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Iraq Progress Report (1 Viewer)


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Nov 27, 2005
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Hitchin - UK
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Transition initiatives:

Since April 2003, ITI has initiated more than 3,800 small grants worth more than $281 million. ITI's activities focus primarily on areas crucial to the development of democracy such as civic education, civil society, media, women's participation, good governance, conflict mitigation, human rights and transitional justice.

Local governance:

More than $2.5 million was committed to the nationwide Civic Education Campaign, which educated Iraqis on democracy and the political transition. Over 550 democratic dialogue facilitators were recruited to help Iraqis participate in political processes. More than 29,000 local democracy dialogues events were conducted by Election Day in which over 790,000 Iraqis participated.

Community action program

Northern Iraq and Al-Anbar Region: 433 projects have been completed with over $29 million in project commitments.

South-Central Region: The NGO partner in this region has established active Community Associations in the Shia'a areas of Najaf, Karbala, and Babil governorates. The program has been well received by local government and religious leaders. The NGO has completed 322 projects with project commitments of over $21.5 million.

Baghdad Region: The NGO partner has completed 522 projects through its Community Association in Baghdad. Income generation is an important emphasis due to the high levels of unemployment in the city. To date, 124 small business grants have been approved which will generate 550 long-term jobs, of which 31 percent will target females. Total project commitments are $22.3 million.

Southeast-Central Region: The NGO partner has completed 179 projects and has over $16.7 million in total commitments in the predominately Shia'a areas of Qadisiyah, Maysan and Wasit governorates.

South Region: The NGO has completed 625 projects through 138 Community Associations in which women's participation has averaged over 40 percent. Total project commitments are $21.9 million.


-Awarded 627 grants worth more than $6 million to rehabilitate schools
-Rehabilitated 2,510 schools countrywide.
-Distributed desks, chairs, cabinets, chalkboards, and kits to primary and secondary schools.
-Printed and distributed 8.7 million revised math and science textbooks to grades 1-12 by mid-February 2004.
-Trained nearly 33,000 secondary school teachers (17,513 women) and administrators, including 860 master trainers (264 women), nationwide.
-Conducted an accelerated learning program in five cities to allow out-of-school children to complete two school years in one year.
-Assisted the Ministry of Education in establishing official baseline education data for Iraq.


-Provided skills training for 2,500 primary health care providers/ 700 physicians.
-Trained 2,000 health educators, teachers, religious leaders and youth to mobilize communities on hygiene, diarrhea, breastfeeding, nutrition & immunization issues.
-Disseminated info on essential health messages to families around the country.
-Renovated 110 primary health care centers and provided basic clinical and laboratory equipment to support the delivery of essential primary health care services to 600 primary health care centers.
-Provided vaccines and cold chain equipment to selected remote health centers.
-Developed a national plan for fortification of wheat flour with iron and folic acid.
-Re-established the national disease surveillance system.


-Rehabilitated water and sanitation facilities at 236 schools.
-Replaced or repaired more then 400 kilometers of potable water network.
-Rehabilitated 105 water treatment plants and units.
-Cleared sewer lines and rehabilitated seven sewage treatment plants.
-Refurbished and restocked four municipal water testing laboratories


-As of June 1, 2005, USAID activities in the electricity sector have added 855 megawatts (MW) of new capacity to the electrical grid.
-By the end of 2005, the total capacity contributed to the grid through USAID projects will be over 1,600 MW.
-Reconstructed the 400 KV Khor az Zubayr-Nasiriyah transmission line.
-Initiated a project to rehabilitate 13 existing substations and construct 24 new substations in Baghdad to improve distribution reliability for more than two million Baghdad residents.

Economic governance

-Worked with the Ministry of Finance to introduce the new Iraqi dinar. An estimated 6.36 trillion new dinar are now in Iraq; 4.62 trillion are circulating.
-Provided technical support for the re-opening of the Iraq Stock Exchange after it was closed for more than 15 months;
-Evaluated/ updated commercial laws on private sector and foreign investment.
-Assisted in developing the reconstruction levy in collaboration with the CPA and the United Kingdom Customs Service; the levy imposes a 5% tariff on imports.
-Developed a government-wide strategy to support the automation of planning, budgeting and reporting processes across ministries, including the creation of a Financial Management Information System (FMIS), a new accounting and reporting system for all Iraqi ministries.
-Provided technical assistance and information on contracting opportunities for Iraqi businesses through business centers.
Thursday, November 17, 2005 (gop.com)
IRAQ FACTS: News For The Week of November 14, 2005

