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Is playing the "Black National Anthem" racist and segregationist? (1 Viewer)

Is playing the "Black National Anthem" at sports events racist and segregationist?

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DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2009
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Some pro sports teams play the American nation anthem for Americans - and then plays the "black national anthem" for the black people.

I can't imagine anything being more racist and Joe Biden's view on why the races should be segregated from each other than this. Literally, the super rich white professional team owners have fully agreed to officially declare that black people aren't American citizens. For Americans the have the American National Anthem. Rather, them black people are about of some other "Black" nation for which for them black people they have the Black National Anthem.

Why no "Native American National Anthem?" They were far more screwed than blacks were? The black population is MUCH larger than back then, while native American population is still less than 1/20th what it was. The land of black people wasn't stolen forever from them either. There were no campaigns to literally exterminated blacks from various tribal pasts like there was with native Americans.

The Democratic Party never has and never will stop demanding racial segregation. Their having a different national anthem only for black people - and the American anthem for everyone else - is as racist and segregationist as it gets.
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Some pro sports teams play the American nation anthem for Americans - and then plays the "black national anthem" for the black people.

I can't imagine anything being more racist and Joe Biden's view on why the races should be segregated from each other than this. Literally, the rich white professional team owners have now declared that black people aren't American citizens anymore. Rather, them black people are about of some other "Black" nation.

Why no "Native American National Anthem?" They got FAR more screwed than blacks did?

The Democratic Party never has and never will stop demanding racial segregation.

What's this got to do with the Democratic Party? Is everyfriggingthing in your country wrapped up in partisan party politics?
Those team owners are mostly Democrats? That what You're saying?
Some pro sports teams play the American nation anthem for Americans - and then plays the "black national anthem" for the black people.

I can't imagine anything being more racist and Joe Biden's view on why the races should be segregated from each other than this. Literally, the super rich white professional team owners have fully agreed to officially declare that black people aren't American citizens. For Americans the have the American National Anthem. Rather, them black people are about of some other "Black" nation for which for them black people they have the Black National Anthem.

Why no "Native American National Anthem?" They were far more screwed than blacks were? The black population is MUCH larger than back then, while native American population is still less than 1/20th what it was. The land of black people wasn't stolen forever from them either. There were no campaigns to literally exterminated blacks from various tribal pasts like there was with native Americans.

The Democratic Party never has and never will stop demanding racial segregation. Their having a different national anthem only for black people - and the American anthem for everyone else - is as racist and segregationist as it gets.

Some people would rather not listen to the white national anthem.

Why don't you go back to your white support group?
No, it isn't "racist."

Certain folks are now in the driver's seat, so we all have to obey them.

So when they play their anthem, we must all respectfully and humbly stand up and sing along. We must stand until they generously give us permission to sit down.
Some pro sports teams play the American nation anthem for Americans - and then plays the "black national anthem" for the black people.

I can't imagine anything being more racist and Joe Biden's view on why the races should be segregated from each other than this. Literally, the rich white professional team owners have now declared that black people aren't American citizens anymore. Rather, them black people are about of some other "Black" nation.
Why no "Native American National Anthem?" They got FAR more screwed than blacks did?

The Democratic Party never has and never will stop demanding racial segregation.

Remember The Chinese Exclusion Act
We need a Chinese Anthem to be reminded!

Genocide of Native Americans
We need an "Indian" Anthem to be reminded.

American born of Japanese Ancestry.
Jews on the ocean liner, St Louis.
Anthems For All to be reminded.



Remember The Chinese Exclusion Act
We need a Chinese Anthem to be reminded!

Genocide of Native Americans
We need an "Indian" Anthem to be reminded.

American born of Japanese Ancestry.
Jews on the ocean liner, St Louis.
Anthems For All to be reminded.


Don't forget T. Roosevelt banning Muslim immigrants because many to most were polygamists. Yet no Muslim National Anthem. Remember what was done to the Mormans? Irish immigrants too. And OMG the racist Polish jokes!!!
No, it isn't "racist."

Certain folks are now in the driver's seat, so we all have to obey them.

So when they play their anthem, we must all respectfully and humbly stand up and sing along. We must stand until they generously give us permission to sit down.

