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Is health care in the US a right? (1 Viewer)

Is health care a right?

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Universal health care is good for the people, it should be available to every citizen/resident, like education and other services provided by the state.

Ok I can see that but in the debt we are in it is not about if we should do it, it is can we do it and the awnser is no, that is if you don't want higher taxes and a bigger national debt we are human a perfict world is not possible or else communisum would have worked
Ok I can see that but in the debt we are in it is not about if we should do it, it is can we do it and the awnser is no, that is if you don't want higher taxes and a bigger national debt we are human a perfict world is not possible or else communisum would have worked

The real point is that we can't afford NOT to do it. HC Costs in this country are rising higher than inflation every year & one of the biggest busniess problems here is that our companies cannot compete with many foreign businesses due to the high cost of providing employee HC.. It will help...not hurt our economy if we intelligently reform HC.
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The real point is that we can't afford NOT to do it. HC Costs in this country are rising higher than inflation every year. It will help...not hurt our economy if we intelligently reform HC.
the key word is intelligently the majority of the leaders in our govrnment are not intelligent and they are not going for what the people want it is what they want just look at the protest out in the streets
the key word is intelligently the majority of the leaders in our govrnment are not intelligent and they are not going for what the people want it is what they want just look at the protest out in the streets

So the point is to honestly work together & improve HC by reforming it. Not to pay "Lip Service" to it, while really trying to kill it to "break" Obama.
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by even proposing this bill Obama Lyied to the american people he said he will lower taxes for the middle class and UHC will raise them
then who will pay for this

The same people who are paying for the war in Iraq & the war in Afghanistan & who were paying over $4.00/gallon for fuel last summer & the same people who couldn't afford to heat their home & still can;'t afford to buy their RX's.........US..
Difference is......we will be getting something for our money....Better, more affordable HC & a stronger economy & getting to keep our jobs.
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The same people who are paying for the war in Iraq & the war in Afghanistan & who were paying over $4.00/gallon for fuel last summer & the same people who couldn't afford to heat their home.
Difference is......we will be getting something for our money....Better, more affordable HC & a stronger economy.

then he is lying because taxs will have to go up to pay for it or the national debt will sky rocket UHC is not working in europe it will not work here we are a capitalist nation let it stay that way
then he is lying because taxs will have to go up to pay for it or the national debt will sky rocket UHC is not working in europe it will not work here we are a capitalist nation let it stay that way

No....I agree someone is lying but it isn't Obama.
then who is?
Most GOP leaders (both elected or in the media)

not even true because you only believe that because that is what the left media is feeding you
it has helped and it will go down if we use UHC because the quality will go way down
it has helped and it will go down if we use UHC because the quality will go way down

Untrue GOP talking point/Scare tactic.........(The GOP hasn't been able to see the future with their crystal ball very well for years now)
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Untrue GOP talking point/Scare tactic.........(The GOP hasn't been able to see the future with their crystal ball very well for years now)

you talk scare tactics how else did the dems win this election because of the poison of the libral media
you talk scare tactics how else did the dems win this election because of the poison of the libral media

The Dems won because the GOP forfeited their credibility as fiscal conservatives, by rubber stamping all of GW Bush's fiasco's that cost this country dearly in both blood & treasure. (keep your questions coming.......They're really helping the anti-GOP cause!);)
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ya what ever GW was a good protector of this country and a much better presedent than BO will ever hope to be
ya what ever GW was a good protector of this country and a much better presedent than BO will ever hope to be

Seems to me that we had to large towers in NYC when GW took office.....What ever happened to them????
I've researched UHC from other countries before and invariably you will find that that system is in trouble, normally due to money issues. There was even a country where the UHC was failing but the private health insurance companies were working great. Sorry can't remember which country this was.

What needs to be done is for a group to get together and research every country that has UHC and list all the pro's and con's that is currently happening with those countries. Find out which is the most prevalent con's and which is the most prevalent pro's.

When this is done then IF people still want a UHC try and figure out a way to prevent the con's.

Take the best of each countries system and improve upon them.
I've researched UHC from other countries before and invariably you will find that that system is in trouble, normally due to money issues. There was even a country where the UHC was failing but the private health insurance companies were working great. Sorry can't remember which country this was.

What needs to be done is for a group to get together and research every country that has UHC and list all the pro's and con's that is currently happening with those countries. Find out which is the most prevalent con's and which is the most prevalent pro's.

When this is done then IF people still want a UHC try and figure out a way to prevent the con's.

Take the best of each countries system and improve upon them.

A very sensible/constructive approach !!...I agree 100%!:applaud
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Unfortenately this is not what is happening in our government. :(

So write your reps...They work for us....Tell them to make HC reform work, but don't try to kill it outright.
The public wants/needs GOOD & REAL HC reform.
Status quo should not be an option.
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So write your reps...They work for us....Tell them to make HC reform work, but don't try to kill it outright.

I honestly have no reason to think that they would listen. Take a look at what is happening now a days. We have Republicans calling Democrats facists, communists etc etc. We have Democrats calling Republicans neocons, racists, anti-american etc etc. ALL just because they don't agree with the other side. And through it all it has been proven that they don't even read the bills that they vote on. About the only say that anyone has in the whole issue as far as I am concerned is come election time when we can vote for who is in office. The only other way is if you have money and/or are famous and get on TV. I'm neither.

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