Security Forces

-At The Iraqi Army Basic Training Academy In Taji, Iraq, All Instruction Is Now In Arabic And Courses Are Taught By Iraqi Noncommissioned Officers. (U.S. Army Website, www4.army.mil, Accessed 11/16/05)

-The Iraqi Basic Training Program Has Also Expanded At The Academy. Cadets Now Have An Additional Ten Days To Learn And Perfect Combat Skills. (U.S. Army Website, www4.army.mil, Accessed 11/16/05)

-1,000 Iraqi Army Soldiers Are Participating In Operation Steel Curtain, An Offensive "Intended To Rid The [Syrian] Border Area Of Havens For Foreign Insurgents, Particularly Members Of Al Qaeda In Iraq." (John Ward Anderson, "U.S. Widens Offensive In Far Western Iraq," The Washington Post, 11/15/05)

Defeating the terrorists

-A Counter-Insurgency Center Recently Opened Outside Of Baghdad. (Department Of Defense Website, www.mnf-iraq.com, Accessed 11/16/05)

-The Counter-Insurgency Center For Excellence Provides Coalition Forces And Iraqi Security Forces "With The Latest And Best Practices For Conducting Counter-Insurgency (COIN) Operations In Iraq." (Department Of Defense Website, www.mnf-iraq.com, Accessed 11/16/05)

-The U.S. Military And Iraqi Forces Killed About 50 Terrorists During A Broad Offensive This Week In Western Iraq. (John Ward Anderson, "U.S. Widens Offensive In Far Western Iraq," The Washington Post, 11/15/05)

Rising Economy

-"This Growth Has Continued Since The January 2005 Elections. One In Four Companies Says Its Staff Has Grown In The Last Several Months ..." (Center For International Private Enterprise Website, www.cipe.org, Accessed 11/16/05)

-"The Number Of Iraqi Firms That Employ Women Has Grown Significantly Since Last Year's Survey. In Late 2004, 43% Of Firms Employed Women, While Now The Number Is 63%." (Center For International Private Enterprise Website, www.cipe.org, Accessed 11/16/05)

-"[N]early Three-Quarters (77%) [Of Iraqis] Anticipate Growth In The National Economy Over The Next Two Years." (Center For International Private Enterprise Website, www.cipe.org, Accessed 11/16/05)


-"Across Iraq, More Than 2,500 Schools Have Been Renovated Or Received Repairs. In Addition, USAID Is Training 100,000 Primary And Secondary Teachers Throughout The Country." (Bill Crawford, Op-Ed, "Not All Negative," National Review, 11/9/05)

-Under Saddam Hussein, Only One In Six Iraqi School Children Had Textbooks. (Bill Crawford, Op-Ed, "Not All Negative," National Review, 11/9/05)

-USAID Has "Printed And Distributed 8.7 Million Revised Math And Science Textbooks ..." (USAID Website, www.usaid.gov, Accessed 11/16/05)
Iraq Progress (gop.com)


-Recently 217 Police Officers Graduated From Advanced And Specialty Courses At The Baghdad Police College.

-This Week In Iraq "One Iraqi Division, Five Brigades And 36 Battalions Have Now Taken The Lead In Their Areas, Compared To Just One Brigade And 11 Battalions Just Five Months Ago ..."

-"Iraqis Now Have The Lead In Roughly 90 Square Miles Of Baghdad, An Entire Iraqi Province And More Than 450 Square Miles In Other Provinces ..."

Winning the war

-This Year, Over 100 Leaders In Zarqawi's Network Have Been Captured, Undermining The Terrorists Ability To Communicate, Finance And Execute Attacks.

-"Iraqis Are Expressing Their Freedom By Providing Information Regarding Terrorists. The Number Of Tips Rose From 442 In February To 3,341 In August."

-Iraqi And American Forces Launched A Series Of Operations This Past Week That Thwarted Terrorist Activities, Including An Attack On The Italian Embassy.


-"Construction Is Underway On The $2 Million Project To Put In 19 Water Units In Baghdad Province."
"About 300,000 People Will Benefit From This Project, Which Is An Addition To An Already Existing Contract To Install 27 Water Units In Sadr City."

-"Iraqi Mothers Will Receive Better Health Care With The Completed Construction Of A New 260-Bed Maternity Hospital In Mosul. The Hospital Is Designed To Serve A Population Of 600,000 People."

Other good news

-"Internet Subscribers Have Risen From 5,000 Before The War To 196,000 In September."

-"There Were No Independent Newspapers Or Magazines In Iraq Before The War. Today, There Are More Than 100."