Can you imagine a group of white people going down on a knee and raising their fists for the Black National Anthem? CNN, MSNBC, the press, most the rest of the MSM and the Democratic Party would go ape **** crazy declaring them to be KKK white supremacist racists and a dangerous cult. Do you think they would be ordered to leave and never attend another game? What if one of the rare white NBA players took a knee and raised a fist during what they call the Black National Anthem?

Of course, this all is a lie, a racist lie. There is no Black National Anthem and as there is no Black nation.
Some people would rather not listen to the white national anthem.

Why don't you go back to your white support group?

There is no white national anthem. Only racists see the USA as different nations each defined by race. But it is easy for you to be an aggrieved black person on an anonymous forum, isn't it?
Nah...its just another stupid mindless appeasement act that will do nothing but make a bunch of idiots feel better about themselves while they show how much they 'care'. But hey...if done right its a killer song...especially with a strong gospel tone. SO...by all means...carry on.
What's this got to do with the Democratic Party? Is everyfriggingthing in your country wrapped up in partisan party politics?
Those team owners are mostly Democrats? That what You're saying?

Why don't we just give blacks the right to open a few casinos in black ghettos in major Democratic Party run urban cities and call it even? That was the restitution to some NA tribes. "We took 99% of your land and control 100% of it - breaking every treaty, contract and even ignoring recorded deeds for the land - but it's all fair because we will allow you to open a casino."

Them black people could put up a little display with mannequins of black people picking cotton or something to show their heritage in their new casinos - like the Seminoles have a display of Seminoles in the past making trinkets for white tourists to keep from starving to death. Or of blacks in Africa hunting something with spears - a black Africans spear chunkers display - to honor their ancestral roots and their yearning for the good old ancestral days. Maybe a display of black slave hunters hunting some fleeing black women to sell to white or Arabic slave traders. Honoring their ancestral native past in their ancestral native homelands.

That should work for blacks, don't you think? Just let them open a dozen casinos and call it even. ;)
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I wouldn't care if they played "Boogaloo down Broadway". I find it constantly irritating to force people to stand and reinforce their so-called patriotism.
It's akin to the "Pledge of allegiance"
What?..you didn't believe me the first time? It's like signing a contract at the bank all the time because the bank thought it over and don't trust you now. Just redundant.
Can you imagine a group of white people going down on a knee and raising their fists for the Black National Anthem? CNN, MSNBC, the press, most the rest of the MSM and the Democratic Party would go ape **** crazy declaring them to be KKK white supremacist racists and a dangerous cult.

I do not understand.

If Euro Americans took a knee, I would think BLM supporters (such as MSNBC) would be thrilled to death.

For example, they all cheered when the despicable Speaker of the House took a knee.

Now if some Euro Americans had the guts NOT to kneel, then MSNBC, etc. would label them as supremacists.

Have a nice weekend! (In a few months, a nightmare will descend on our poor nation as the Dems take power.)

Okay, let's go in that direction. What's that picture of Democrats got to do with pro sports teams? Does someone in that pic own an NFL team? NBA, maybe?
Some people would rather not listen to the white national anthem.

Why don't you go back to your white support group?

The Houston Texans went to the visiting locker room to skip both songs last night. FWIW they have a black quarterback.

Meanwhile the Kansas City Chiefs, who have a multiracial quarterback, made different types of body language - kneeling, making a fist, holding hands, and the traditional right hand over heart while standing. But none of them sat on the bench.
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There is no such thing as a "black national anthem," no more than their is a "white national anthem."

It's just another tactic by the Communist democrats to divide the nation and foment racial hatred. The goal of democrats is to end America once and for all.
Some people would rather not listen to the white national anthem.

Why don't you go back to your white support group?

There is no such thing as a "white national anthem."

democrats simply are at war against America and use racial hatred to cause division.
I wouldn't care if they played "Boogaloo down Broadway". I find it constantly irritating to force people to stand and reinforce their so-called patriotism.
It's akin to the "Pledge of allegiance"
What?..you didn't believe me the first time? It's like signing a contract at the bank all the time because the bank thought it over and don't trust you now. Just redundant.

I wonder, by the age of 16, how many times the average American has pledged allegiance to the flag? I've seen on TV kids who look about 6 lined up between their desks, hands over their hearts, repeating words that can have almost no meaning to them.
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
-Oscar Wilde-
I do not understand.

If Euro Americans took a knee, I would think BLM supporters (such as MSNBC) would be thrilled to death.

