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Is Prigozhin Kadyrov's parrot? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 8, 2020
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Political Leaning

When Kadyrov speaks, Prigozhin echoes

Seems like every time Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov says something, Wagner mafia boss Evgeny Prigozhin will hurry to say the exact same thing. Is Prigozhin actually a parrot that sits on Kadyrov's shoulder? Well it's a whole echo chamber, because there are other parrots too. Alexey Dyumin, the Governor of Tula and Dmitry Mironov, assistant to the President also seem to parrot everything Kadyrov says. Is there a clique forming in the Kremling around the Chechen leader?
Speaking of Kadyrov...

Putin Makes Chechnya's Kadyrov an Army General

Apparently he claims to be sending his teenage sons to the front. Considering none of them has reached military age, well I guess Ramzan Kadyrov doesn't have to follow rules, but also considering how the elites avoid to have their sons sent anywhere near the front.... Doubt.
allies ? in the fight for moscow khan´s throne ?


I think what they want are promotions. I think Kadyrov is gunning for Shoigu's position. Kadyrov doesn't need to be President of Chechnya to rule Chechnya anymore. Whoever he appoints as his replacement will be completely loyal to him. So Kadyrov can seek an office closer to seat of power. Shoigu's star is falling fast. Putin will have to replace him soon, and I think Kadyrov wants that position. Prigozhin attach himself to kadyrov in hope of getting more influence, the thin border between Wagner and the actual Russian army is being erased anyways.
the experts say , that army generals are very unhappy with this development , the solders made a coup in 1917 they can do it again in 2022
1917 was different. 1917 had 1905 as background. 1905 did lead to reforms not revolution, reforms that were later abolished, using the war as an excuse. We are not there yet, this is not even looking like 1905, for that we need people in the streets in important cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg.

1917 was the whole Russia, not just the military had seized functioning, there were strikes and protests everywhere and all authority was openly questioned. We are certainly not even close to that.
in 1905, Moscow horde has almost collapsed , saved (for 10 years only) by 1 man , by the way , some parts of mosow ulus became independent in 1905, and Nikolashka didn´t get control over them, in Georgia for instance
in 1905, Moscow horde has almost collapsed , saved (for 10 years only) by 1 man , by the way , some parts of mosow ulus became independent in 1905, and Nikolashka didn´t get control over them, in Georgia for instance
Georgia became independent in May 1918, when it seceded from the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic (established in April 1918). The 1905 revolution did not make an independent Georgia.

The 1905 "revolution" forced the Czarist regime to accept a reform packet presented by the moderates, that they did not want to accept, but they feared the Socialists would take control of the protest movement if they didn't. But St. Petersburg never really accepted any of the reforms, and the Czar silently started to abolish them over time, the war then became a good excuse to get rid of the last remnants of 1905.

But we are not even close to 1905 in Russia. 1905 had mass protests in Russia's largest cities. When that start to happen Putin is in danger. Right now some other people of the government are in danger of being fired, which will happen. I could see Putin fire many of his closest officials and appoint new ones due to the war going badly. And these cliques that are forming are opportunists who dream of getting a better slice of the cake.
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