-"There Were No Commercial TV Stations In Iraq Before The War. Today There Are 44."

-"There Were No Commercial Radio Stations In Iraq Before The War. Today There Are 72."
Japan Forgives Iraqi Debt (ap)
Friday, November 25, 2005

TOKYO — Japan finalized an agreement Thursday to forgive $6.1 billion of Iraqi debt, or about 80 percent of the total owed by Baghdad, a government official said.

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Friday, September 09, 2005 (michaelyon.blogspot.com)
Battle for Mosul: Progress Report

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Refurbished T-72 tanks beef up Iraqi Army’s Mechanized Division

By U.S. Sgt. Lorie Jewell

MNSTC-I Public Affairs

TAJI, Iraq – The arrival of dozens of T-72 tanks from Hungary this week infused “new blood” into the Iraqi Army’s 9th Mechanized Division, its top leader said.

“This is a great day for our division,” said Iraqi Gen. Bashar, division commander. “We are building our division and these are the base. We are pinning the strength and power of our division on our tanks.”

The 77 tanks arrived over three days, culminating Nov. 11. The delivery also included 36 BMP personnel carriers, four recovery vehicles and several containers of parts and weaponry. It’s the largest equipment donation to the Iraqi Army from NATO allies to date, officials said.

Iraqi soldiers and their leaders were visibly excited as they off-loaded the freshly painted tanks and drove them to a division motor pool.

“This is a huge event for them,” said U.S. Lt. Col. Kevin Meredith, the mechanized and armor project officer for the Multi-National Security Transition Command – Iraq (MNSTC-I). “In the former Army, only the elite troops had T-72s. So they really associate having T-72s with something special. The pride they have in these tanks is palpable.”

The T-72s and BMPs will equip two tank battalions and one mechanized battalion of the division’s 2nd Brigade, Bashar said.

Until now, the division’s tank fleet has consisted of Russian T-55 models, which belong to a 1st Brigade battalion. The brigade also has two mechanized battalions. The division expects to form a third brigade within the next year, Bashar said.

Many of the division’s soldiers drove T-72 tanks in the old Iraqi Army, so they are familiar with operating and maintaining them, leaders said. A handful of the tanks from the old army remain at Taji and are used for training purposes.

“We have no trouble using these types of tanks and maintaining them,” said Iraqi Lt. Col. Saleem, commander of the 1st Battalion, 2nd Brigade. “The soldiers are very happy because now we have enough weapons to kill the terrorists in our country.”

The 45-ton tank can move as fast as 60 kilometers an hour and fire eight rounds a minute with an auto-loader and a three-man crew. With a laser range finder, the crew can shoot while moving at speeds up to 20 kilometers an hour.

“These are a very good type of tank,” said Saleem, through an interpreter. “Not all countries use this type of tank.”

Hungary approached Iraq earlier this year about donating the tanks. Bashar and others traveled to the country to inspect the tanks before agreeing to accept them. Another country offered 500 BMPs through NATO, with Iraq accepting 100, said Meredith. Three dozen of the 100 arrived with the tanks; the remaining 64 are expected in the coming months, Meredith said.

Although the vehicles were donated, the cost of refurbishing and shipping them here was covered by Iraq’s Ministry of Defense, which paid about $4.5 million; roughly $500,000 came from MNSTC-I, officials said. NATO handled much of the logistics of the effort.

Italian Maj. Gen. Pier Giorgio Segala, deputy commander of NATO Training Mission – Iraq, visited the new tanks Nov. 11. Bashar gave a brief history of the division and talked about how the new equipment will energize his troops.

“This is like new blood in our division,” Bashar said.

Bashar also expressed appreciation to all of the organizations and countries involved in donating the equipment and getting it delivered to the division.

“We give many, many thanks to them,” Bashar said. “All of the people gave us all of their effort.”

Segala called the equipment delivery an important event for the Iraqi Army, and NATO as well. This is the second major opportunity NATO has had to support Iraq’s Army, following the September re-opening of the Iraqi Joint Staff College at Ar Rustamiyah.
More Iraqi battalions 'in the lead' against rebels
By Robert Burns
November 29, 2005
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Now if only the media would focus on these things.

A Veteran and Democratic representative John Murtha says we should pull out immediately and the media goes ballistic... A countless list of veterans disagree but the media ignores it.

Democratic senator and former VP candidate Joe Liberman speaks out about the progress he sees in Iraq and the media barely covers it.

