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Iraq War (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 2, 2005
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Has anyone commented on the unusual
fact that this Iraq war
is a war between the most modern and advanced nation
on earth i e America

In fact a nation constituted in 1776 making it one of the
youngest nations on earth

and Iraq ........perhaps the oldest nation on earth

In fact I m sure I read somewhere that civilization
pottery early writing etc started in the land between
the rivers even predating the Egyptians and their pyramids

General Allenby and the British captured Jerusalem
in December 1917
Laurence of Arabia was there to witness the event

Britain was a world power in those days
with a vast Empire spanning the globe

You can t help thinking we ve been on the slide
since those heady days

Ameriica was a rising power in 1917
Her armies and hardware helped end the second world war
America was the new kid on the block
extending her armies even into old Europe.

But Britains empire was still vast with links across
the Arab world and on to distant India
we had trading links with these ancient kingdoms
we were quietly spreading British culture poetry
Shakespeare .... British civilization .... fair play
We were installing modern forms of government and finance
we were teaching them to play cricket and rugger
It was a golden age for the British and their empire
which seems so old fashioned and quaint in
this modern age of slick movies and jet air travel

America is the new Empire
She is attempting to Nation Build in Iraq
But where the British had sabres and spears to
contend with in the 19th century
the Americans have suicide bombers
and lethal roadside bombs

There was elegance and leisure in the Days of
the British Empire
It was a maritime Empire everyone travelled by steamer
there was time to relax up on deck.

Americas Empire is an air empire everyone travels
by jet plane and chenouk

What is the end game for this conflict?
Will America hold her nerve ?

When Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1979

America gave military assistance to the Islamic resistance
During the next 10 years the Russians were to face
terrible military losses in that country and an ignimous
defeat and retreat

For America this was payback time ...... after all the Ruskies
had supplied the Vietnamese with weapons during the
Vietnamese war.... now the Ruskies were getting a bloody nose.

America supplied the Islamic resistance with stinger missiles
and the know how to hit the Ruskies where it hurt.
Don t forget these were still the days of superpower rivalry and America knew she was still No 1 in military technology and space , computor science etc

But maybe then ... in getting revenge on Russia
maybe she was sewing the seed s for the present aweful conflict
in Iraq
timbo said:
America is the new Empire
She is attempting to Nation Build in Iraq
But where the British had sabres and spears to
contend with in the 19th century
the Americans have suicide bombers
and lethal roadside bombs
And they bomb their own people for having the audacity to yearn for freedom and democracy. The savages were in power and now have lost it. Women are voting. That I think bugs them more than anything. We have freed half the population that in any other time would have been called slaves. Did the British set up elections?

What is the end game for this conflict?
Will America hold her nerve ?

A self reliant Iraqi government. As long as W. and people like him and Blair hold power, yes, we will hold our nerve.

America gave military assistance to the Islamic resistance
During the next 10 years the Russians were to face
terrible military losses in that country and an ignimous
defeat and retreat

For America this was payback time ...... after all the Ruskies
had supplied the Vietnamese with weapons during the
Vietnamese war.... now the Ruskies were getting a bloody nose.
More about thwarting the spread of communism than anything. At that time the biggest concern of the free world. And we did what we set out to do. The wall came down. Mission acomplished. Thank you Uncle Ronnie.

But maybe then ... in getting revenge on Russia

No, protecting freedom.
maybe she was sewing the seed s for the present aweful conflict
in Iraq

I think Islamic fanaticism has more to do with it than anything.
More about thwarting the spread of communism than anything. At that time the biggest concern of the free world. And we did what we set out to do. The wall came down. Mission acomplished. Thank you Uncle Ronnie.

true, but we learned that from what we did, we created our own mess. You don't kill a monster by creating another monster. In the end, we end up having to kill a monster anyways.

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