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Is Edward Snowden a traitor or a patriot? (1 Viewer)

Patriot, Traitor, or something else?

  • Traitor (Elaborate)

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • Patriot (Elaborate)

    Votes: 21 43.8%
  • Other (Elaborate)

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's implied; why else the reference to them? He did not break the law for the greater good- he broke to law to satisfy his own desires. What's the greater good Snowden was thinking of???

1) I don't care what you thought was implied - if I did not say it, I did not mean it.

2) You are not Snowden - so you have ABSOLUTELY NO idea why he did it...that is two people within two posts whom you do not know personally that you presuppose to speak for.

Anyone else whom you have never met whose feelings you presuppose to know?


What a waste of time you are to me.

1) I don't care what you thought was implied - if I did not say it, I did not mean it.

2) You are not Snowden - so you have ABSOLUTELY NO idea why he did it...that is two people within two posts whom you do not know personally that you presuppose to speak for.

Anyone else whom you have never met whose feelings you presuppose to know?


What a waste of time you are to me.


What a feeble minded response...it fails to answer the question.
Personally, I believe he is a leader (I voted for Other). He took a chance to do the right thing. And I believe the worst penalty he should receive is a slap on the wrist, but I'm sure he's fearing death.
Personally, I believe he is a leader (I voted for Other). He took a chance to do the right thing. And I believe the worst penalty he should receive is a slap on the wrist, but I'm sure he's fearing death.

A leader? LMFAOL, leader of cowardice perhaps. He broke his secrecy oath, the laws about classified info and he ran off to nirvana?! Please!

Who is HE to determine that this information should come out? Is he above all three branches of government and their respective roles in such a matter?!

Why don't we just anoint him Supreme Leader of America- he can be the sole ruler of all and make all the choices for us.. We have a government that does shadowy and questionably immoral things but that's what the world of espionage is- its covert and clandestine for a reason!! And some little ****tard like Snowden things he and he alone is capable of overruling an entire system of government?

He is a hero only to the ignorant who enjoy the freedoms provided to them by the same people they attack- the irony!

He is a coward- nothing more than that.
A leader? LMFAOL, leader of cowardice perhaps. He broke his secrecy oath, the laws about classified info and he ran off to nirvana?! Please!

Who is HE to determine that this information should come out? Is he above all three branches of government and their respective roles in such a matter?!

Why don't we just anoint him Supreme Leader of America- he can be the sole ruler of all and make all the choices for us.. We have a government that does shadowy and questionably immoral things but that's what the world of espionage is- its covert and clandestine for a reason!! And some little ****tard like Snowden things he and he alone is capable of overruling an entire system of government?

He is a hero only to the ignorant who enjoy the freedoms provided to them by the same people they attack- the irony!

He is a coward- nothing more than that.

Why have soldiers pledge an oath to uphold the constitution if they aren't really supposed to?
What do you mean?

Soldiers take an oath to uphold and defend the constitution.

If a soldier sees our government violates the constitution they should shine light on it. Unless they are not really supposed to take the oath seriously.
He's just some jerk who shouldn't have had the security clearance that he had. I blame this on the sloppy Obama Administration.

Yes, because God knows we've never had intelligence failures or spies during Republican Adminis:lamotrations.
Soldiers take an oath to uphold and defend the constitution.

If a soldier sees our government violates the constitution they should shine light on it. Unless they are not really supposed to take the oath seriously.

How do you defend the constitution by giving away top secret information to the world and then running to Russia to make sure they got it all?
He's not the Messiah...he's a very naughty boy.

Actually, I think he is a hero...though a naughty one.

But those are often the best kind.

MLK, Gandhi, Mandela...they all broke the law for the greater good.

I believe Snowden did as well.

The Russian intelligence service feels exactly the same way! As far as they're concerned, it's all good!
How do you defend the constitution by giving away top secret information to the world and then running to Russia to make sure they got it all?