For example, they all cheered when the despicable Speaker of the House took a knee.

Now if some Euro Americans had the guts NOT to kneel, then MSNBC, etc. would label them as supremacists.

Have a nice weekend! (In a few months, a nightmare will descend on our poor nation as the Dems take power.)

The Ds divide us into them & those.
Sexual Preference

And of course "we" believe it is about the content of ones character
and not the color of their skin.
So, we must count them and those in all capacities to prove it.
Go Figure! I can't.

Support Affirmative Action for short, overweight Jewish sorts
in Professional Sports. Enough height discrimination, fitness, etc..
Integrate Professional Sports NOW!
It's pathetic really.
I wonder, by the age of 16, how many times the average American has pledged allegiance to the flag? I've seen on TV kids who look about 6 lined up between their desks, hands over their hearts, repeating words that can have almost no meaning to them.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." -Oscar Wilde-

Every time kids go to elementary school in the morning they say it. Are they still saying it in middle school?

I don't know why, but I clearly remember one day in fourth grade a classmate sharpened his pencil during the Pledge of Allegiance. He looked at the flag twice. The teacher told the class that was not a good idea.

My eighth grade American history teacher told everyone we are not really pledging allegiance to the flag.
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Some pro sports teams play the American nation anthem for Americans - and then plays the "black national anthem" for the black people.

I can't imagine anything being more racist and Joe Biden's view on why the races should be segregated from each other than this. Literally, the super rich white professional team owners have fully agreed to officially declare that black people aren't American citizens. For Americans the have the American National Anthem. Rather, them black people are about of some other "Black" nation for which for them black people they have the Black National Anthem.

Why no "Native American National Anthem?" They were far more screwed than blacks were? The black population is MUCH larger than back then, while native American population is still less than 1/20th what it was. The land of black people wasn't stolen forever from them either. There were no campaigns to literally exterminated blacks from various tribal pasts like there was with native Americans.

The Democratic Party never has and never will stop demanding racial segregation. Their having a different national anthem only for black people - and the American anthem for everyone else - is as racist and segregationist as it gets.

Many countries have national anthems expressing pride in their nation.

List of national anthems - Wikipedia

We have many other means of recognizing the cultures of Americans. If it makes you feel good to demand your own national anthem, fine. I’ll take a knee.
Some pro sports teams play the American nation anthem for Americans - and then plays the "black national anthem" for the black people.

I can't imagine anything being more racist and Joe Biden's view on why the races should be segregated from each other than this. Literally, the super rich white professional team owners have fully agreed to officially declare that black people aren't American citizens. For Americans the have the American National Anthem. Rather, them black people are about of some other "Black" nation for which for them black people they have the Black National Anthem.

Why no "Native American National Anthem?" They were far more screwed than blacks were? The black population is MUCH larger than back then, while native American population is still less than 1/20th what it was. The land of black people wasn't stolen forever from them either. There were no campaigns to literally exterminated blacks from various tribal pasts like there was with native Americans.

The Democratic Party never has and never will stop demanding racial segregation. Their having a different national anthem only for black people - and the American anthem for everyone else - is as racist and segregationist as it gets.

It is ridiculous. National anthems are for nations. That is why they are called NATIONAL anthems. There is no white national anthem and there is no black national anthem. To put them on equal footing is racist and segregationist because you are comparing a nation to a race of people.
Some pro sports teams play the American nation anthem for Americans - and then plays the "black national anthem" for the black people.

I can't imagine anything being more racist and Joe Biden's view on why the races should be segregated from each other than this. Literally, the super rich white professional team owners have fully agreed to officially declare that black people aren't American citizens. For Americans the have the American National Anthem. Rather, them black people are about of some other "Black" nation for which for them black people they have the Black National Anthem.

Why no "Native American National Anthem?" They were far more screwed than blacks were? The black population is MUCH larger than back then, while native American population is still less than 1/20th what it was. The land of black people wasn't stolen forever from them either. There were no campaigns to literally exterminated blacks from various tribal pasts like there was with native Americans.

The Democratic Party never has and never will stop demanding racial segregation. Their having a different national anthem only for black people - and the American anthem for everyone else - is as racist and segregationist as it gets.

For a guy on vacation you make a lot of posts.

But I vote segregated only. Not yet decided on whether it's also racist. So I can't really address your poll.

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