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Is ole Elon getting in the drug business too?... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
Reaction score
Political Leaning
That's my red circle.

Twitter is already the wild west. It may become 4Chan for which drugs need to see their company's stock price soar....


Defenders in follow-ups: but he said "imo", which means it's "just his opinion" and "not advice."

We really should not have ever taught kids that every opinion counts. They don't. Most are horribly stupid, and the mere fact that they are opinions doesn't improve their situation.

Note DP people saying "I believe" before uttering some absurd bullshit, as if the fact of their belief bootstraps the bullshit into credibility....
Defenders in follow-ups: but he said "imo", which means it's "just his opinion" and "not advice."

We really should not have ever taught kids that every opinion counts. They don't. Most are horribly stupid, and the mere fact that they are opinions doesn't improve their situation.

Note DP people saying "I believe" before uttering some absurd bullshit, as if the fact of their belief bootstraps the bullshit into credibility....
Then there are those that make claims that are their opinion, but they state it as fact. They are worse than the ones that say 'I believe', particularly since many times people can frame their opinion, and follow it up with 'because of xyx, and this is the support for xyz that I am basing my opinion on'.

Big red flags should be raised if someone won't show their sources.

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