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IS george walker bush (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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IS george walker bush a good president to u wonderfull people,will u support
him to the end of time,fore the last 3 years,come what may.

mikeey said:
IS george walker bush a good president to u wonderfull people,will u support
him to the end of time,fore the last 3 years,come what may.


I do not believe Bush is a great president, i feel he is decent. I support his policy in iraq. I do not, however, support his stem cell research policy where the government will not fund it. I believe Bush is a weak president, but has a great personality. He is a down to eart man with traditional family values. I respect that.

I believe, from what is mildly stiring up in the media (more focus on other BS) bush's approval rating from the conservative population will rise. He is forming a closed border plan (to my knowledge).. I believe, he picked a great man for SCJ (John Roberts).

All i can say is i hope Bush can do a better job.. We need another conservative in '08
AK_Conservative said:
I do not believe Bush is a great president, i feel he is decent. I support his policy in iraq. I do not, however, support his stem cell research policy where the government will not fund it. I believe Bush is a weak president, but has a great personality. He is a down to eart man with traditional family values. I respect that.

I believe, from what is mildly stiring up in the media (more focus on other BS) bush's approval rating from the conservative population will rise. He is forming a closed border plan (to my knowledge).. I believe, he picked a great man for SCJ (John Roberts).

All i can say is i hope Bush can do a better job.. We need another conservative in '08

No offense I like Bush too, however we would need a conservative as president now before we could have another one.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
No offense I like Bush too, however we would need a conservative as president now before we could have another one.

LOL, well, Bush is a so called moderate conservative. His values is moderate, but his spending is definately not! With Bush, you never really know.. But id love to have McCain in 08
AK_Conservative said:
LOL, well, Bush is a so called moderate conservative. His values is moderate, but his spending is definately not! With Bush, you never really know.. But id love to have McCain in 08

Me too a Mccain Rice or Mccain Powell ticket would be unstopable especially since it is becoming more and more likely that Dems will be running Mrs. Clinton in 08.
AK_Conservative i haqve a pal near u he works on the rigs in 1 of the inlands,
small place it is,i will tell u the name of it after.

mikeey said:
IS george walker bush a good president to u wonderfull people,will u support
him to the end of time,fore the last 3 years,come what may.


Well, I think we all expect him to be out of office in 2009. That's what's in the constitution.

In terms of supporting him - I'm not sure. I guess I'll continue to support him where I agree and criticize where I disagree. That's how I'd feel about any president.

His legacy? I don't think that he's going to be looked at as a bumbling fool who led us poorly in the war on terror, as many democrats believe. I think he'll be viewed as someone who endured an extreme amount of criticism from all sides, and yet refrained from name calling and partisanship. Unfortunately, he was also be known for the inability to control congressional spending and for doing a poor job in public relations with regards to the war in Iraq.

However, If Iraq is a democracy 30 years from now, I think Bush will be held in very high regard. History tends to forget a lot of things so long as it all works out in the end. If Iraq goes the other way - his entire legacy is on the line.
I think Bush is a better President than Clinton. Far better than Kerry would have been. Do I agree with everything he does? No. He needs to stop trying to be bipartisan and stand up for what he believes in. There are some things he has been very strong on, such as the War on Terror, and some things he needs to push until they give.

I think the Governator would be good... just kidding.

Seriously, I would like to see Rice run, just to see the debates between her and Clinton (yes, she will be running in '08, unfortunately). I hope we can come up with someone good, because with China building up their military, we will need someone good.

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