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Is it Fair Play to Hold the Debt Ceiling Hostage? (1 Viewer)

Is it Fair Play to Hold the Debt Ceiling Hostage?

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Parker: Shutdown gives Boehner leverage

Suppose you are John Boehner. Faced with a Democratic Senate and president, he has only two points of leverage — appropriations and raising the debt limit — which were set in place by greater minds than all these present.
What Republicans hope to accomplish by tying demands to the debt ceiling is a grand bargain to include a package of entitlement and tax reform. Sound familiar? The president can refuse to negotiate, but at 3 a.m. when the phone rings and it’s Angela Merkel inquiring just what the hell is going on, it won’t be John Boehner’s phone ringing. It will be President Obama’s. That’s leverage. During the last debt-ceiling battle, Boehner managed to secure more than $2 trillion in cuts and no taxes.
That’s context. :peace

Read Obama's lips, there will be no "grand bargain" over paying the bills the House already authorized.
Parker: Shutdown gives Boehner leverage

Suppose you are John Boehner. Faced with a Democratic Senate and president, he has only two points of leverage — appropriations and raising the debt limit — which were set in place by greater minds than all these present.
What Republicans hope to accomplish by tying demands to the debt ceiling is a grand bargain to include a package of entitlement and tax reform. Sound familiar? The president can refuse to negotiate, but at 3 a.m. when the phone rings and it’s Angela Merkel inquiring just what the hell is going on, it won’t be John Boehner’s phone ringing. It will be President Obama’s. That’s leverage. During the last debt-ceiling battle, Boehner managed to secure more than $2 trillion in cuts and no taxes.
That’s context. :peace

Wow, you almost had me convinced that you actually wrote that. Not even a quote mark and your little peace sign at the end. Imagine my disappointment when I saw that you were plagerizing with your typical cut and paste. Well, at least you posted the link.
Ted Cruz is in the Senate. He cannot and does not speak for the House.:peace

I know. But Boehner has refused to negotiate the budget resolution with the senate for almost as long as Cruz has been plotting to shut down the government. Coincidence? I think not.
Wow, you almost had me convinced that you actually wrote that. Not even a quote mark and your little peace sign at the end. Imagine my disappointment when I saw that you were plagerizing with your typical cut and paste. Well, at least you posted the link.

When posted with the link everyone knows it's an excerpt.:peace
I know. But Boehner has refused to negotiate the budget resolution with the senate for almost as long as Cruz has been plotting to shut down the government. Coincidence? I think not.

There is no evidence that Boehner has refused to negotiate anything. Likewise there is no evidence that Boehner and Cruz have coordinated their actions.:peace
There is no evidence that Boehner has refused to negotiate anything. Likewise there is no evidence that Boehner and Cruz have coordinated their actions.:peace

It must be exercise time, because the stretching part has already begun! :mrgreen:
When posted with the link everyone knows it's an excerpt.:peace

No, they don't. Please put quote marks or the quote box next time. After all, that is what they're for.
There is no evidence that Boehner has refused to negotiate anything. Likewise there is no evidence that Boehner and Cruz have coordinated their actions.:peace

How do you know?
Excuse me. Everyone knows except you.
I doubt it. You seem to be the only one who doesn't know how to use the quote box or quotation marks.
I doubt it. You seem to be the only one who doesn't know how to use the quote box or quotation marks.

9a. Fair-Use - A limitation of two (2) medium-sized paragraphs per thread is allowed for the quoting and display of any external "same-source" material. Same-source material is considered to be material borrowed from the same author, the same internet article, the same web page, the same web site, or the same publication. Please do not exceed this limitation, nor attempt to bypass this limitation via consecutive/subsequent/plagiarized thread postings. Proper format is to Copy & Paste a maximum of two medium-sized paragraphs of same-source material and offer a link to the material source page for further reading. Moderator discretion shall prevail here.:peace
If you're aware of any, please produce it. Until you do, there isn't any.

I'm aware of the evidence but I see no reason why I should produce it for you after you've convinced yourself there isn't any. Been there, done that. So if you don't see the evidence...then of course, it doesn't exist...for you. .
9a. Fair-Use - A limitation of two (2) medium-sized paragraphs per thread is allowed for the quoting and display of any external "same-source" material. Same-source material is considered to be material borrowed from the same author, the same internet article, the same web page, the same web site, or the same publication. Please do not exceed this limitation, nor attempt to bypass this limitation via consecutive/subsequent/plagiarized thread postings. Proper format is to Copy & Paste a maximum of two medium-sized paragraphs of same-source material and offer a link to the material source page for further reading. Moderator discretion shall prevail here.:peace

5 Tips for Punctuating with Quotation Marks - For Dummies
I'm aware of the evidence but I see no reason why I should produce it for you after you've convinced yourself there isn't any. Been there, done that. So if you don't see the evidence...then of course, it doesn't exist...for you. .

Ah. Then you don't have any, as I thought.
these are the same people that wanted to break away from america....confederates they want to break down america...i want the prez to claim not paying the bills as a danger to the united states economy. which it is to tell the truth. and use his executive powers and overide the reps. right away!!!!
Not part of Forum Rules.

I think it might be part of copyright rules. Did you check the website you stole it from?

Ah. Then you don't have any, as I thought.

I do, but I'm too lazy to fetch it. I've posted it somewhere on this thread if you care to find it. Don't really care if you don't, though.
these are the same people that wanted to break away from america....confederates they want to break down america...i want the prez to claim not paying the bills as a danger to the united states economy. which it is to tell the truth. and use his executive powers and overide the reps. right away!!!!

Interesting idea, and definitely worth considering. The Confederate analogy has some merit too.:peace

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