in the 1st place should not expect a middle man to do their accusing for them...go to the police...

Everyone who knows about it should go to the authorities. But the elders make sure that they come to them so they can cover it up. That is the corrupt way the JW organization operates. Tell the elders, and they will take care of it. That is how they control people and keep from being investigated for their corruption.
Keep your eyes on ISRAEL.



Israel isolated as UN security council demands immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Israeli PM cancels White House visit by two ministers and says US ‘abandoned its policy in the UN’ after abstaining on vote


What happens if Israel does not heed the UN call for ceasefire?
Keep your eyes on ISRAEL.


Israel isolated as UN security council demands immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Israeli PM cancels White House visit by two ministers and says US ‘abandoned its policy in the UN’ after abstaining on vote


What happens if Israel does not heed the UN call for ceasefire?

good morning Tosca

a question we need to think about, what happens to Israel if they don't cease fire.

in a sense: Nothing.

for me the News is a matter of Priorities, when i saw what the World was attempting to force Israel to do, this thought came to mind. whatever happens to Israel most Prophecy students already know.

looking at the Obadiah gaza Prophecy, it appears that Gaza is Toast. they gave gaza plenty of time to come to the peace table to find harmonious relations with Israel. the old saying that gaza never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity seems to be what they do.

in the end, the land of gaza was given to Israel by God and eventually they will have all that land. when Israel became a nation, the palestinians had nowhere to go. the arabs didn't want them, in fact they liked them right where they were as a thorn in Israel side.

eventually the whole world will abandon Israel with the Ezekial 37 invasion by russia and arabs; however God destroys russian military advance on the land, destroying most of the russian army. it takes Israel about 7 years to clean up the mess.

the UN vote probably also leads to the Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 Damascus wars, again where Israel is Victorious. the final war of Armageddon brings the Lord back to earth before the Unbelievers destroy everything, and Jesus reigns for 1000 years in the Millennium.

so the answer kind of is: No Sweat, God has this thing covered.

blessings, april 8 and beyond.

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