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Is anyone considering Unity2020 ? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 21, 2019
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For those who know who Bret Weinstein is, he got this going. He describes it in this 13 minute interview
What is Unity 2020? - Unity2020
For those worried about this "spoiling" the election that is addressed here:
FAQ - Unity2020
The Unity2020 plan has two failsafes to prevent spoiling the election:

First, it is engineered to draw equally from disillusioned members of both political parties. If you take the number of voters who self-identify as “independent,” and then add the potential voters who are currently disengaged, we could create a voting bloc representing as much as eighty-six percent (86%) of the country.

Second, if a Unity2020 ticket has no viable path to the White House by a predetermined date, we will pull the plug and all voters can return to their previous corners.

From their website: FAQ - Unity2020

Our leading Unity co-Presidency ticket is Tulsi Gabbard and Dan Crenshaw.

We believe leaders should talk about strategies for solving problems, rather than pretending they have all the answers. Leadership is about teamwork, and the Unity2020 White House is predicated on building a diverse and capable team, ready to serve the public.

We have been told to vote for the “lesser evil” for generations, and we have almost forgotten what “greater good” politics might look like.

The Vision - Unity2020
As a nation, we are navigating uncharted territory. In addition to partisan gridlock, we must rise to several new challenges:

We lack consensus, even about matters of basic fact, and the current tools of collective sense-making are unable to close the gap.
Our country is on the brink of economic catastrophe and we are hobbled by our dependence on an outsourced manufacturing base.
Massive protests reveal the depth of frustration, but these outpourings of genuine anger are all too easily co-opted and attention diverted away from root causes — while working class Americans demonize each other, those who captured our system and hoarded opportunity continue to flourish at our expense.
The world is losing confidence in America’s capacity to lead, even as Chinese geopolitical power expands. This could lead to catastrophic war in the absence of sober leadership.
Probably a Russian operation. Russians are hiring American writers to create articles to avoid the obvious syntax problems, and creating websites aimed at both parties in order to divide the country. "Unity2020" would be an obvious ploy to draw votes away from Biden.
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How would anyone know what they are voting for?

I'm all for a real third choice that bridged the ever-widening gap between the Ds and Rs, but I would have a hard time voting for candidates without an actual platform.

And Joe points out the key problem here: you have to ruin your life to run for President. I wonder if there's a way to solve that, because if we could, then we'd have a lot more people who might be willing to serve and we wouldn't get all the extremist kooks we have now.
Probably a Russian operation. Russians are hiring American writer to create articles to avoid the obvious syntax problems, and creating websites aimed at both parties in order to divide the country. "Unity2020" would be an obvious ploy to draw votes away from Biden.

The actual members of the parties, Harris, Biden, and Trump included, are doing a fine job of dividing people without any help from the Russians.
How would anyone know what they are voting for?

I'm all for a real third choice that bridged the ever-widening gap between the Ds and Rs, but I would have a hard time voting for candidates without an actual platform.

And Joe points out the key problem here: you have to ruin your life to run for President. I wonder if there's a way to solve that, because if we could, then we'd have a lot more people who might be willing to serve and we wouldn't get all the extremist kooks we have now.

I suppose their platform is unifying the country and cooperating to move common interests forward? They don't list specific stances on issues (immigration, civil rights, economy, etc) but most probably know Tulsi Gabbard. I agree they should put more on their website.

Yes ruining your life to be president is an issue. This country really tears apart the person and every person linked to them. It's amazing to look at before and after pictures of two term presidents.
Sorry, I lost my "Unity" when the voters/system elected Trump.

awww poor hurt leftist lost an election so now is mad.
how about this next time. try nominating someone who isn't clinton or biden.


YOu complain about trump but nominated the worst people in the world to try and run against him.
Probably a Russian operation. Russians are hiring American writers to create articles to avoid the obvious syntax problems, and creating websites aimed at both parties in order to divide the country. "Unity2020" would be an obvious ploy to draw votes away from Biden.

Nope these are real people. Just look up Bret Weinstein. He was a 2019-2020 James Madison Program Visiting Fellow at Princeton University.
Bret Weinstein - Wikipedia
And his wife, Heather Heying.
They were both professors at the infamous Evergreen State College.
Nope these are real people. Just look up Bret Weinstein. He was a 2019-2020 James Madison Program Visiting Fellow at Princeton University.
Bret Weinstein - Wikipedia
And his wife, Heather Heying.
They were both professors at the infamous Evergreen State College.

If Unity2020 is real then it'll still be around after the election.
awww poor hurt leftist lost an election so now is mad.
how about this next time. try nominating someone who isn't clinton or biden.


YOu complain about trump but nominated the worst people in the world to try and run against him.

Actually, the worst people in the world is the Trump Organization. Fear not though, next January will have the adults back in charge.

Sounds like a scam to help orange Kim.
Actually, the worst people in the world is the Trump Organization. Fear not though, next January will have the adults back in charge.

LMAO which adults are those? i know for a fact you are not referring to democrats.
the biggest bunch of cry babies of them all.
Probably a Russian operation. Russians are hiring American writers to create articles to avoid the obvious syntax problems, and creating websites aimed at both parties in order to divide the country. "Unity2020" would be an obvious ploy to draw votes away from Biden.

That was exactly my thought when I saw this.
For those who know who Bret Weinstein is, he got this going. He describes it in this 13 minute interview
What is Unity 2020? - Unity2020
For those worried about this "spoiling" the election that is addressed here:
FAQ - Unity2020
The Unity2020 plan has two failsafes to prevent spoiling the election:

First, it is engineered to draw equally from disillusioned members of both political parties. If you take the number of voters who self-identify as “independent,” and then add the potential voters who are currently disengaged, we could create a voting bloc representing as much as eighty-six percent (86%) of the country.

Second, if a Unity2020 ticket has no viable path to the White House by a predetermined date, we will pull the plug and all voters can return to their previous corners.

From their website: FAQ - Unity2020

Our leading Unity co-Presidency ticket is Tulsi Gabbard and Dan Crenshaw.

We believe leaders should talk about strategies for solving problems, rather than pretending they have all the answers. Leadership is about teamwork, and the Unity2020 White House is predicated on building a diverse and capable team, ready to serve the public.

We have been told to vote for the “lesser evil” for generations, and we have almost forgotten what “greater good” politics might look like.

The Vision - Unity2020
As a nation, we are navigating uncharted territory. In addition to partisan gridlock, we must rise to several new challenges:

We lack consensus, even about matters of basic fact, and the current tools of collective sense-making are unable to close the gap.
Our country is on the brink of economic catastrophe and we are hobbled by our dependence on an outsourced manufacturing base.
Massive protests reveal the depth of frustration, but these outpourings of genuine anger are all too easily co-opted and attention diverted away from root causes — while working class Americans demonize each other, those who captured our system and hoarded opportunity continue to flourish at our expense.
The world is losing confidence in America’s capacity to lead, even as Chinese geopolitical power expands. This could lead to catastrophic war in the absence of sober leadership.

Isn't this the same group Vin Diesel fought in the first XXX movie?
I suppose their platform is unifying the country and cooperating to move common interests forward? They don't list specific stances on issues (immigration, civil rights, economy, etc) but most probably know Tulsi Gabbard. I agree they should put more on their website.

Yes ruining your life to be president is an issue. This country really tears apart the person and every person linked to them.

What common interests do we have? We can't even seem to agree whether the police should do anything about people looting and burning down buildings, or whether it's a good idea to wear masks (even though practically everyone else in the world thinks it's a no brainer).

It's amazing to look at before and after pictures of two term presidents.

I don't know about that. Most just look about 8 years older.

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