You protect the constitution by letting we the people who are the real authority know what those with position are doing with our power and money.

He went to Russia because we have secret prisons to torture people.
Yes, because God knows we've never had intelligence failures or spies during Republican Adminis:lamotrations.
And that somehow makes this OK? Honestly, where do you libs get your sense of lo:spin:gic?
It's implied; why else the reference to them? He did not break the law for the greater good- he broke to law to satisfy his own desires. What's the greater good Snowden was thinking of???

Russia's, I suspect. That's why he's there.
Soldiers take an oath to uphold and defend the constitution.

If a soldier sees our government violates the constitution they should shine light on it. Unless they are not really supposed to take the oath seriously.

There is protocol for this; Snowden just failed to follow it. This is why he isn't a whistleblower. He could have gone to the Inspector General, Congress etc- however he chose not to, he instead took it upon himself to override the checks and balances of government and expose things that were obviously not meant for public consumption.

There is a reason something is Top Secret! What part of the constitution is he defending?? None. You have no right to privacy- that's myth. Groupon, Google and Facebook know more about the average American than the NSA- please.

It's ok if someone "violates your privacy" as long as you get a 10% discount on some random crap you buy, but if you get security people are up in arms?! WTF- seriously?!
There is protocol for this; Snowden just failed to follow it. This is why he isn't a whistleblower. He could have gone to the Inspector General, Congress etc- however he chose not to, he instead took it upon himself to override the checks and balances of government and expose things that were obviously not meant for public consumption.

There is a reason something is Top Secret! What part of the constitution is he defending?? None. You have no right to privacy- that's myth. Groupon, Google and Facebook know more about the average American than the NSA- please.

It's ok if someone "violates your privacy" as long as you get a 10% discount on some random crap you buy, but if you get security people are up in arms?! WTF- seriously?!

We the people are the government. His duty is to we the people.
You protect the constitution by letting we the people who are the real authority know what those with position are doing with our power and money.

He went to Russia because we have secret prisons to torture people.

Where are these top secret prisons you so knowingly speak off? Have you seen one, been there? LOL
We the people are the government. His duty is to we the people.

OMG, what a bunch of empty fluff. Oh "we the people" please... In a civil society WE THE PEOPLE elect officials and create institutions to manage national affairs- that's what government is for.

If that's not the case, then someone get me the keys to Fort Knox- I as part of "we the people" need to make a withdrawal LMFAOL!
Would a patriot run to China or Russia?
Where are these top secret prisons you so knowingly speak off? Have you seen one, been there? LOL

How would I know where the secret prisons are. I know we have a torture facility in Cuba.
OMG, what a bunch of empty fluff. Oh "we the people" please... In a civil society WE THE PEOPLE elect officials and create institutions to manage national affairs- that's what government is for.

If that's not the case, then someone get me the keys to Fort Knox- I as part of "we the people" need to make a withdrawal LMFAOL!

You can worship authority and the state that is ok. If government makes you feel safe that is common.
How would I know where the secret prisons are. I know we have a torture facility in Cuba.

So you don't even know if they exist but you know we have one in Cuba? Lol that's just dandy then.

Gitmon prisoners receive better care and treatment than US persons in county jail lol

In those nirvana of freedom called China and Russia they would have been killed years ago! And guess what, no one would have even known- or cared.
So you don't even know if they exist but you know we have one in Cuba? Lol that's just dandy then.

Gitmon prisoners receive better care and treatment than US persons in county jail lol

In those nirvana of freedom called China and Russia they would have been killed years ago! And guess what, no one would have even known- or cared.

No one gets water boarded at county jail.
You can worship authority and the state that is ok. If government makes you feel safe that is common.

I don't worship anything or anyone- well I'm fond of that scarce commodity called common sense. Government doesn't make me feel safe or unsafe- the point is that "we the people" have tasked all three branches of government with the role of governing and for one info vial to put himself above those functions is not only arrogant but evidence of his naïveté.

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