Can we say :spin: ?
November 30, 2005 (centcom.mil)


AL HILLAH, Iraq -- On Nov. 29 the 2nd Iraqi Army Brigade from al Hillah successfully accomplished its certification process. From Nov. 24 – 27, military instructors from Multi-National Division Central-South tested the combat readiness of 2nd Brigade Headquarters and subunits.

The exam confirmed that the 2nd Brigade is ready to plan and conduct military activities independently. It opens the way to hand over the responsibility for a safe and secure environment in Babil Province from Coalition Forces to Iraqi Army units.

From now on 2nd Brigade will plan and conduct independent operations within its area of responsibility. MNDCS support will be given only in emergency situations by providing a quick reaction force, MEDEVAC or air support. However, MNDCS military advisors and trainers will still monitor 2nd Brigade activities.

The 2nd Brigade certification is a two stage process of IA training within MNDCS AOR. After battalion level certification had been achieved in mid-July, the higher brigade level has now also been accomplished.

The 2nd Brigade consists of two battalions located in different places within Babil province. It numbers about 1,800 Soldiers equipped in light armored vehicles with a variety of weapons.

The brigade has taken part in five combat operations so far. They were executed in cooperation with Coalition Forces. During these operations, 2nd Brigade Soldiers searched hundreds of vehicles, persons and buildings. Ninety different illegal weapons and a large amount of ammunition have been seized as result. Also many persons suspected of terrorism have been detained. The most significant success of 2nd Brigade was the referendum operation. The brigade established 41 checkpoints and 12 mobile patrols effectively preventing any attacks on Nov. 15.

For more information, please contact the Public Information Office of Multi-National Division Central-South, at Thuraya 00 873 762 197 788 or e-mail piomndcs@poczta.onet.pl

And from the same source:

November 30, 2005


CAMP ECHO, Iraq – Multinational Division Central-South Soldiers completed three civil-military cooperation projects this week in the Diwaniyah province.

In al Shamiyah, 30 kilometers south of ad Diwaniyah, MNDCS soldiers provided a new sewage system for 60 houses. The new system will improve the problem of flooding during the rainy season.

Another project involved upgrading the central fuel station with a 500 kilowatt generator to improve the efficiency of the station.

The third project completed this week was a new 3.5 kilometer road built in the northern part of al Diwaniya city.

All three projects were prepared by Polish Soldiers.

From the beginning of its mission in Iraq MNDCS materialized more than 2,100 projects, including water-purification facilities, electrical power stations, educational infrastructure, medical facilities and administrative buildings. More than 300 of these projects are in the Diwaniyah province.
The Real McCoy said:
Now if only the media would focus on these things.

A Veteran and Democratic representative John Murtha says we should pull out immediately and the media goes ballistic... A countless list of veterans disagree but the media ignores it.

Democratic senator and former VP candidate Joe Liberman speaks out about the progress he sees in Iraq and the media barely covers it.

Can we say :spin: ?

Absolutely, i post this stuff reguarly wherever i am, to show people the other side of the story.


Wow! Good stuff! Thanks very much!
oldreliable67 said:

Wow! Good stuff! Thanks very much!

Cheers, there plenty more where that came from, and as i find it i'll continue to post it.

Not only reltaing to the progress that the anti war lot would prefer to ignore, but also articles stats and facts that will tear their arguements to shreds.
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oldreliable67 said:

Wow! Good stuff! Thanks very much!

Check this out:


As the central front in the global war on terror, success in Iraq is an essential element in the long war against the ideology that breeds international terrorism. Unlike past wars, however, victory in Iraq will not come in the form of an enemy's surrender, or be signaled by a single particular event -- there will be no Battleship Missouri, no Appomattox. The ultimate victory will be achieved in stages, and we expect:

In the short term:
An Iraq that is making steady progress in fighting terrorists and neutralizing the insurgency, meeting political milestones; building democratic institutions; standing up robust security forces to gather intelligence, destroy terrorist networks, and maintain security; and tackling key economic reforms to lay the foundation for a sound economy.
In the medium term:
An Iraq that is in the lead defeating terrorists and insurgents and providing its own security, with a constitutional, elected government in place, providing an inspiring example to reformers in the region, and well on its way to achieving its economic potential.
In the longer term:
An Iraq that has defeated the terrorists and neutralized the insurgency.
An Iraq that is peaceful, united, stable, democratic, and secure, where Iraqis have the institutions and resources they need to govern themselves justly and provide security for their country.
An Iraq that is a partner in the global war on terror and the fight against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, integrated into the international community, an engine for regional economic growth, and proving the fruits of democratic governance to the region.


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