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Is liberalism becoming industrialized? (1 Viewer)


All Lives Matter or No Lives Matter
DP Veteran
Mar 18, 2018
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San Diego
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Came across this article last night and was stunned by it's premise: Basically the center-left has been marginalized by the institutionalized left, e.g. NGOs, rich lefties, etc.

The centralized and authoritarian control of American progressivism by major foundations and the nonprofits that they fund, and the large media institutions, universities, corporations, and banks that disseminate the progressive party line, has made it impossible for there to be public intellectuals on the American center left. This is not to say that progressives are not intelligent and/or well-educated. It is merely to say that being a progressive public intellectual is no longer an option, in an era in which progressivism is anti-intellectual.

I've argued portions of this thesis for years. The Democratic Party has migrated from "the party of the people" to to an institutional hard left monolith.
Did you read the article?

How the foundation-NGO complex quashed innovative thinking and open debate, first on the American right and now on the center left

The author of the piece clearly states that the right has been industrialize before the left. Do you agree with this?
You should be stunned by these false premises:

"The centralized and authoritarian control of American progressivism ..."

"... in an era in which progressivism is anti-intellectual."
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More anti-intellectual thoughts projected from the anti-intellectual article:

"If you are an intelligent and thoughtful young American, you cannot be a progressive public intellectual today, any more than you can be a cavalry officer or a silent movie star. That’s because, in the third decade of the 21st century, intellectual life on the American center left is dead. Debate has been replaced by compulsory assent and ideas have been replaced by slogans that can be recited but not questioned: Black Lives Matter, Green Transition, Trans Women Are Women, 1619, Defund the Police."
Came across this article last night and was stunned by it's premise: Basically the center-left has been marginalized by the institutionalized left, e.g. NGOs, rich lefties, etc.

I've argued portions of this thesis for years. The Democratic Party has migrated from "the party of the people" to to an institutional hard left monolith.
Wow did you miss the point. YOu gotta actually read those articles not just trust what some chain email told you it says or they will bite you in the ass because you don't know what they say.

Excellent writer, but he gets too much wrong, imo.
Came across this article last night and was stunned by it's premise: Basically the center-left has been marginalized by the institutionalized left, e.g. NGOs, rich lefties, etc.

I've argued portions of this thesis for years. The Democratic Party has migrated from "the party of the people" to to an institutional hard left monolith.
Umm no, there are still people like me all over the country.

Younger progressive can be annoying with their level of “leap before they look” nature at times but nobody is getting marginalized.
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Came across this article last night and was stunned by it's premise: Basically the center-left has been marginalized by the institutionalized left, e.g. NGOs, rich lefties, etc.

I've argued portions of this thesis for years. The Democratic Party has migrated from "the party of the people" to to an institutional hard left monolith.
You're not alone. The entire left has become one, big, commoditized, transactional, capitalist juggernaut.
They are a wholly-owned subsidiary of globalist oligarchs.
Umm no, there are still people like me all over the country.

Younger progressive can be annoying with their level of “leap before they look” nature at times but nobody is getting marginalized.
But you are = you're consuming LW media, watching LW news, etc.
Wow did you miss the point. YOu gotta actually read those articles not just trust what some chain email told you it says or they will bite you in the ass because you don't know what they say.

View attachment 67387325
You do realize I started the thread, right? I read and agreed with much of it. Instead of stupid images, why not explain where it goes wrong?
Came across this article last night and was stunned by it's premise: Basically the center-left has been marginalized by the institutionalized left, e.g. NGOs, rich lefties, etc.

I've argued portions of this thesis for years. The Democratic Party has migrated from "the party of the people" to to an institutional hard left monolith.
No, they migrated towards the center, not the left.

If the current Democratic Party was still the party of the people, they'd actually be pushing things like Senator Sanders and those like him do, if not policies left of him.
No, they migrated towards the center, not the left.

If the current Democratic Party was still the party of the people, they'd actually be pushing things like Senator Sanders and those like him do, if not policies left of him.
Not really. Sanders wants large government entities to dole out favors to the people in return for their obedience. The center tends more for allowing people to run their own lives.
You do realize I started the thread, right? I read and agreed with much of it. Instead of stupid images, why not explain where it goes wrong?
I read the thread, someone else already explained it to you. Maybe you should read the thread and the article?
Not really. Sanders wants large government entities to dole out favors to the people in return for their obedience. The center tends more for allowing people to run their own lives.
There's no required obedience. You're projecting.
I read the thread, someone else already explained it to you. Maybe you should read the thread and the article?
Spouting partisan gobbledegook is not "explaining".
Nope. I'm right on. Thing mandates - as one example.
What do you mean mandates? Mask mandates? These were not political in nature. They were mandated for public health reasons by a Republican administration. What does wearing a mask to protect your society from the consequences of an out of control pandemic have to do with the left or the right?

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